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Old October 18th, 2014, 00:42   #1
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Smile New recruit checking in

Hey guys! I'm a UBC student getting into the hobby (I've already been bitten by the bug...) I have a couple of questions for all of you guys:
1) Are there any of you guys going out to RIP to play next week? Any AV'ers heading out to play? I ask because I have no experience with the sport itself (altough I've played paintball, woodsball to be precise), so I have no gun to take there and try out. I wanted to see if there were some members willing to give a new recruit some of their time.

2)I travel mostly by public transport, so fields such as panther and MRP are prohibitedly far away. I wanted to know if there are people to car-pool with a newbie to these far away fields? I know it's a huge thing to ask, but I know this community is very closely knit, so I figured I could ask.

3) Any UBC students that play airsoft semi-regularly? I would love to get in contact with y'all to get started.

As always, thank you for your time. Any input will be greatly appreciated.
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Old October 18th, 2014, 14:07   #2
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I live in Surrey so panther is the way to go for me. I also made the switch from paintball to airsoft..Although the difference is airsoft doesn't hurt as much, cheaper, but hard as hell to rush since everyone could rain down 10+shots in one second..)

I never went to RIP yet cause my stuff are a little hot for CQC, I have only a pistol with 2 mags that qualifies, same goes with my friends. Having that said, I can't lend you anything cause I only have a pistol to use myself with only 1 extra mag. (I'm planning to go since night time was really hard for me, it takes me at least 5 mins to adjust and one flashlight can throw it off for another 5, which is also why I don't enjoy nighttime driving)

Try to find something on craigslist if nobody lend you anything. One of my friend was using my old spring pistol at panther few days ago at panther lol...that was all i could lend.

I thought UBC would have an airsoft group..since you guys are like a little town on your own lol...
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Old October 18th, 2014, 15:15   #3
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Thank you for the reply slodin!
Trust me, I've been looking at craigslist and kijiji daily out of pure obession! lol!

I thought UBC had their own airsoft group as well, as I know they have a paintball group.However, the website I found for them dates back to mid-2013, and doesn't seem like it's been updated anytime recently.

As an international student, I've learned to be greatful for what I have. Trust me, if I show up to RIP and a good soul lends me a springer, I'll be ecstatic! For the simple reason that any gun is better than no gun.

On that note, I've thought about buying a cheapo crossman MP9...I know (and I can't stress this enough) that everyone here avoids crossman like the plague. But would it be a good way to get a feel of the sport? The first couple of times at least?

I don't mind being made fun of for a couple of games
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Old October 18th, 2014, 16:07   #4
Red Dot
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I've found most people on this forum are pretty awesome at helping new folks get into the hobby. One fellow member let me borrow his backup AEG for a game at the local indoor field. I've carpooled with a few guys to some games, honestly a great experience.

I'm on my phone so I can't see but get age verified so you can see the games section of the forum and post when and where you'd like to go.

Also in terms of getting into the hobby you have some pretty solid choices without blowing a lot money in the process. I would recommend looking at ARES, they have a new line of guns that pack some nifty features to the tune of $200 bucks. Easily better than the ones you'll pick up at Wal-Mart or Canadian Tire. I'm planning on getting one for my fiancé to play with.

Main things you need is very good eye protection (recommend Revisions, some coupons are floating around for them apparently), mesh lower mask and the gun, magazine and battery. Pack of BBs and viola, you're good for most skirmish games. From there the skies the limit.
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Old October 18th, 2014, 18:15   #5
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Since you are from the paintball side, you probably have dealt with Badlands Paintball in New Westminster. They have several big sales each year on their paintball markers and airsoft guns.

Also if you are leaving paintball completely, selling your equipment and markers on a BST could easily fund your airsoft gun. Or sell it to Badlands, they do buy used markers.

Last edited by SuperHog; October 18th, 2014 at 19:51..
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Old October 18th, 2014, 18:46   #6
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Julian/Optix should be at RIP, think he still does AV, not sure. Should take a look at the AirsoftGear calender on facebook and maybe leave a msg about carpooling/AV on the event page for the coming RIP game.

If you do make it out to RIP, wear a hoodie or something with a bit of padding. Good chance you'll get a bleeder or two and some good welts even with it, lots of point blank engagements there. CQB at RIP is fun every once in a while, but I prefer outdoor games at Panther or Ambush more.

Check out the Omegaops or LMAG forums as well, they're local forums so would be better to ask about carpooling and related stuff there.

Panther also has rentals, so if you somehow make your way out there, you can rent a gun and gear and run with that until you get your own stuff.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.

