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What are the TOP brands of GBBr's?


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Old November 20th, 2014, 07:51   #1
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Cool What are the TOP brands of GBBr's?

Hey ASC! :wassup:

After many many years of running around shooting a sewing machine :hammer: it's time to down a more realistic road. Gas rifles.

So which brand is leading the charge for best GBBr, or something that could be upgraded to beat it's stock counterpart?

Your thoughts on these. Or anything constructive..

-Viper Tech? $1100 USD .. Never heard of this till the other day,

-Inokatsu - $1050

-KWA Lm4 PTR - I've seen many youtube reviews on this looks promising with some upgrade potential internally.. and priced around $600 CDN

The airsoft world always amazes me..


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Old November 20th, 2014, 09:16   #2
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Don't bother with INO.

Just go straight ViperTech if you want the best. This bad boy is crazy sexy awesome. I've shot and held the MK18 and the SR16 both were imported and sold for $1200-1400 for the MK18 and $1600-1700 for the SR16. They are the "PTW" of the GBBR sector, and they also cost similar if not more then the real steel AR-15 counterpart, lol.

I wouldn't consider the KWA LM4 to be "Top" but median, however I'd recommend you just go for a WE at that point. I say this because of all the aftermarket parts available in country and the magazines can be used in their other line of products.

Only downsides are the magazines on the LM4 and the ViperTech are hella expensive, and heavy as hell. The WE however, is pretty light compared to them!

Good luck.
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Old November 20th, 2014, 09:18   #3
Zack The Ripper
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Viper Tech is the supposed god of gas systems. Very pricey, but very reliable. Not highly available in country rifle or parts wise, and mags aren't cheap or readily available either. It can be done, but you'll have to hunt.

Inokatsu I don't know much about unfortunately. Never had any experience with them.

KWA LM4 and the PTS MKM are basically the same system with the LM4 having revisions made to its most recent Gen as these were updates added jnto the MKM. Again, both basically the same platform, the MKM is just prettier. Supposed to be very robust systems with the older Gen stuff being a bit finicky, and the newest Gen supposedly being bang on the money right out of the box. The problem is that KWA parts are not as widely available as they should be given the prevalence of KWA products on the market.

WE Tech has come a long way in the past year. Their product quality and variety seems to have gotten a boost, and there are many more aftermarket parts available for decent pricing. It's a good versatile platform. It's less expensive for stock guns, but doing the minor upgrades most do to get the system where they want you pay around the same as a stock LM4/MKM. For what you get price wise it's still a great option, just something to keep in mind. I do find however that WE rifles work best using just a few upgrades to increase your accuracy and just replacing broken moving/contact parts as needed.

WA/WOC systems seem to have had little if any research and development put into them and have kind of fallen off as a wanted platform. Parts are still fairly available, but is slowly decreasing in availability as interest moves to other systems.

GHK is another brand that is supposed to be very promising in quality and performance. I unfortunately haven't handled it myself so I cannot attest to this, but I'm sure some gurus or people who have experience with them can pipe in. I would definitely keep this system in consideration.
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Old November 20th, 2014, 17:11   #4
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If you want one which actually works all the time then you need a KJW. I haven't seen anything even close in reliability.

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Old November 20th, 2014, 18:00   #5
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I own a Vipertech.

If you want cheap and gameable AR-15, then go GHK M4. By far the most practical and gameable M4 I can say till date. I shot the prototype and retail one at WGC HK. Great gun, fast full travel bolt action. GHK mags don't suffer from serious cool-down like the ViperTech. The GHK M4 is lightweight and easy to use, the Vipertech weighs a ton and the mags make it even more heavier.

If money isn't an issue then a Vipertech is the best BUILT AR15 in airsoft. Fully compatible with nearly all real steel parts and built TOUGH. The gun can go through hell and the trigger assembly (GFPA) is a really innovative design which can accept most WA mags on the market with zero problems.
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Old November 20th, 2014, 19:05   #6
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A lot of the necessary stuff has been said.
I'll just toss in my two cents, and say that KJWs are rarely brought up as a good mid-range gun, but they are very good and reliable out of the box, and very simple to work with. On top of that, parts are easy to get and dirt cheap from KJW directly.

With that said, WE is decent, and everyone has one. Parts are prolific. Catastrophic failures seem to occur (relatively) frequently, but replacement parts are all you need.

