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VFC 416 GBB vs WE 416 GBB


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Old January 2nd, 2015, 17:03   #1
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VFC 416 GBB vs WE 416 GBB

Hey guys! So i've been researching into getting a HK416 as a GBB. I have the AEG version, and it's awesome! Sadly...I'm more attracted to GBB's now (KWA KMP9R and TM1911 series 70 did that to me).

I have the opportunity of getting either a VFC or a WE rifle for about the same price (mags included). I know both of them require some significant upkeep (I love tinkering though), but I would like to know if quality has been improved from years ago? I found some old threads, discussing this same topic, but I found most of them to be extremely outdated. For instance, there IS an NPAS for the VFC now.

So, I ask you guys/girls, which one would YOU suggest. Price point plays no difference, so keep that in mind! I would also appreciate some input from people who've owned either of them, or preferably both of them. Hopefuly iLLusion can chime in and enlighten us! lol

Thank you for your time!
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Old January 2nd, 2015, 18:20   #2
kullwarrior's Avatar
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VFC is more realistic (safety on with hammer drop and has licensed trades) while WE is generally considered more reliable and more support available.
VFC sacrifice reliability for sake of replicating the HK416
In regards to NPAS, VFC AFAIK has one (RA-Tech) while WE has two RA-Tech (WE Open chamber NPAS, and the aluminum nozzle NPAS) as well as FG-Airsoft Aluminum front nozzle end NPAS
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 19:09   #3
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Interesting! I was under thr impression that most people on this forum avoid WE like the plague (especially pistol wise).

How is the finishing on either of them? Does the vfc have an anodized body? (I'm not even sure my VFC HK416 AEG has an anodized body).

Finally, anyone who has fielded either of them, how's the cooldown on the mags? How about the hop up? Any upgrades actually worthwhile? (I hear ra-tech are hit and miss when it comes to WE parts)

Anywho, I would appreciate some more input, especially from seasoned GBBR players!
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 19:37   #4
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VFC 416 GBB vs WE 416 GBB

My very limited experience has been We as fantastic. I can't say better than others, because We was the first airsoft I owned that didn't come from CanTire or Walmart. By that same token, of the five WeTechs I have experience with (two We rifles, three We pistols), I've had severe problems with none. Absolutely none.
Now that I own my first KJW (thanks, Darren), I'm loving that brand too. The almost 100% cross-compatibility doesn't hurt in the least.

Location: YYZ VOR 062 radial, 17.5 DME FL5280
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 21:33   #5
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You are mostly right with WE pistols with a few exceptions but their rifle line has been, for the most part, decent for the money. I've had plenty of bad experiences with WE pistols but I'm completely in love with my AK. I haven't handled anything from VFC so I can't compare.
"Hey I'm the first one to say its a great country but its a straaaaange culture. This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards but not a list of CRIMINALS and MANIACS. And now they're thinking of banning toy guns...AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE F**KING REAL ONES!"
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Old January 4th, 2015, 00:36   #6
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I have never used the VFC (i heard they are nice in the looks department) but i have shot at least 8000 Shots out of this WE 4168? but i have only had this gun for a year.

- My nozzle did not break until somewhere in the 8K Shots (I semi fixed this but new nozzles are like 25$ and not to hard to replace)
- NPAS works as advertised (once installed/This is the only upgrade i did in internals)
- If it ain't broke don't fix it (dont needlessly upgrade out of the box), people say new hop up rubber and inner barrel but i haven't done either and it shoots great
- Cool down is not bad unless you shoot on full auto (which is a terrible idea anyways)
- I have only used green gas mags but i hear the CO2 is even better with the cool down
- The body has really no markings (paint seems to flake/peel easily)
- I have not tested it in winter but i hear hand warmers are good to keep the mags in working order
- The 416 apparently does not work with the new PMags? (but if you change its body to the M4 version it does apparently)
- I'd assume that more people use WE then the VFC so borrowing mags/gear will be easier (this is just my assumption, i have not really seen many GBBRs in the places iv played)
- The hop up is adjusted with a Allen key (supplied) right above the inner barrel and is really annoying to adjust (typically have to remove the bolt to adjust it)

This is all i can think of right now

Last edited by Bahhwa; January 4th, 2015 at 00:40..
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Old January 4th, 2015, 12:05   #7
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Awesome! The only real reason why I'm even thinking of the VFC is because the trades look simply beautiful. I am a sucker for trades, plus it doesn't help that my dream gun is the HK416... lol.

