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Old January 11th, 2015, 21:08   #16
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Originally Posted by airsoftmaniacman View Post
Perhaps. Daytona has been around for several years. If a new "DG-like" system were introduced, I'm still sure most people would go for a DG over the newer system unless the newer system was significantly cheaper (less than 75% of the DG system). Why? It is well known that DGs are some of the most reliable systems in airsoft provided they are properly maintained. Almost 90% of malfunctions are due to user error, and Tony is extremely approachable when it comes to CS.

To be honest, I don't see recoil-based HPA systems catching on enough for large companies to invest in them. Airsoft is slowly moving towards a speedball mentality, with players choosing P*/SMP systems with hair triggers. Recoil-based HPA systems like the DG will remain a niche market, aimed at the MilSimers, who want features like semi-realistic recoil and functioning bolt stops.

Are the DG kits still being made? Is it by Tony, Ian or Justin? Hard to tell with all the finger pointing.

Tippmann is a pure HPA blow back approach to a DG, but I think aftermarket companies will eventually come up with a similar gas system but it does not have to be 75% less. Right now just Tony sells it worldwide???? So is Tony the manufacturer now?

Does any one sell them in Canada?

As for speedball mentallity, isn't DG the same thing. You can shoot off a high cap or mid cap on the DG based set ups. Unlike a GBBR, it is limited to 30 rounds. That would be still more realistic.

Last edited by SuperHog; January 11th, 2015 at 21:13..
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Old January 11th, 2015, 21:18   #17
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Originally Posted by SuperHog View Post
Are the DG kits still being made? Is it by Tony, Ian or Justin? Hard to tell with all the finger pointing.

Tippmann is a pure HPA blow back approach to a DG, but I think aftermarket companies will eventually come up with a similar gas system but it does not have to be 75% less. Right now just Tony sells it worldwide???? So is Tony the manufacturer now?

Does any one sell them in Canada?

As for speedball mentallity, isn't DG the same thing. You can shoot off a high cap or mid cap on the DG based set ups. Unlike a GBBR, it is limited to 30 rounds. That would be still more realistic.
From what I understand, Tony is still getting the kits from China. However, he has begun selling them worldwide (provided you're willing to put up with all the shipping costs and legal hassle). I'm not 100% sure though.

The DG ROF is similar to most GBBRs. It can be increased, but it will never exceed 30 RPS as far as I'm aware. As for realism, the KWA ERG Mags (30/60rds) can be used in conjunction with a working bolt stop. As a result, DG owners can opt to run a strict MilSim build or a standard build using normal AEG mags.
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Old January 11th, 2015, 21:22   #18
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As I understand Ian is not affiliated anymore,
Tony does most of the kits and Justin is taking it mellow after his problems but Tony and Justin have a thing.

Don't believe you'll find a site in Canada, they pop up on the classifieds every so often
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Old January 11th, 2015, 22:48   #19
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I don't get it. I see lots of videos on youtube, and I think anyone that wants realism in a gas gun and tried others would want this and I have to find one in the classified?

Systema, Vipertech, Polarstar, FCC ...these systems are priced more than the DG and readily available. What is the purpose of Tony comparing the DG to a Polarstar, when Polarstar is killing them in sales.

Wouldn't Tony want to ramp up production???? There are going to be companies out there that is going to take away all their business that is if they even care. For each sale to Polarstar, Wolverine, Valken, it is a lost sale to DG.

Last edited by SuperHog; January 11th, 2015 at 23:31..
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Old January 11th, 2015, 23:09   #20
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Anyone have justin email? I need a new valve.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 01:26   #21
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TNK and the platform have a really dedicated user base. I don't think the guys working with Tony are concerned about keeping up with the hpa influx.
It's like I tell the guys in my neck of the woods. Polarstar and Daytona are two different beasts.
Mine will be getting a bolt catch as soon as its available, and I'll be using it with my ERG mags that are adjustable between 30-60 rounds. So the realism is what you make it.
I can't make any comparisons between the the tippman and my system, as it hasn't made its way to our area yet. Until I see proper stress tests I'm not sold.
My only complaint, if you can call it that, is without a little locktite I'll shake my optics and any screws loose.
@ Jamuke - Thanks for the heads up! I'm only ordering an airshaft,(maybe) some buckings, an updated crush ring made out of derlin, and I might get a second hop up chamber. I wanted to wait to get the whole order when he has bolt catch mods ready, but I just had my last standard bucking tear after some heavy trigger time. She still shot like a dream even with the air seal being compromised haha
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Old January 12th, 2015, 09:23   #22
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Originally Posted by Hughes View Post
It's like I tell the guys in my neck of the woods. Polarstar and Daytona are two different beasts.
Oh. Daytona is better, just that can't get it through more dealers because "the guys that make them don't care because they have a dedicated user base" ????

Why does Justin need a dealer? TNK is the only exclusive dealer in the world?
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Old January 12th, 2015, 10:09   #23
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well seeing as the situation with Ian really upset Justin...and Justin is gainfully employed and built DG kits and distributed kits according to his own schedule( yknow..hobbies)
he decided to have TNK deal the kits so to enjoy his hobby and not have to deal with ppl. waving $$ claiming he has a duty to fulfill their expectations

Kits get made in batches when they sell out it may be quite some time till the next.

