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Looking at my first AeG


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Old June 9th, 2014, 09:23   #1
StrikeNoir's Avatar
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Looking at my first AeG

So I'm looking to buy my first AEG. I want something different from an M4 or AK. So I'm thinking a Scar, or maybe a bullpup type.

If I go the Scar route, will a CA Scar Sportline do the job, or should I save up and buy a G&G? Considering its over twice the price I'd prefer to save the cash for other gear like BDUs, mags, good vest, etc.

The other choice was a bullpup. The APS UAR is fairly cheap and I've found mostly good things online about it. Would this be a good choice, or an Aug type of some sort?
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Old June 9th, 2014, 10:14   #2
redzaku's Avatar
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Sportline are horrible, save up for a TM or g&g
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Old June 9th, 2014, 10:43   #3
brock0's Avatar
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As a newer airsofter, in my limited experience there are 2 things you do not want to cheap out on - eye protection, and your gun.

Nothing kills the fun faster than your gun not working. If it's all you got and it goes down your day is over. Even higher priced guns will have hiccups that need to be worked out. You're AV'd, there are lots of options in the classified section for quality guns at very good prices. Don't go cheap - you can have lots of fun with a working gun, 1 high cap magazine, and solid eyepro. You can't have any fun with no gun, unless you're lucky and someone has a loaner.

It hasn't taken long for me to learn that buying cheap usually means buying twice.
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Old June 9th, 2014, 16:13   #4
UBE Chief
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I actually own a CA SCAR Sportline, and the only issues I've had with it so far was with a crappy battery (it was free on purchase, bought a couple of proper ones to replace it, no worries since) and a bit of cracking at the folding stock because of abuse.

It shoots fine, a hand-sized cluster on a target about 30-50 feet away (wasn't measuring) at full auto. Seems like an appropriate grouping, since it is a CQB model. And yes, I do have a scope for it, a 4x magnification ACOG.
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Old June 10th, 2014, 15:12   #5
Wilkie's Avatar
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I have a buddy who runs a CA Scar as his primary, I believe. It must not be a sport line, but it's an excellent gun.

Anyway I am a long time fan of G&Gs newer guns
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Old June 10th, 2014, 17:44   #6
sushicake's Avatar
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If you're looking for a first gun I'd recommend just a generic M4 even a china clone. They're cheap and to be honest everyone who's played airsoft has owned one and knows how to fix them or at least 7/10 people. Plus they're a great starting platform to start learning the know hows of how the gearbox functions. All gearboxes function the same way albeit with some parts positioned differently.

Also you can customize the crap out of them to make it truly yours, a SCAR all you can really do is throw attachments on it or get the fugly ass rail extender kit for it.

Also those CA Scars are a pain in the ass to take apart, you have to take 2 screwdrivers and pry the body apart to take the gearbox out. APS UAR is crap, anything that comes out of the APS factory you should stay away from, it's a cool design dont get me wrong but the build quality is just bad.
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Last edited by sushicake; June 10th, 2014 at 17:49..
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Old June 13th, 2014, 21:59   #7
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: London Ontario
Scars are nice but I would suggest not buying a sportline model. Internal pieces will not last long. My first airsoft gun was a CA Scar and I loved it. You could go really different and do a ICS CXP 08 or 16 which is a very unique looking M4 platform thats easy to mod, change springs and tinker around inside because of the split gearbox. Its still an m4 platform but different enough to be unique
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