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Starting out questions


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old September 21st, 2005, 22:25   #1
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Edmonton
Starting out questions

Ok here's the deal
I and about 5 associates are full time serving members in the CF and see airsoft as a great training opprotunity and a lot of fun. We are new to this stuff but not new to tactics, CQB, section movement reality.

Anyhow we'd like to stick with AR-15/M4 type weapons and upgrade them internally, not much for the bullshit grenade launchers and pseudo SF stuff. Will actual optics fit ie. Eotek on the upper receivers?

What is the best balance of cost, realism and performance in rifles. This we need to know.

Also are there any teams that we can get involved with in Alberta that would allow us to join and perhaps share some knowlege and have some fun, perhaps kick ass?

Honestly, it's kind of annoying seeing dudes running around in CADPAT but if they don't take themselves too seriously that's cool.

Who are good places to buy from?

Thanks and get in touch if you want.
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Old September 21st, 2005, 22:39   #2
Check i the games and teams section for people local to you.

as for guns
go with the G&P M4 style. full metal and mild internal upgrades.

and yes, in most, if not all cases, any real optic or accessory will fit on an airsoft gun.
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Old September 21st, 2005, 22:40   #3
Join Date: May 2002
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Originally Posted by L_Ron802
Will actual optics fit ie. Eotek on the upper receivers?

What is the best balance of cost, realism and performance in rifles. This we need to know.
Stock TM rifles.

If you're concerned about costs, don't bother looking at heavy upgrades.

Honestly, it's kind of annoying seeing dudes running around in CADPAT
It's not issue, nor do players present themselves as actual members of the CF. Relax.

Who are good places to buy from?
Retailers are in the top bar of the site dude.

My buy/sell rating.
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Old September 21st, 2005, 22:42   #4
Yes, a eotech would fit on the rails of a M4, etc. Search around the forums, an your find a lot of info on different M4 models, upgrading, teams, etc
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Old September 21st, 2005, 23:28   #5
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Edmonton

I was gone for about 15 minutes and so many replies. thanks a lot folks.

Not that cost is a big issue, I wouldn't want to spend more than $1000.00 on a nice unit, we'll save all our money not having to buy gear. That stuff can cost a guy a lot.

thanks again.
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Old September 21st, 2005, 23:37   #6
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Read this.

Just a 'heads up' to avoid a possible shit-storm.
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Old September 21st, 2005, 23:38   #7
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Originally Posted by L_Ron802

I was gone for about 15 minutes and so many replies. thanks a lot folks.

Not that cost is a big issue, I wouldn't want to spend more than $1000.00 on a nice unit, we'll save all our money not having to buy gear. That stuff can cost a guy a lot.

thanks again.
Don't have to buy gear? Just remember that you cannot wear your issued uniform/gear

EDIT: Beat to the punch! (only seconds..)
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Old September 21st, 2005, 23:42   #8
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I guess that would be a bad idea, like I said I'm new to this. I stlll have lot's of non-issue kit that we can get away with ie. aftermarket 64 pattern rucks,backpacks, boots, stealth suit, gloves etc... all the little things that one buys to malke life easier We aren't even supposed to wear our own stuff for camping so yeah that makes sense. Maybe I'd buy a differnet helmet cover and get away with that. thanks though
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 00:04   #9
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I'd probably wear the new US army all purpose digital camo anyhow. CADPAT is so 2003 anyhow. HA HA
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 11:17   #10
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Welcome to the forums! Stop in and check out the Edmonton Airsoft Regiment forums too for a look. There's a game this Saturday just outside of Stony Plain if you want to come out and meet some of us, not sure if I'll be there or not myself as I am on call this weekend and I'm still trying to find someone at work to cover for me.

Things slow down a little over the winters but there's usually still games being planned. We've got quite a few current and ex-military people involved in the club, both reservists and some reg. force people too. Anyways, always nice to see new people on the forums and especially out at games!

Take it easy and hopefully meet you soon!
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 14:28   #11
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On the issue of Performance, realism, and cost.


Tokyo Marui (considered the best Airsoft company by most) - M4A1. I have heard very little in terms of problems for this rifle, with the expection of the "infamous" 'barrel-wobble'. This problem will cause the unit to fire off target but it is fixable. The TM - M4A1 has an amazing amount of upgrades available to it.

G&P - M4A1 . These are (to my knowledge) mostly metal and would provide the most realism in the area of weight. The only problem (that others have pointed out) is the need of a more powerful battery to turn the upgrades that are generally pre-installed.

Keep in mind that most fields impose a 400 FPS limit for all AEGS and usually a 500 FPS limit for Snipers.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Airsoft.

If practice makes perfect, yet nobody is perfect... Why practice?
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 18:18   #12
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Edmonton
Hey thanks a lot guys. I am really impressed with how helpful you all are.

About a year ago I met this kid who was into airsoft and sort of pretended to know everything about everything. So much so that a guy couldn't even possibly share anything that he didn't already know.It was an odd first impression but you guys have turned that around for sure. Hell, i have a lot to learn so that's why I ask you, the experts in this stuff. With that being said I bet you guys have a good grasp on tactics perhaps even more so than many regular force dudes.

I love to check out what you've got going on there Government Grant, this is my last weekend in town before I go to Wainwright for a month. After that I'll spend my field pay and my Ralph Klein payday loan to get set up.

I like the idea of all metal but are their other drawbacks beside batteries. It would be great to talk with someone and discuss the ideal rig in the $700-$800 area, with room for future upgrades. I guess it's time for me to explore some other topic areas.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 19:17   #13
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your best bet is to head out to a local game and ask all your questions and hold/try out (ask nice i'm sure everyone will let you) all the guns to see what you like...

basicly all you need to know has already been answered so search search search. i know sometimes it's easier to just ask but then ppl will start flaming you etc etc.

also, try and get verified. then you can see the classifieds. you would probably be able to find a suitable metal gun in your price range.

uuuh ok that's it. welcome to airsoft.
Originally Posted by sharlimain
my friend has often said anal lube in the gear box works wonders i dont know the acurisy of it but i would like to find that out btw thats anal lube bought in sex shops
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 19:22   #14
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the only problem with the G&P m4 is that sometime the power is way off then what it is advertised, they say 380-390 fps i belive, but i have seen that shoot 425-430 witch is dangerously close, or over the FPS limit of most fields, also because of the upgrades there is increased stress on the internals so they tend to break more often, but otherwise, with the G&P m4, its already full metal, internaly upgraded. so you don't have to do much out of the box. there where a few topics on this back when i was thinking of getting one so try the seach out for some more details, but if you want reliablity and a platform where u can start from scratch with upgrades of your choice, go for the Mauri M4

Hope this info helped you

*Help Choda with his Danish M84 kit, I need BDU's, vest, anything danish flecktarn you can think of, PM me if you have anything for sale!
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 19:22   #15
Join Date: Mar 2004
Originally Posted by CalvinTat
G&P - M4A1 . These are (to my knowledge) mostly metal and would provide the most realism in the area of weight. The only problem (that others have pointed out) is the need of a more powerful battery to turn the upgrades that are generally pre-installed.
9.6v 1700NiCd Butterfly battery, "Nuclear Power" cells, works BEST in that gun. I've gamed with my hubbies G&P M4 and he ONLY uses the 9.6v 1700 in it. Works MUCHO good.

Even has the energy to fire off over 4000+ rounds on a single charge. (I fear for the day I go up agaist him and his Cmag.)
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