I mentioned I had issue with a shipment from TNK, others have not. Give TNK a contact about Canadian shipping.. see if an ASC'r can help with drop shipping if there are concerns.

With about a half dozen DG users I've seen onsite since I've joined I don't think we'll get much of a market force in Canada
GBBR tried hard but generally the response was yeah thats cool I want one....but can't yet afford $500 for a kit and why can't it be used in cheaper guns and I can't find a utube install tutorial..over $1000 for a complete gun??..but but I can just get a kit and do it myself

in the end I think DG issue in Canada seems to be that we are willing to pay less than it's worth for DGns
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Old January 12th, 2015, 17:35   #24
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Originally Posted by jamuke View Post
GBBR tried hard but generally the response was yeah thats cool I want one....but can't yet afford $500 for a kit and why can't it be used in cheaper guns and I can't find a utube install tutorial..over $1000 for a complete gun??..but but I can just get a kit and do it myself
Maybe GBBR was trying to sell to tire-kickers via ASC only. $500 is not expensive for a performance conversion.

You can get a Vipertech for $1000+, and there are more examples. There are more FCC, Systema and Polarstar owners in Canada and these cost more than DG.

If this is Justin's hobby, then I expect the level of service to be treated as a hobby as well.

Last edited by SuperHog; January 12th, 2015 at 18:49..
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Old January 12th, 2015, 18:53   #25
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To get things strait..
Tony is the Official representative of DG in Europe and America.
Justin is the owner and designer of the DG, he is located in Hong Kong.
You can ask Tony anything you want, he's flexible on the direction you're going to give him for shipment.
I've bought several time from Tony, guns and parts.
DG's are my preference system, I have a SR25/M110, a MP5 and had a G36. All had lots of kick.

There was a guy in Canada that was importing, selling and fixing DG's. You could look for him. He got banned from the FB Daytona group .


Asahi WA2000 DX
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Old January 12th, 2015, 19:14   #26
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Originally Posted by Wolfgeorge View Post
To get things strait..
Tony is the Official representative of DG in Europe and America.
Justin is the owner and designer of the DG, he is located in Hong Kong.
You can ask Tony anything you want, he's flexible on the direction you're going to give him for shipment.
I've bought several time from Tony, guns and parts.
DG's are my preference system, I have a SR25/M110, a MP5 and had a G36. All had lots of kick.

There was a guy in Canada that was importing, selling and fixing DG's. You could look for him. He got banned from the FB Daytona group .

Is the kick like RS? I heard optics are vibrating off the guns and thread locker had to be used. I have never used thread locker on my RS optics on my RS. I hand tighten, and they stay put.

You are in Greece. It is a pain to bring airsoft stuff into Canada, don't know if that is the same for you in Greece.

Why can't Justin just ship direct instead? Dealers (middle-man) another mark up.

That guy in Canada banned from FB Daytona group, I wonder if he is a ASC member here? Why did he get banned?

PS. Just love your pistol collection!

Last edited by SuperHog; January 12th, 2015 at 19:19..
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Old January 12th, 2015, 19:27   #27
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Thank you.
Europe is also not really fond of airsoft guns, I can import them either by getting a incredible hard to get license ( I have to pass several doctors including a shrink!!) or to import them in pieces! And this is what I do, i pay 2 shipments!

The Kick is very strong and because of external power you can empty entire mag with one trigger pull (this is really fun) without worrying about anything. The only thing that breaks is the crush oring, and that's a 2 dollar piece.
I used on my old G36 a G&P 553 eotech clone, I've shoot over 5.000 bbs with and still is working, this reddot uses quick detach knobs. The SR25 is semi only so and the scope I use with never unscrewed but I've used that only once.

I got the M-110 from a private guy and the MP5 from TNK. Both were only available as complete gun and not as a kit.

I have another 2 Escort MP5's and a semi only Escort SVD.


Asahi WA2000 DX
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Old January 13th, 2015, 08:27   #28
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I like everything about the DG but the unrealistic bolt. It appears like a closed bolt set up like the older WE. WE have since gone to a open bolt, wonder if DG is going to have a newer version with a open bolt.
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Old January 13th, 2015, 10:00   #29
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Are you looking into getting a DG? You seem to have taken a big interest in it.
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Old January 13th, 2015, 10:26   #30
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I was aware of DG years ago from the youtube videos, but lost interest and stayed away because of the issues and bad press in the news. People were paying up front but not getting their kits. That scared away a lot of customers quickly. What if Tony went to the dark side like Ian?

I have AEGs, PTWs and GBBRs, but not interested in the Polarstar/Wolverine/Valken system because although more reliable, it just seems more like a paintball gun and pew pew pew like a AEG.

My only beef about a GBBR is cool down and expensive magazines. My WE M4 and MSK works terrific, but cool down is a issue. I looked at the Vipertech, but it will have the same issues as any propane driven GBBR. I like the fun factor. AEG are boring but great alternative to colder weather.

The DG seems like the ideal HPA recoil system but too bad Justin runs it like a hobby. Sooner or later, his fellow ACM enemies in China is going to knock him out of the market all together.

Last edited by SuperHog; January 13th, 2015 at 10:30..
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