Last edited by beta678; October 18th, 2014 at 20:41.. Reason: sp
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Old October 18th, 2014, 20:17   #7
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If you ever go to Burnaby area talk to Ricochet, he can AV you. Also White_Knight I think as well. Not sure if Kampfer is still around the area but if he is I think he lives somewhere in East Van or Downtown. And of course Optix is fairly active too.
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Old October 18th, 2014, 22:01   #8
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Thank you very much for your replies guys!
About getting AV'ed, I spoke to ricochet, and PM'ed optix and white_night as per the forum sticky.

If luck is on my side, I could meet with either richochet (the only one that answered so far) next weekend and optix on thursday.

I would like to know how many of you ASC guys head out to richmond/panther/MRP out of central vancouver, I would love to hitch a ride with you, car, train or otherwise!

As to paintball gear, I was a rental...tell me about wasted money
So no gear of my own, none I could bring to Canada anyways.

Until I get AV'ed, I cant ask you guys for advice on guns, am I correct?
I have a cart full of stuff on airsoftdepot that I would like to discuss once I get AV'ed!
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Old October 18th, 2014, 22:32   #9
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You can ask for all the advice you like; we just can't source you to retailers or the classifieds yet. I promise you, ASC's classifieds alone are worth AV.
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Old October 18th, 2014, 23:28   #10
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I'm not in Vancouver right now actually (I'm in Cowtown). Ricochet probably can answer all the questions you have he's actually really knowledgeable. However when I was there I played at NSPB once (the one as you cross the lions gate it's kind of tucked in near the train tracks), panther was good when I was there and Tsawwassen as well but AFAIK that place has since folded.

I went to RIP once and it was OK, a bit tight and there's a lot of paintball goo everywhere but it's a decent facility for being easily accessible by transit and relatively close by. I think from UBC take the bus that goes to Marine Drive sky train or 99 to City Hall then get off at like Lansdowne or Brighouse and walk down towards the Olympic oval. There might be a community bus that goes by there as well.
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Old October 18th, 2014, 23:38   #11
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I can't help with things in BC, but I would still encourage you to pool your money for a while, even if you have a fair amount of disposable income.
The only real way to save money in this sport is to observe active players, ask questions, and try as many different things as you can before dropping cash on gear.

Lots of players are happy to bring new blood into the sport for gas money, bb money, Tim's money, and a good attitude.

Have a great time, things may start slow, but the fun's uphill from here!
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Old October 19th, 2014, 00:08   #12
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
I'm not in Vancouver right now actually (I'm in Cowtown). Ricochet probably can answer all the questions you have he's actually really knowledgeable. However when I was there I played at NSPB once (the one as you cross the lions gate it's kind of tucked in near the train tracks), panther was good when I was there and Tsawwassen as well but AFAIK that place has since folded.

I went to RIP once and it was OK, a bit tight and there's a lot of paintball goo everywhere but it's a decent facility for being easily accessible by transit and relatively close by. I think from UBC take the bus that goes to Marine Drive sky train or 99 to City Hall then get off at like Lansdowne or Brighouse and walk down towards the Olympic oval. There might be a community bus that goes by there as well.
Oh, I've been to RIP myself. In fact, RIP is the most accessible field for me! The outdoor fields are the ones that are too far unless I hitch a ride! I'm willing to travel though! Back home we had nothing of the sort. I never got a chance to enjoy my "hobbies", and now I finally have the chance. I appreciate all of you guys' input. I value it greatly. I dipped my toe in the ocean, and I like what I felt!

Now, I still have some questions on this thread unanswered (actual Vancouver players car-pooling, UBC students that play or UBC alumni that play). Should I ask for gun advice on this same thread, or just start a new one?

I know I have to get AV for you guys to link websites and all, so I'll just ask for specific gun advice.
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Old October 19th, 2014, 13:52   #13
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When I was living in Van and didn't have a car I managed to carpool with other players. This was back in the day of Op-For/BCAC.

One guy I carpooled with was from SFU doing a masters or something but I'm not sure if he plays anymore though or where he lives.

What I can try to recommend is maybe joining up the local forum if you haven't already (Lower Mainland Airsoft Group/LMAG) and seeing if people are arranging rides through that. You might have to get to a sky train station to meet up with them somewhere though. I once skytrained to Richmond at like 7 in the morning to catch a ride with someone going out to Panther and another time I went out to like Commercial Drive to carpool.

As for carrying your gear, preferably wear civvies and bring a large hockey or gear bag or something to hide your gear in and don't attract attention to yourself.
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Old October 20th, 2014, 02:06   #14
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I joined the LMAG yesterday, but it's not as active as here
Anyways, I really like the layout of this site. The community is certainly very helpful.

Should I post a new thread about gun advice? I know I need to get AV'ed to get referenced to sites, but specific gun advise is okay, right?
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Old October 20th, 2014, 08:12   #15
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