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Ptw mag help


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Old August 20th, 2014, 23:52   #1
Katlyn Cage
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Medicine Hat, AB
Ptw mag help

Ok so the quick and easy is I can't load my mags.
I am using a speed loader, no adapter. And the bbs keep shooting all over the place.

So basically I'm new to ptws and have no clue what I'm doing wrong.
The mags are a stock a&k ptw mag and three different pts ptw emags
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Old August 21st, 2014, 00:10   #2
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should work aslong as you have everything lined up proper...use one hand to hold the mag. the other to hold the speed-loader...BUT use 2 fingers on either side of the mag "teeth" to make sure the bb's go in.....

hard to explain but i hope that works for ya
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Old August 21st, 2014, 00:22   #3
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There's two little teeth (as Freelancer mentioned) on either side of the BB port. Are the BBs shooting out of the loader while trying to get them in the mag, or are they shooting out of the mag after you pull the loader away?

For the latter, you can use the sides of the loader to at least partially hold the teeth down and it should load smoothly. What's you mag capacity and approximately how many rounds does your loader eject on a single stroke? The reason I ask is because many of us PTW users only ever half load out magazines, which saves them long term. So for instance my mag takes 120 to fill so I only load about sixty per mag total. My loader ejects five BBs per stroke, so I only give each mag about 12 total strokes.

If they are shooting back out of the mag after it is likely because those teeth we were talking about aren't coming back up into place. Also I recommend Systema mags over any of the clones. They are a bit more, but nine years later and all of mine still work like new.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 00:31   #4
Katlyn Cage
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Location: Medicine Hat, AB
The bbs are firing out of the mag after loading, they are 120 end mags but I have only tried loading 10 or so bbs just to test them out.

Btw does anyone know how to attract all the bbs on the floor before they multiply as we all know they do!
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Old August 21st, 2014, 01:40   #5
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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It's your teeth being stuck down then. What can happen is they come rough or too wide and they'll stick in their slots. To rectify this gently file the sides of them down. A women's compressed foam nail file works best. Be careful not to lose the little springs underneath them. They are very small and hard to find.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 01:51   #6
Katlyn Cage
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Location: Medicine Hat, AB
i will file them in the morning and post my results.

also. is it helpful to file a notch into my speed loader lip to avoid the teeth? looks like thats what the adapters do.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 01:57   #7
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Could be, it would depend on your adapter.
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Old August 21st, 2014, 15:52   #8
Katlyn Cage
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Medicine Hat, AB
So the filing of the fingers worked on two pts mags. Not the stock mag son done pts mag. The fingers look completely worn down where they hold the bbs. Is there anywhere to get replacement ones? And a finger spring? Aparently once they pop they are lost forever.
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 15:15   #9
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Ouch, I feel your pain - I've been repairing lots of my mags, but because I bought second-hand PMAGs and some of their internals were worn out.

Curiously, I have 5 A&K PTW mags and they are the ones that have worked flawlessly- I think you just got rotten luck with yours. Their manufacturing QA does need some work though, I got one mag that came missing a lever inside it, so the bolt-stop didn't work.

I don't know where to buy replacements for the feed lips, or their springs - I bought someone's bag of spare magazine inners just so I would have a bunch of spare parts. Someone want to chime in? I wouldn't mind knowing where to get them either
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 16:33   #10
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You could try scopesandlasers. I don't remember the exact url but it's a guy in Hong Kong that has the most random bits you could ask for when it comes to airsoft stuff. I don't remember if they have exactly those pieces but they do sell ptw mag inner so last resort I suppose.
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Old August 22nd, 2014, 19:11   #11
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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You can purchase just the mag internals as a whole as well. I recommend paying the extra bit for Systema mags. After using Vanaras and a few other types I've gone back to strictly Systema.
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Old September 30th, 2014, 02:07   #12
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I've had good luck with my PTS mags, not a single issue with them, and damn do they ever take a good old beating!

As for the feed lips and springs, you can get them from Tac, Anthony Gnapp is his Facebook name, Tackleberry is his name on the systema PTW forums
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