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Old July 24th, 2014, 10:25   #1
The Mutt
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Currently Scotland, soon to be Toronto
Exclamation The Scottish are coming

Ok this could be a very involved thread but i'm hoping to get some much needed answers.

I am currently based in the Scotland and plan to move to the Toronto area in February of next year and hope to continue with airsoft when i get there. With this in mind i would be looking to meet up with some players who can introduce me on site, no one likes being the loner LOL

I have checked with the airline and know the rules on flying in with my kit (Hard secure gun case with no more than 2 weapons per case) but what i really need to know are the following (and this list will probably grow as i think of more questions)

1 - What are the rules and regulations for owning and buying (We have to be registered to be able to purchase and have to be classed as a regular skirmisher)

2 - what are the FPS limits

3 - what are the rules around blank fire grenades/trip mines etc

4 - are there any special requirements for transport of weapons to site

5 - is there a restriction on ammo weights (random one i know but i have heard of places saying no heavier than .3g and the likes)

6 - any restrictions of fire rate (full auto/semi)

7 - eyewear and face protection requirements, i currently either use mesh goggles or ESS ballistic goggles and occasionally ballistic specs

As i say this list will probably grow however if you can think of anything that i haven't covered then feel free to add it.

Thanks in advance guys and girls
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Old July 24th, 2014, 10:40   #2
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In Ontario you need to be older than 18 to buy airsoft. FPS maxes at 500 fps generally speaking.

After that most rules are set by game hosts

Everyone is encouraged to transport their hardware out of sight.

I think you'll find things a bit more relaxed than the rules over there.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old July 24th, 2014, 10:44   #3
"bb bukakke" KING!
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Originally Posted by The Mutt View Post
1 - What are the rules and regulations for owning and buying (We have to be registered to be able to purchase and have to be classed as a regular skirmisher)
In canada, no rules for buying/owning. Mostly 18+

Originally Posted by The Mutt View Post
2 - what are the FPS limits
350 for indoor and 400 for AEGs outdoor... some special cases for 450 and 500 allowed but you generally don't need to worry about that.

Originally Posted by The Mutt View Post
3 - what are the rules around blank fire grenades/trip mines etc
Usually no rules about airsoft specific stuff like tornados, thunder Bs and claymores. There's usually no pyro banger devices but smoke is allowed outdoors. You'll be sad without all the pyro we see in scout's videos of play in the uk.

Originally Posted by The Mutt View Post
4 - are there any special requirements for transport of weapons to site
Cased or hidden in some way, treat it as if it were real.

Originally Posted by The Mutt View Post
5 - is there a restriction on ammo weights (random one i know but i have heard of places saying no heavier than .3g and the likes)
No real restrictions, might be game host specific. Joule output is Joule output, it theoretically is the same as long as it's under 1.5J you are fine (400fps with .2 is 1.5J/ 315fps with .32 is 1.5J)

Originally Posted by The Mutt View Post
6 - any restrictions of fire rate (full auto/semi)
game host specific

Originally Posted by The Mutt View Post
7 - eyewear and face protection requirements, i currently either use mesh goggles or ESS ballistic goggles and occasionally ballistic specs
Some places do not allow for mesh as some brands of BBs shatter and fragments can penetrate mesh. In some cases, a few brands of bio BBs can come through mesh entirely.

I'm a firm believer in use of military grade ballistic eyewear. Looking at specs of regular shooting and safety glasses, I worry that they're not high enough for repeated impacts. Most places leave it to you to decide full seal goggles or eye shields/military shooting glasses. Some places is full seal only. Indoors is generally full seal.

Originally Posted by The Mutt View Post
As i say this list will probably grow however if you can think of anything that i haven't covered then feel free to add it.
You will more than likely not be able to bring your guns in. The import limitation to airsoft guns is 366 fps with a .2 at a minimum. You would need to prove this to CBSA as well in the form of official paperwork. The upper limit is not something you could hit with a field legal gun or maintain functionality without blowing up the gearbox. It would be easier to sell your guns, but keep whatever accessories and bring them over and buy new guns here.

If you're dead set on importing your guns, you will need to contact the CBSA and ask them specifically about importing your property (airsoft guns) as unregulated firearms, which have to shoot over 366fps with .2s.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.

Last edited by lurkingknight; July 24th, 2014 at 10:47..
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Old July 24th, 2014, 10:47   #4
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While there are others who can better fill you in on the possibility of getting your guns into the country, I can help settle a few of these for you.

Owning and buying: if the airsoft in question is already in Canada, you can buy them from retailers without any special permits or the like. Some retailers will insist you be at least 18, some don't. Importing guns from outside Canada is another can of worms.

FPS limits: CQB /indoor is often limited to 350 FPS on .2g bbs. Outdoor is usually 400 FPS, but can go a little higher. There are special rules for DMR and sniper rifles that can allow them to usually 450+ fps with a minimum engagement distance.

Blank fire stuff: up to the site you're playing at. Some will allow cold or hot burning smokes. Again, you're going to have a problem getting some of this stuff in Canada due to various weapons policies.

Transporting: if someone sees you with any weapons and calls the cops, they're going to treat anything you have like a real firearm. People have been shot for being stupid about this in Canada and the US. Use common sense: cases/bags to hide airsoft guns, not wearing your full kit in public, etc. Some public transit authorities in Canada actually have specific regulations regarding the transport of airsoft guns.

Weight restrictions: usually no. The only restriction tends to be using .2g to chrono with. After that, restrictions tend to be whether or not the site is Bio BB only. And of course pretty much everywhere bans the use of silica bbs.

Fire rate: again, site dependent. Some indoor places will have you do semi-only, some allow you full auto. Most places frown on extended full auto unless you're running a support weapon. Again, this is up to the sites/groups you will be playing with.

