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Choosing an Entry-Level M4


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Old December 7th, 2014, 22:51   #16
Join Date: Nov 2014
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I would choose the CMs. Cheap but work well to get into airsoft and you would have some money left over for other stuff like mags.
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Old December 7th, 2014, 23:13   #17
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I have the CM-16 in black and it's been gamed about 10-15 times. Currently have about 30k bb's through it between plinking and gaming.
I have no complaints about the gun other than you may notice a bit of mag well slop and possible feed issues with some generic plastic mags. I cured this with a 1/2 long piece of sticky backed fuzzy velcro on the inside of the the rear mag well.
Also I'd get a spare battery. Below is a video using mine.

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Old December 8th, 2014, 01:38   #18
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Listen to those recommending the King Arms.

You're paying ~$50 more for a metal body that alone will cost you $100 if you choose to swap the body out if you buy the CM.

Rear Wired, quality metal body for 210? It's a steal, buy it and don't look back.
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Old December 8th, 2014, 02:22   #19
a.k.a. Greedy
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If you want a gun that can more easily grow with you, KA. If you only plan to use it a handful of times the G&G may be the better option for you. That being said the KA will have a greater resale value when/if you decide you're done with it.

The G&G probably performs slightly better out of the box due to better internals, but it has a polymer body. The KA metal body is a greater value than an airsoft rail. If you need to/chose to replace the body later on it will cost you more than a rail will. Generally speaking it's cheaper to do internal upgrades than external ones. The KA is an excellent value at that price; to me it's a no brainer.

Aesthetically speaking; the metal body will look and feel a whole lot better when you're using it. The KA also has realistic trades.

Originally Posted by AnthonyG View Post
How are the GR series guns by G&G, compared to the CMs?

ie) G&G GR15

Is the main different the artificial blow-back? Or are the internals upgraded in any way?
It looks like the only difference is the blowback. The internals would be the same and it says it has a polymer receiver.

IMO the G&G blowback system, like most AEG blowbacks is rather unsatisfying and not really worth having.

Last edited by Kozzie; December 8th, 2014 at 02:47..
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Old December 8th, 2014, 09:21   #20
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resale means very little these days, especially in the 200-300$ range. It's so little money between what you'd want for it vs what someone is going to be willing to pay for a used gun... for a few sheets more you could be walking into a new gun.

The only thing that might help you is if the gun is full metal with a relatively strong gearbox shell. the CMs have a shit gearbox shell. It's unreinforced and it's thin. It's a very old clone. The KA has a reinforced shell based off of newer designs.

As the CM gets used and gets older that shell has a greater chance of cracking at the front without additional upgrades from a good gun tech. The KA will be a lot more resistant to that as long as you're not playing in the dead of winter whereas G&G gearboxes will crack with a 110 spring in early spring or late fall temps.

If that's really the full metal KA m4, buy it with confidence, it's a far better choice over the CM. Even if it ISN'T the full metal one, G&G is just abs plastic body while the KA is nylon fiber. It's still a better choice and still should have the better gearbox shell.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old December 8th, 2014, 09:28   #21
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With $300 you can pick something decent in the classifieds here, just get AV'ED.
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Old December 8th, 2014, 09:32   #22
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Get the cm16. Great out of the box. When you want better get a better gun and keep the cm for backup gun. Everyone playing should have at least 2 primary guns.

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Old December 20th, 2014, 18:38   #23
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For anyone reading this thread in the future: I ended up going with the King Arms M4A1 which I picked up on sale for $210. It's the Canadian version which is reared wired, although it does not contain any engravings on the receiver which I was somewhat disappointed about, but that's something you could always have custom done later by an engraver.
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Old December 28th, 2014, 18:49   #24
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Anything wrong with an Echo1 ST6? It's my first M4 (aside from the E&C 301 I've barely touched)

I don't know much about internals or gearboxes etc so any general input would be nice!
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Old December 28th, 2014, 20:05   #25
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Nothing wrong with it. I believe it's a CYMA or JG underneath. It's decent and will do fine, and it comes with rails and all that. It's basically a Mk18 CQBR, take it out of the box and play with it until something breaks, you should be happy with it for a while.
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