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Looking for a Bullpup (Not the canine ones)


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Old August 6th, 2014, 16:01   #16
Zelly Neko
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
From what I recall bullpups aegs available in airsodlft are:

-Type 97
- L85

You might want to check the APS UAR, I've heard good things about it, even though APS is a sketchy brand. Both the L85 and Type 97 aren't lefty friendly at all. Actually the 97 doesn't like righties as well lol
Forgot the F2000
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Old August 6th, 2014, 16:55   #17
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True that the F2000 is sweet, I have one though finding the right mid cap mags is a pain. If you do go with the UAR get the version 2 that is out in the US, now so should be hitting here soonish if not already. It has improved in the battery capacity and less finicky in mag compatibility
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Old August 6th, 2014, 22:25   #18
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My new toy

Note - shit video but I made it so no one else had to scratch their head why their 'blowback was messed up' on their brand new gun. Everything works fine. I'm happy with it all in all.
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Old August 6th, 2014, 23:58   #19
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Having owned several bullpups over the years, I have owned a CA Aug A2, Echo1 P90 and a King Arms P90.

The aug has a great balance, and you are sure to be the only one on the field with one. Parts are fairly plentiful and the V3 gearbox means you have tonnes of upgrade potential.

My favorite was the king arms P90. With the quick change spring, fps changes were a breeze. Also, because of the quick change spring, breaking down the gearbox and reassembly is a breeze since there is no spring to fight.
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YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!
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Old August 7th, 2014, 00:09   #20
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Dying to get a p90, and I really want a modern AUG (nice Rail kit on it).

In the meantime I can only afford one new gun, and I've always wanted a tavor, mostly because of the ergonomics and weight balance as well as taking m4 mags, so I happily bought one as I know it won't be my last gun I add to the pile.

All in all I'm really happy with it.
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Old August 7th, 2014, 13:07   #21
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Originally Posted by DarkAura View Post
I like the looks of the APS UAR. I also like that it's ambidextrous. It's in my price range as well. Great suggestion. Apparently it has a v3 gearbox from an AK. As far as my limited knowledge goes a v3 box is good, is it not?

This may actually be the gun I go for, depending on if I want to buy new, or used after I become age verified.
Be careful of the UAR. From what I hear, low/mid caps don't fit it, and they only take hicaps (this may only be the case for the first version, unsure about the second version).

If you do decide to get it, make sure to ask about its mag compatibility.
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Old August 7th, 2014, 18:35   #22
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Originally Posted by Spadona View Post
Be careful of the UAR. From what I hear, low/mid caps don't fit it, and they only take hicaps (this may only be the case for the first version, unsure about the second version).

If you do decide to get it, make sure to ask about its mag compatibility.
I have a version two UAR, its was quite finicky with the mags i had, but there is a mod for the gun that allow it to take any mag.
Took ten seconds and it takes all brands of mags now.
The neat thing about the uar is there is a spring right above the mag port, so when you hit the eject button, the mags op out super nice
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Old August 8th, 2014, 02:32   #23
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Originally Posted by camerashot View Post
I have a version two UAR, its was quite finicky with the mags i had, but there is a mod for the gun that allow it to take any mag.
Took ten seconds and it takes all brands of mags now.
The neat thing about the uar is there is a spring right above the mag port, so when you hit the eject button, the mags op out super nice
I contacted Toronto Airsoft, and the version they have up on the website is the older model, not the version two (which is the one I'd go for). I know of the mod, where you take a dremel and dremel down the inner part of the mag port. Shouldnt be too hard. It's my understanding that it takes M4 mags out of the box, though, which is great.

Any suggestions on proper optics and one-point sling mounts to go with this bad boy? Since there are no built-in optics I'd like to get something, same with a sling, though that's not completely necessary until I get myself a pistol.

Also, battery and charger suggestions? This gun only takes stick-type batts. It apparently doesn't fit a Tenergy 11.4V, which I've heard is a go-to battery.
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Old August 8th, 2014, 02:53   #24
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Also, where does APS stand in terms of quality. I mean, I've looked up probably 7-10 text reviews and a couple of videos on the UAR, and most people seem to say the only real issues are the cheek rest is a little loose, the battery compartment is restrictive, and modification is needed to fit all mags. These three things I can work around and deal with... but how decent is APS's track record when it comes to longevity. I'd expect the version two to be alright, at least the gearbox is a V3.... am I correct?
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Old August 8th, 2014, 03:13   #25
Red Dot
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I'd hold off on optics until you got a feel for the gun, I've recycled money through a couple now and I'm still not 100% convinced on my setup so my advice is run iron sights for a bit.

