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6.03;6.08;6.13;6.23 barrel?


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Old March 11th, 2015, 09:24   #1
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6.03;6.08;6.13;6.23 barrel?

Hi, I'm so confuse.

If you can read french, read this:

some people say: with a cannon 6.05 or 6.08mm , the grouping and the range are going to be better compare to a 6.03mm because of the principle of the boundary layer. So, a 6.08mm can reach more range because the bb will have a bigger layer and the hop up effect will last longuer.

We all know if you reduce the diameter of the barrel, the FPS will increase. But why a 400FPS 6.08 FPS have more range compare to a 400FPS 6.03.
is it true?

Should I buy a 6.08 or 6.03 or 6.05 barrel?

Last edited by warplane95; March 11th, 2015 at 10:45..
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Old March 11th, 2015, 10:22   #2
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Most people who have tried multiple barrel types & sizes seem to conclude that the larger bore might make it less likely that a dirty barrel will make contact with the bb.

But given nice clean barrels, the quality of the barrel has a bigger impact on how straight the bb will fly, therefore better accuracy and range. So a good straight barrel with the same bore size consistently along its length will be your biggest goal.

I have an Orga wide-bore and while it's very accurate, my other good quality barrels are equallly so.
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Old March 11th, 2015, 10:36   #3
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I found this on orga website.


6.03-6.05-6.08-6.13 or 6.23??

does anyone has already done testing ?

Last edited by warplane95; March 11th, 2015 at 10:40..
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Old March 11th, 2015, 11:04   #4
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always had good results and desired fps from my prommy egs that are 6.03

The most important thing is the quality of the bore, if it's straight and true throughout, you will have good results with it, regardless of the length or the diameter.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 11th, 2015, 13:53   #5
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*In theory* even tight bore barrels should have a small 'cushion' of high-pressure air surrounding the bb the whole way down, so contact should only happen if the barrel is dirty, or isn't straight enough.

So I think the picture they draw of a bb bouncing around in the barrel is not representative of any good quality, clean barrel.

Having the wider bore probably means that it's more forgiving of any irregularities in the barrel, but really, if you have the choice of a straighter / better made barrel, shouldn't you do that instead?

Of course it depends just how straight and even you can expect the best manufactured barrel to be. The best accuracy would come from a bore just wide enough to compensate for any deviations that can't be helped.
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Old March 11th, 2015, 13:56   #6
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I will take a stock, high quality brass barrel over a crappy brand "upgrade" barrel any day.
I change primaries like other people change socks.
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Old March 11th, 2015, 14:07   #7
EOD Steve
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Originally Posted by DipTwit View Post
*In theory* even tight bore barrels should have a small 'cushion' of high-pressure air surrounding the bb the whole way down, so contact should only happen if the barrel is dirty, or isn't straight enough.
BBs don't float in a barrel, they bounce and roll along the top.

The Steve has spoken.
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Old March 11th, 2015, 14:15   #8
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Wide bore barrels shine on HPA setups where you can control the volume of air per shot to tune it perfectly.
For an AEG I would just stick with a high quality 6.03/6.04 with a good hopup rubber.

I have a 6.23 in a 10" upper paired with a P* and it is pretty cool. I wish they had the 6.13s out when I bought though as they seem to be preforming better. Of course, a good hopup is extremely important with this setup as well.
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Old March 11th, 2015, 14:35   #9
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Perfect, now it's between a 6.05 Prom and a 6.03. Both in 363mm, wich one?
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Old March 11th, 2015, 14:41   #10
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The cheapest of the two, both are excellent barrels.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old March 11th, 2015, 14:54   #11
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Kind of relevant and interesting, but can we bump this thread ( and get an update to see if there was anything conclusive that came of it?
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Old March 11th, 2015, 16:54   #12
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Originally Posted by EOD Steve View Post
BBs don't float in a barrel, they bounce and roll along the top.
Did you look at the photo on the site he linked to? It was rediculous and they *definitely* don't bounce like that.

I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone demonstrate that they bounce at all, or roll along the top- if they did that would seriously ruin backspin. They would have to more slide than roll as the backspin isn't that fast,

I'm not sure how you can believe air doesn't escape around the bb - the Orga "sell" is that they simply allow more and create a larger cushion. Fluid dynamics tells us that air will be higher pressure than what's in front of the bb making it "surf" along avoiding contact.

Anyway myself and others have found no measurable improvement over decent quality barrels so I highly doubt the claim.
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Old March 11th, 2015, 16:57   #13
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the backspin is enough to counteract gravity, it rolls along the top.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 11th, 2015, 17:05   #14
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Originally Posted by EOD Steve View Post
BBs don't float in a barrel, they bounce and roll along the top.
They float. If they rolled along the top, there would be a clearly visible line along the top of a very dirty barrel. And there never is. Keep in mind chamber pressures in shorter barrels are often in the 60-120psi range as well, that's a lot of centering force. AND the magnus effect gains effect only as the BB slows down and gains more "grip" on the air. During the first 10-20ft there's almost no magnus effect at all. Otherwise the BB would start lifting immediately upon leaving the barrel, instead of 60ft into it's flight path. It's a very gradually increasing force over distance and deceleration (of forward velocity and backspin), not a constant effect.

The bore has never seemed to make any particular difference.
I've seen everything from a 6.01 to a 6.23 under ideal conditions and honestly never found one that works noticeably better than the other.
Physics is physics, but science works by applying theories to field proven fact. Not trying to DISprove field proven facts with theories.

Same is said for barrel length, haven't seen any really solid evidence for longer barrels being more accurate than short barrels. The hopup is a far greater contributing factor, making comparisons more difficult. But there hasn't been any real correlation between length & accuracy, or you'd see short barreled guns like pistols, P90s, TW5s, 9" cqbr ptws and the like consistently get worse groupings than M4A1s, M16s, 24" sniper rifles and the like.
The fact remains, once the BB has been stabilized in a straight flight path, no extra amount of barrel will ever make it any more stable. And higher pressures seem to stabilize the BB in shorter distances.

Bore quality; consistency and circularity, are still the most important factors.

Accuracy will degrade as the barrel fouls and the one thing i HAVE found is that wide bores and short barrels tend to foul less quickly.

6.03-6.08 is still the ideal range. The downside to going to a 6.13 or 6.23 is the incredible amount of air loss around the BB, requiring more air volume for not a lot of gains. The PDI 6.05 is my go-to for rifles, 6.13s for LMGs.
6.00 & 6.01 are specifically for exploiting higher fps, not for accuracy.

Last edited by ThunderCactus; March 11th, 2015 at 17:15..
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Old March 11th, 2015, 17:37   #15
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I see a lot of prom 6.03 on the net, but where I can find a PDI 6.05 or 6.04? I tried several site
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