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Grenades, their efficacy, and bang for your buck


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Old November 18th, 2014, 00:02   #1
Join Date: Nov 2014
Grenades, their efficacy, and bang for your buck

One aspect of airsoft that got me rather airhard, is grenades. Hand thrown, under slung launchers, the whole nine yards. However, the question of how they work in game is still up in the air for me.

If I use a basic co2 bang grenade in a pineapple shell, without bbs, is it still considered a fragmentation grenade, or simply a disruptive device? I assume that because it has no projectiles, it cannot be a "kill". One can't call hits that don't happen.

But on the other hand, I've seen landmines that shoot powder marking it's effective range, which isn't a hit per se, but would still constitute a "kill".

Any clarification on the general use or uselessness of grenades would be wonderful.
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Old November 18th, 2014, 00:08   #2
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Depends on the organizers rules. Some have a 10 ft. radius where it's up to you to call yourself hit or not, used for disruption only, etc.
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Old November 18th, 2014, 01:57   #3
Red Dot
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Hand grenades are infinitely useful in CQB settings, nothing has the potential to clear a room faster.

As stated above game rules/game host dictates how and if those devices are to be used and treated.
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Old November 18th, 2014, 07:04   #4
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Thanks, while ideally I will be playing outdoors most of the time, it's good to know that they are almost standard kit for indoors.

I will be looking into buying them in the near future.
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Old November 18th, 2014, 09:45   #5
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It's rare to use grenades outdoors. That being said you'll always be thankful you had one when you need it.

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Old November 18th, 2014, 09:58   #6
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Yeah, grenades are pretty much useless outdoors unless you are on a field with a lot of buildings and bunkers, which are rather rare. Inside in CQB there's only one grenade you need, the Tornado Impact (by Airsoft Innovation, a Canadian company). Their timer grenades are sometimes finicky, but the Impact work perfectly every time. They throw 200 BBs around, are super safe and sound wise they are not dangerous for the ears. They use propane, and you don't have to buy shells every use. They are basically infinite re-use. They are also accepted everywhere, I have never ever seen a game that doesn't accept tornadoes.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old November 18th, 2014, 12:59   #7
Red Dot
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Timed are still good too, you can bounce them off cover to make it into areas that an impact can't get into. I always keep mine on the shortest time setting, doesn't always go off as planned but it always works.
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Old November 18th, 2014, 13:05   #8
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Took advantaged of AirsoftParts 14% off, buddy and I picked up an AI Tornado each.

$65 each,

Excited to use my zombie green AI at this Saturdays game @ LT's!
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Old November 18th, 2014, 13:16   #9
Brian McIlmoyle
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IN CQB I carry 4 AI impact grenades.. always .. usually get more people with grenades than with fire.

in the field I carry 2 .. for those , I wish I had a grenade moments.
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Old November 18th, 2014, 14:04   #10
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If you're using them, keep spare parts on hand. They can be fun in CQB or on hard ground, but brush and grass they don't work great. Under barreled launchers are just extra weight. Some places have a death radius, others say you must be hit with shrapnel for it to count.

If anyone ever throws a glowstick at you and yells "you're dead", kill their family.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old November 18th, 2014, 14:58   #11
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As for your underslung M203's and its ilk, think of a propane powered airsoft shotgun on a grand scale.

Most 40mm shells hold between 70-120 BBs each. More like a blunderbuss than an actual grenade but incredibly satisfying.

Good for cutting through brush in outdoor games or clearing hallways in CQB.
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post

Give your friend the benefit of the doubt and SHOOT HIM AGAIN.
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Old November 18th, 2014, 15:09   #12
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ones that actually blow up and blow shit everywhere are effective anywhere.. in or outdoor...they work a lot like real ones, they're fucking loud so they scare the shit out of people so they sissy out when one lands in their foxhole.

Tornado grenades are useless outdoors because they usually hang up on something and only shoot BBs in one direction. Indoors they can free roll and spread which is what makes them effective.

Nothing like throwing an explosive device into an enclosed area and hearing "OH FUCK" and watching people bail out.

If game organizers allow real explosive devices on the field, it should be part of the morning safety briefing on their safe handling.. IE don't cook them or throw them back. Ear protection also recommended.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old November 18th, 2014, 18:36   #13
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Wow, thanks for all the info guys.
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Old November 19th, 2014, 18:31   #14
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Yeah, for grenades, it'd be best to invest in an Airsoft Innovations Tornado Grenade. Timer if you like playing in grassy/sandy areas, Impact if you like throwing them at walls, ceilings, hardwood floors, the likes.

I do not suggest getting any CO2 grenades as they are often banned for indoor games: something about them possibly causing permanent hearing damage, but for outdoor games they're better since they're a lot cheaper. Don't forget to ask the game administrators first before deploying them in your kit.
Originally Posted by Thenooblord View Post
good ol red62, I shot him more than all of Eco I bet, LOL
**Certified Tornado Tech**Will fix your guns for food and BBs**
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