If you're looking to dip into the GBBR waters, WE isn't a bad place to start. They're cheap, and usually in stock. If you don't have enough mags at the start, your buddy probably has spares. There's lots of aftermarket stuff. Though for the most part, you only need to install an NPAS out the box.

If you want to drop a bit of money, and have a gun that's good to go (just add an oring or two to the valve to drop the velocity), that'll just keep on going, I suggest a KJW. There's not many others out there with KJWs, though, so you'll pretty much be on your own for mags and spare bolts from your teammates.

It's hard to go wrong with either brand, but my suggestion is for the KJW.
...Or VT if you've made this post because you actually want to drop $2k on a gun and mags.
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Old November 20th, 2014, 23:30   #7
B2 Airsoft
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Ill chime in the on the GHK bandwagon here, brought in 8 of these guys last week and 2 of us have been testing ours pretty extensively since.

The gun is rock solid, no wobble, no creaks or cracks. The gas mags hold enough gas for over 100 rounds, something my KJW never could manage. I just fitted all magpul real steel parts, stock, grip, front rail and BAD lever. All fits super snug.

Plus the gun has all steel internals and im quoted by my sales guy as a 9,000 round break in period haha.

I got lots of spiel on my facebook if you want to read more about what we have tested.

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Old November 20th, 2014, 23:33   #8
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I've had a KJW M4 for over 4 years and it's been my primary that entire time. I've had nearly no problems which weren't caused by my own fiddling. The system just bloody works (ver.2) and the gun is extremely accurate. I'm seeing way better performance than the WE guns that I see fielded.
Parts from KJW are available and shipping is almost nothing.
Spend the extra cash on mags.

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Old November 21st, 2014, 00:18   #9
Green Synergy
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I'm at the point where I could throw my WE off a third story of a building and it'd be functional. Out of the box, it's decent and stock parts are plentiful. But in recent years the parts market seems to have exploded and with a few tweaks here and there the gun suddenly turns into a very competitive weapon- mine can hit a milk crate at a distance over 150 feet.

Additionally, you can use real steel parts on it, and I think this puts it ahead- RS parts are typically the same price as the airsoft parts after shipping, with the added bonus of better material and finishing.
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Old November 21st, 2014, 00:28   #10
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I have WE 416 and had to put time and money into to get it to a fair FPS and reliabity (resealing MAGS, pain in the ass) but it is effective GBBR

If I could do it all over again I would buy a KWA for GBBR...I never had a problem with any of their products but everyone has an opinion lol
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Old November 21st, 2014, 00:31   #11
Green Synergy
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I agree. Gen 2 magazines are bulletproof. Gen 1 magazines would depressurize if you looked at them the wrong way.
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Old November 21st, 2014, 02:49   #12
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RA-Tech makes very nice upgrade parts for many WE models. WE open bolts can be suspect, but with proper tuning and upgrading can be really really nice.

There aren't really any GBBRs worth their weight that don't have expensive magazines.
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Old November 21st, 2014, 10:27   #13
Zack The Ripper
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Be careful with how many RA Tech parts you decide to swap into a WE receiver. RA Tech isn't spec'd 100% to WE. Sometimes they work fine, other times you have to fiddle and mod to get it to work correctly.

On a related note. I'm interested in the new RA Tech GBBR line. A birdie told me a local GTA retailer will be getting them in soon. I'm wondering how the quality will be given that they are supposedly made with all steel or "high quality" aluminum parts internally and externally. Maybe because everything is made by RA Tech fitment and alignment for all the moving and contact parts will be bang on.
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Old November 21st, 2014, 18:53   #14
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Awesome guys, i have one concern regarding any of these companies and there GBBr's

Which would hold up best for intense semi auto firing? 6 shots 3 seconds?

Would i encounter any problems running a GBBr like this or even harder?

If so what kinda mods are in place to help?

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Old November 21st, 2014, 21:45   #15
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You're using a GBBR Airsoft rifle. Not a speed ball paintball gun. Pick your targets and fire to hit a target, not to make loud bangs.

Also, get a kjw m4. Had mine for 4 years and it just worked. Replacements parts like an entire bolt assembly shipped to your door for 45 bucks Canadian. really nice gun.
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Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
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This is one of the funniest things I've read.
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