Eyewear and face protection: No mesh goggles (lower face mesh masks are fine) tends to be one of the biggest restrictions. Goggles must be ANSI/Ballistic rated. Some places, especially paintball ones, will also require full seal goggles rather than just shooting glasses, while others will allow you to wear rated glasses instead of goggles. Check the rules for your preferred sites.

Hope that helps!

Edit: several answers came as I was typing this, I see. Guess all we Canadians are eager to help out!
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Old July 24th, 2014, 10:51   #5
The Mutt
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Currently Scotland, soon to be Toronto
Our upper limit for full auto weapons is 370 FPS, however most sites over here run 350 which is what my counter sniper AK is set to, my M4 is around the 300 mark (can't remember last crono figures) as was used for indoor sites which have a lower limit, Will give a call to CBSA and see what they say

NO PYRO ....... damn that sucks lol
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Old July 24th, 2014, 10:56   #6
The Mutt
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Currently Scotland, soon to be Toronto
The rules so far seem to be very similar to what i am used to which will make for easy transition, FPS limits are a little higher but I can live with that (sites i play tend to use the full 370fps rather than the reduced rates anyway)
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Old July 24th, 2014, 11:10   #7
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I agree with lurkingknight, though. Your best bet is to sell your airsoft guns over there and just buy new or used ones over here. You'll be saving yourself a ton of head- and heartache trying to deal with CBSA to get them into the country.

Then, once you get over here, work on getting Age Verified right away. There are plenty of verifiers in the Toronto area, and as soon as you have that you get access to the classifieds here on these forums. You can often find a pretty good deal on whatever you're looking for, and usually at a nice discount from brand new.

Plus getting Age Verified will also allow us to share with you the list of Canadian airsoft retailers, in case you did want to go all brand new.
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Old July 24th, 2014, 11:14   #8
"bb bukakke" KING!
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keep in mind what the cbsa tells you is not a guarantee it will work when your stuff gets inspected. One guy can easily interpret the rules one way, and the guy who actually checks your stuff will see it another way. You could get lucky and they don't see it in your stuff, or they could outright just take it and destroy it.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old July 24th, 2014, 13:59   #9
The Mutt
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Currently Scotland, soon to be Toronto
But my M4 has been finely tuned to me and is a labour of love :'(

I'm not trying to be awkward, a lot of time, money and effort has gone into my kit and loadouts and the thought of losing it all a starting again just urks me a bit.

I think it best to sell most of my kit, saving some for home visits.

What sort of prices are we talking for weapons? How easy is it to get a hold of upgrade parts etc? (That's the other bit, having to do all the upgrade work again)

How does one get themselves age verified?

Last edited by The Mutt; July 24th, 2014 at 14:03..
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Old July 24th, 2014, 14:07   #10
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Originally Posted by The Mutt View Post

What sort of prices are we talking for weapons? How easy is it to get a hold of upgrade parts etc? (That's the other bit, having to do all the upgrade work again)

How does one get themselves age verified?
For some prices, you'll want to check some of the retailers in the GTA, easy enough to be found, while we can't direct you to them as you're not age verified, I'll simply say, google Airsoft Retailer in Toronto and the first and second results are jsut a couple of the walk in stores.

Upgrade parts are super easy to get, either in a store or from ordering online. There are individuals in the community who do gun upgrades and work for a fee, though you'd have to discuss that with them

Welcome (Shortly) to Canada and Canadian airsoft and I hope you enjoy it.

While I'm first generation Canadian, my family is from Glasgow, we need more Scots here :P
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old July 24th, 2014, 14:25   #11
"bb bukakke" KING!
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the bits that are restricted as replica firearms are the receivers of the guns, usually the piece that has the serial number on the real steel counterpart, but in some cases they may say any major component of the gun body/receiver is inadmissible.

just your guns would be restricted if they don't meet the minimum requirement. It's fucked up, but thems the rules. Anything under 366fps with a .2 is a replica firearm.. replica devices are prohibited to own by federal law. The whole reason we can bring >366 in is by a loophole that could be closed at any time.

Parts are easy to get, they are not restricted in any way, so you could order parts from anywhere, barring that they are not pistol frames, upper or lower receivers. There have been some cases of complete gearboxes being stopped at the border as well but I think in most cases they are allowed to pass.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old July 24th, 2014, 15:30   #12
The Mutt
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Think best bet is as suggested and buy new/used, (need my age checked at 32 lol) and just bring my load out stuff.

The joys of Airsoft and the gray areas, the only way we can own RIFs is due to a loophole that the home office allows to continue as long as we have a defence for owning.

I'm even tempted to sort out the "combat kilt" but the pale white legs would be too easy a target.
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Old July 24th, 2014, 15:47   #13
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Originally Posted by The Mutt View Post
I'm even tempted to sort out the "combat kilt" but the pale white legs would be too easy a target.
Hey buddy your moving to Canada Not California!

Moving to the GTA will be a great intro to Airsoft in Canada as we are the center of the Universe here in Toronto and everyone else in Canada will tell you the same. Just a little more sarcastically. lol
We have the highest field and player Density here and the widest variety of games and equipment available.
Just make sure to Pack your Woollies its gonna be chilly when you get here in February.

Last edited by Armyissue; July 24th, 2014 at 16:09..
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Old July 24th, 2014, 16:30   #14
The Mutt
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Currently Scotland, soon to be Toronto
Ha what's a bit of cold lol.

What do you mean by GTA? (Probably gonna see how obvious it is when you say it :/ )
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Old July 24th, 2014, 16:42   #15
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It's the Greater Toronto Area.
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