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East side field in the GTA?



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Old December 2nd, 2014, 23:04   #16
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Make 1 big ass mega indoor field, and everyone will come.

60000 SQFT+.
That is nearly impossible without an active group of people coming daily.
But it would be nice.
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Old December 3rd, 2014, 00:11   #17
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Y'all need a better marketing team. Hire a consultant, like me. :P

Regardless of where you guys are situated now, it's common sense that there's only two local CQB fields.



People will FLOCK to you regardless, before your field opened, people would go to UA from all over, now that Mach1 is there, people will go to you regardless if you expand or not. If you have "Specials" on weekdays too, people will be more encourage to go.

If you do get a big place somewhere remotely close to the city, people will go to you even MORE!

CQB City in the us is 60,000+ SQFT, from current mach1 field, it seems ideal for max players of 10/15 vs 10/15.

Having two separate fields will limit the player base which may be a good or bad thing for players, and not ideally profitable for you guys. If you guys jam pack a location, that's where your profit margin goes up, however your player happiness goes down because it's a crowded cluster storm.

Ideally having one large field be cool, but also unrealistic, as I know rent in GTA for something on that scale would be quite pricey.
+1 for specials on weekdays, I know many people who are interested in trying out airsoft, but can't afford to pay $50+ just to play once, especially when paintball is much, much cheaper (granted they do have a higher volume of people going to them versus airsoft fields).
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Old December 3rd, 2014, 00:30   #18
Zack The Ripper
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More kill houses. The two main kill houses at the current Mach1 location are perfect. Small, but complex. Great for fighting through and great for room clearing practice. Big + in my books.

MOAR KILL HOUSES!!! Current location and possible future location.
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Old December 3rd, 2014, 11:26   #19
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Something in Scarborough would be ideal, maybe model it after Gamepod Combat Airsoft
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Old December 3rd, 2014, 11:55   #20
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^Yes. Having a large number of kill houses with some SMALL open areas in between is true CQB. The largest, and pretty much only gripe about the current arena is that there are only two complex kill houses and too many open areas. Cover is growing and getting good, but modelling after something like Gamepod or CQB City (on a smaller scale) would be perfect.
Guardians of Asgaard
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Old December 3rd, 2014, 12:58   #21
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Gamepod and CQB city are supposedly frequently used by LE for training, which I assume helps float some of the considerable costs of keeping such a facility running.

If I were thinking of doing the same, I'd be researching whether there is a similar need here.

If a huge CQB field were opening, I'd be hoping it was where the mach1 field is now - near the 400 and 407 so is at least somewhat accessible from people west of GTA. Going through the city to Scarberia is not an attractive option
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Old December 3rd, 2014, 13:51   #22
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You know we are all about improvements and customer service at the current Mach1 Airsoft Arena. More kill houses, multi elevations, yup and yes. We hear you. Consider it done. But to Brians point, this is expensive to run and the numbers need to be high for this to be a long term viable operation. Pricing is based on competitive pressures of course, but much more importantly we need to charge enough to cover massive overhead costs. If the community provides the numbers and more importantly push to expand the sport to friends and work colleagues, then this grows and more venues will pop up.
We've already had some great support and interest from the corporate community. All of which were triggered by one dedicated airsoft enthusiast who convinced their work place to have a company outing. We gained a few new airsofters as a result, and it grows from there. If you make the effort, we will respond in turn.
Your support is awesome so far and gives us encouragement. Much more to come from MACH1 !!
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Old December 3rd, 2014, 14:08   #23
Red Dot
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From playing there once it already is going really well in my opinion for a brand new facility. Of course something on the east side would be nice but as mentioned I hope it wouldn't affect the current field. Personally a larger field will always be better but economics wise it would be a daunting challenge.

At the current field I agree maybe a third kill house and extending the second story into parts of the field would be awesome.

To also make the current second story a bit more playable a ladder or 2 into the below back alley would be awesome.

And shinobii you are spot on about introducing new people to the hobby, I plan on doing that sometime this winter season at your facility.
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Old December 3rd, 2014, 17:01   #24
Zack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by Red Dot View Post
At the current field I agree maybe a third kill house and extending the second story into parts of the field would be awesome.

To also make the current second story a bit more playable a ladder or 2 into the below back alley would be awesome.
MOAR KILL HOUSES! More than just a third I mean. Four or five would be viable while still having plenty of open space to work with.

He'll yeah on the ladders to second level.

Elaborating on this: on one of more of the kill houses you could get some techmilogically inclined engineer type dood to build a second level. Could have small external staircases as well as an internal ladder. This would mean high to high fighting as well as high to low and vice versa. Makes things much more dynamic.

If doing this on one or two of the complex kill houses you could do one of two things for the lower structures with open rooftops like they have currently:

-have a rule stating no shooting down through open ceilings from upper levels, or

-Get a bunch of cheap translucent plastic panelling (the corrugated stuff is what I'm thinking of) to create ceilings for the kill houses while still allowing in ambient light. Means no enforcing previously said rule an no disputes because people don't know the rule or simply aren't listening and are shooting through pretend ceilings anyway.

One more point of interest would be to set the kill houses in positions so you could create a couple long hallways or corridors that run between a couple of them to add another danger element to the game. Can't run balls to the wall down the hall when there could be guys around every corner or in every doorway and window of the kill houses/structures. This would mean that a couple kill houses could be placed within ten feet of each other to simulate a hallway. The more you have structures close together, the less Rambo acts that take place, and the more technical and paced the gameplay becomes. Just my thoughts (I have many..).
Guardians of Asgaard

Last edited by Zack The Ripper; December 3rd, 2014 at 17:18..
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Old December 3rd, 2014, 21:34   #25
Red Dot
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Linked kill house, oh yes please.
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Old December 4th, 2014, 02:25   #26
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Id come often to east location.
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Old December 4th, 2014, 18:09   #27
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The east end is crying for this. I'd look at the warehouse/industrial spaces off of Curity Ave. It's near transit, major roads. I'd be a regular, that's for sure.
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Old December 5th, 2014, 09:47   #28
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Originally Posted by kospauste View Post
The east end is crying for this. I'd look at the warehouse/industrial spaces off of Curity Ave. It's near transit, major roads. I'd be a regular, that's for sure.
Very solid location actually. I have driven through there and the real estate options are plentiful.
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Old January 18th, 2015, 22:24   #29
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An east-end field may be coming to an east-end near you sooner than you think:

Their page says Scarborough
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Old January 18th, 2015, 23:21   #30
Red Dot
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Originally Posted by AnthonyG View Post
An east-end field may be coming to an east-end near you sooner than you think:

Their page says Scarborough
Nice find! Thanks for sharing, getting hyped!
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