For charger I recommend the IMAX B6AC, will charge anything you need. I don't recommend an 11.1v lipo right out of the box on a lower-end gun as you'll put too much stress on the internals, 11.1v is good on higher-end setups that can take the additional abuse. 7.4v lipo should be fine.

As for the gun specifics can't give advice there...
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Old August 8th, 2014, 03:54   #26
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Originally Posted by Red Dot View Post
I'd hold off on optics until you got a feel for the gun, I've recycled money through a couple now and I'm still not 100% convinced on my setup so my advice is run iron sights for a bit.

For charger I recommend the IMAX B6AC, will charge anything you need. I don't recommend an 11.1v lipo right out of the box on a lower-end gun as you'll put too much stress on the internals, 11.1v is good on higher-end setups that can take the additional abuse. 7.4v lipo should be fine.

As for the gun specifics can't give advice there...
Maybe I will do just that. Save myself some money up front and just go irons for the first while. Hell, I still need to get goggles, a mesh facemask (yes I'll be getting one, personal preference.... I like my teeth), the bbs and the batt and charger.

I've heard about the IMAX B6AC. Now, I know I'm not age-verified, so your response to this question may be limited... but can I find an IMAX B6AC charger and good batteries in the classifieds here?

One good thing about getting in to this sport is that I already have a full set of USA-army issue MARPAD-type pants and shirt, proper boots, and a modular tac vest with a pouch. I bought it for paintball (when I didn't even have a marker or plans for one, it was just to be used whenever I went out paintballing), on a whim, to look 1337 when I was younger and dropped about 150-200 on it. At least now I'll already have those parts to work with. :lol:
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Old August 8th, 2014, 13:37   #27
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in gearbox configuration you're looking at manufacturing tolerance... in a worst case scenario if you needed to replace the whole gearbox shell, will any drop in fit? There's lots of stories of shit being off by fractions of a mm and making things really hard to fit together properly among other brands. Those are the absolute worst horror stories, spending weeks/months trying to track down why you're losing air or not feeding.

To a lesser extent, things like standard parts for v2/3 gearboxes fitting or not fitting. Some gearbox shells don't fit certain cylinder heads for example, or some reinforcement bit being too thick or thin for X part. In most cases these are things you can work around once you find out about them.

Nozzle length is usually the kicker, does it have a proprietary length or can you just drop any aftermarket ak or m4 or whatever nozzle in? does the stock nozzle have an o ring? If you can't replace it/upgrade it down the line it will be a pain in the ass to keep it running.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old August 10th, 2014, 23:37   #28
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My next big dilemma is the colour of the gun to get. Comes in black and tan. My MARPAD outfit decidedly leans me more towards tan, but damn does the black look sexy.

Any thoughts?
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Old August 11th, 2014, 00:09   #29
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I have pretty much had every type of bull pup and even created one... I am contemplating selling soon

Here are my opinions

-TM AUG - did not like the Aug Mags and the feel of it

-RS Type 97 - Awesome gun - scope sits a bit high so no cheek weld but you can make a cheek rest if inclined... I polar Stared mine now... but RS as an AEG is AWESOME 2 Ran mine with G&P 11.1 Lipo and was Great out of the box Heavy gun too

- TM P90 - Nice but Mags are a Pain in the Arse long don't fit mag pouches well bla bla bla. there is a kit for M4 Mags but you can only use high caps so meh...

- APS UAR - have that now and polar stared it Nice gun a bit aug like but not as long in the back and no crazy hang grip thing... all the mag releases are awesome... have to mod the gun a bit to accept mid and low caps though... easy to do takes 2 min with a dremmel and done...

- L85 - Nice gun BUT heavy as hell (don't go L86) no use it is a few inches longer inner but well no point in a box mag for bull pup unless you fire from the hip...
Nice trigger system (electronic no ark )

-Tavor - Nice gun but a bit large in the back. handle grip was a bit weird but all in all a good gun stock...

I built a bull pup out of a KC02... I modded the RJF ZK22 body for the KJW KC02 nice gun but may sell this one in a week or so just not getting use out of it now and I don't like wall hangers....

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Old August 11th, 2014, 00:12   #30
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BTW before I converted the UAR to P* I had it out at the lake and had a 11.1 Lipo in the AEG and well not much good came out of that once my cousins kids were target shooting on full auto..

the gears are all missing LOTS of teeth all manors of badness happen with 11.1 lipo and the stock UAR...

All manors...

P* its an awesome gun

Rhino Living
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