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Slings...Do you use them, and which one?


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Old January 5th, 2015, 13:36   #1
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Slings...Do you use them, and which one?

Title says it all.

Do you use a sling?

I'm thinking of the scenario when transitioning to a secondary weapon (pistol).

What do you do with your primary? Place it down on the ground, sling it, give it to someone else to hold lol.

If you use one, is it 1, 2, or 3 point.

Appreciate your feedback
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Old January 5th, 2015, 13:44   #2
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Everyone uses Slings.

You'll want a 1 point for CQB and a 1 point or two point for outdoors (Three if you really must).

I use a Real Magpul MS4 with QD points, though I do wish I had a Real MS3 so I could use the Magpul ASAP on my M4.
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Old January 5th, 2015, 13:50   #3
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Mostly 2 points, sometimes 1 point when I use SMG or very short rifle. I use a clone Magpul MS2 sling so I can switch between 1 and 2 points with the same sling.
When standing, I sling my primary when using pistol. When I am crawling, I just put it to the ground.
When I walk to/from spawn point, depends on the size of the field and the distance to the fighting zone, I may also sling my primary weapon.
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Old January 5th, 2015, 14:06   #4
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Absolutely. I think slings are a MUST.

Rockin' the old-school Russian canvas slings on all my guns
Guardians of Asgaard - KF25 -

Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
Secondary: Latino heat, TM Glock 17
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Old January 5th, 2015, 14:16   #5
EOD Steve
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Magpul MS1 padded sling.

The Steve has spoken.
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Old January 5th, 2015, 14:39   #6
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Honestly, I adopted a gym bag shoulder strap. Why fix something that's not broken?

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Old January 5th, 2015, 14:47   #7
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same here. I ripped off an old gym bag strap with 2 clips on the ends and clipped them on to my M4 as a 2 point strap.
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Old January 5th, 2015, 14:49   #8
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Yes, why fix a gun that's not broken from hitting the deck (yet)?
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Old January 5th, 2015, 14:56   #9
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I've used 1 and 2 and 3 point... 3 with my m14 and a 3 with my mp5

I generally use a 1/2 combo though in the shape of an ms2.

A 3 is pretty similar to a 1/2 but it distributes weight a bit better, but gets tangled up easily if you don't practice with it. Basically if you want to switch right handed to left handed shooting.

1 point for normal carry and shooting, it's nice to let it hang when standing around instead of in your arms. You can have one hand on the pistol grip or foregrip instead of both hands, or no hands.

2 point for long walking so it's not bumping in my legs. Also it looks like 0 threat so I do that when I walk to respawn. Having a rifle slung on your back so you're not holding it for the entirety of a long game make a huge difference for overall fatigue.

This is aside from being able to forget everything and drop the rifle if you need to reach for a pistol. I've really only ever done that 3 or 4 times, most of the time the rifle to pistol transition will happen in cover, as it should.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old January 5th, 2015, 15:39   #10
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Using a 2 point sling with my rifle, and it makes a lot of difference (since my AKS is quite front heavy). Whenever I need to switch to pistol, I usually either simply drop the rifle (on the sling; sometimes on the ground), or move it to lower back so it's not dangling from the front (best position). Works out great, in my opinion.

P.S. The ability to carry the weapon on the back greatly helps with mobility, as it doesn't limit the ability to access the ammo pouches on the front of the vest (compared to my experience with 1 point slings).
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Old January 5th, 2015, 16:57   #11
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Slings can also be used as sort of a foregrip on long rifles in two-point configuration, greatly reducing fatigue and acting as a brace/ stabilizer if there's nothing handy to rest it on.

See: M14 rifle stances and technique, there's an old US Army handbook about sling usage floating around somewhere.
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Old January 5th, 2015, 18:01   #12
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I use a vest-integrated single point for any short carbine/SMG sized weapon. A fast adjustable 2 point for anything longer. Basically if it hangs at or below nut level it's going on a 2 point.
I don't run slings on my bolt guns, they are light enough to carry in one hand or will be placed on the ground if necessary.

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Old January 5th, 2015, 18:06   #13
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I just couldn't find a sling that didn't get in the way of my mags, so I made one myself.
Very similar to the FERRO 1pt sling, but uses a magpul paraclip hook and fastens to a steel triglide that holds the shoulder of the STT on. I was worried fastening into the molle on the STT would tear the PC open.
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Old January 5th, 2015, 19:57   #14
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Just wanted to say thanks for the input so far.

I looked at a couple of the recommendations so far.

I have a vfc 416, so.... it appears that I would need adaptors to make some of the slings work

I did like the magpul ms3 qd though. (dam adaptors raise the price pretty quick though).
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Old January 5th, 2015, 21:02   #15
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I've been using an IRENE adaptive sling for a couple years now, it's pretty solid. lightweight, durable, fast and easy to use (with most guns, there are exceptions). It works well with just about any SMG or medium sized rifle, and probably some of the larger ones. I've used it with my M79 a couple times, but the sling loops on it aren't positioned well for that kind of sling and it sits funny on my back.
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