Anywho, I'll greatly appreciate some input from people that have handled the VFC before I make a decision!
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Old January 4th, 2015, 13:50   #8
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VFC did a glorious HK417 that was an absolute monster. Weight, recoil, trades, etc. I'd like to give that a try. The massive magazine would hold a tonne of gas.

Location: YYZ VOR 062 radial, 17.5 DME FL5280
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Old January 4th, 2015, 20:25   #9
hot_shot under fire
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I've been rocking my WE HK416 for the past 18 months (Approximately 15,000 rounds) with the ONLY issue spurring from the stock WE nozzle spring breaking once and the stock plastic WE nozzle wearing down a bit.

I have ran it in the freezing cold (-18C), in the snow, rain, humidity... All that fun stuff and it has yet to fail me to the point where I can not preform field maintenance and have it back up and running in under 10 minutes... I honestly can't say enough good things about my WE HK416.

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Old January 4th, 2015, 20:27   #10
cookedham's Avatar
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I had my vfc 416c and 416d in my collection, both of them runs like a dream after tune up, you need to tune up the gun properly, that's all it matter
Primary: VFC MP5SD5,A2,UMP,416c,416D

Secondary: StarkArms G19,PPQ,M&P9
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Old January 4th, 2015, 20:45   #11
rob 2fast4u
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Originally Posted by Bahhwa View Post
I have never used the VFC (i heard they are nice in the looks department) but i have shot at least 8000 Shots out of this WE 4168? but i have only had this gun for a year.

- My nozzle did not break until somewhere in the 8K Shots (I semi fixed this but new nozzles are like 25$ and not to hard to replace)
- NPAS works as advertised (once installed/This is the only upgrade i did in internals)
- If it ain't broke don't fix it (dont needlessly upgrade out of the box), people say new hop up rubber and inner barrel but i haven't done either and it shoots great
- Cool down is not bad unless you shoot on full auto (which is a terrible idea anyways)
- I have only used green gas mags but i hear the CO2 is even better with the cool down
- The body has really no markings (paint seems to flake/peel easily)
- I have not tested it in winter but i hear hand warmers are good to keep the mags in working order
- The 416 apparently does not work with the new PMags? (but if you change its body to the M4 version it does apparently)
- I'd assume that more people use WE then the VFC so borrowing mags/gear will be easier (this is just my assumption, i have not really seen many GBBRs in the places iv played)
- The hop up is adjusted with a Allen key (supplied) right above the inner barrel and is really annoying to adjust (typically have to remove the bolt to adjust it)

This is all i can think of right now

I have the WE HK416 and also and I'm loving it!

The PMAGs are able to fit with a little sanding of the mag around its front unless you have a V3 pmag that don't have the extra bump but Im not sure those have been made as a we gbb mag... maybe a real PMAG with the we gbb mag stuffed in it.

also the M4 lower can fit but there is a slight distance between the take down pins on each receiver so some sanding/filing will be required

cheers enjoy your GBB!
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Old January 4th, 2015, 21:43   #12
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I see! So the WE rifles are not so bad after all!
Just a queston, where did you get the trades? I've been looking for a WE HK416 with trades...but no luck!

BTW How's the finish on the WE? I've heard it's just painted on, as opposed to anodized!

@coockedham: Tune up? could you elaborate a bit as to what that entails?
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Old January 4th, 2015, 23:15   #13
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VFC 416 GBB vs WE 416 GBB

My We Scar is anodized. As is the slide on my We Lil Bird. The slide of my We HiCapa seems to be a coating, but not paint. Sturdier and with a nicer finish.
I met DeeJay's We M4, and it's finish didn't seem to be painted either.

Location: YYZ VOR 062 radial, 17.5 DME FL5280

Last edited by siggypoo; January 4th, 2015 at 23:19..
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Old January 5th, 2015, 16:27   #14
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Ah, so the WE IS anodized...interesting!

Do you guys happen to know where you could get trades engraved
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Old January 5th, 2015, 16:54   #15
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You should check around your area, just look for lazer engraving. There was a guy that used to do it here in Toronto, but he went M.I.A.

VFC quality is top notch, WE has come a long ways. However VFC is like 2x the price. Not many people run VFC GBB's here in North America, mostly see it popular in EU/Asia. Probably because of the cost here.

However WE mags can be shared among their rifle lines, which is great if you decide to buy other rifles down the road.

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