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What to do if seller sold you something broken?



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Old June 3rd, 2014, 15:29   #1
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What to do if seller sold you something broken?

Hi guys,just bought a AK PMC off classified, good deal. However out of the box the gun won't fire in full auto and safety won't block the trigger. .....Which is a bad sign......

The seller, who has many very good trading rates, refused my request for refund claim he has more positive trading rates than me, he said the gun works fine "One time he took it out" and he think Canada post might have something to do with it like drop the item during shipping or something like that.

So as a buyer who received a half broken item, what options do I have to deal situation like this? And yes I have been very friendly and patient during communications.
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 16:00   #2
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Ask if there's anything the seller is willing to do to rectify the situation. If the seller completely refused to do anything, feel free to give negative feedback. Revenge negative feedback is against the rule and repotable.
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 16:10   #3
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Originally Posted by LIL'WEI View Post
Hi guys,just bought a AK PMC off classified, good deal. However out of the box the gun won't fire in full auto and safety won't block the trigger. .....Which is a bad sign......

The seller, who has many very good trading rates, refused my request for refund claim he has more positive trading rates than me, he said the gun works fine "One time he took it out" and he think Canada post might have something to do with it like drop the item during shipping or something like that.

So as a buyer who received a half broken item, what options do I have to deal situation like this? And yes I have been very friendly and patient during communications.
Having more positive ratings means jack shit if they do not at least attempt to assist.

If he is blaming it on Canada Post he should open up a damage claim with them for repairs, and ask you to take it to a known local gun doc for a diagnosis/quote.

Or at least offer to pay for 1/2 the repairs if he was stupid enough to not insure it for actual value and the repairs cost more then the default $100 CP includes on packages.

IF that all fails, leave a negative feedback. He can not retaliate as that is against forum rules.
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 16:13   #4
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always ask for package to be insured, it's not expensive.
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 16:45   #5
/ \ This close to receiving an ASC castration. Luckily we kind of like you.
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Thanks guys for the replies.
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 17:09   #6
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Here are a couple thoughts, as someone who has received broken guns in the past. If the gun was truly damaged in shipping as the seller claims. Take many high resolution pictures of the box it came in. Note any damage to the box, tears, dents or rips. Also note how the gun was packaged. Was there lots of bubble wrap and news paper? Or was the gun just tossed haphazardly in the box. A huge pet peeve is when people skimp on shipping supplies. Supplies are cheap, guns are not. Pretty basic stuff. Anyways, these pictures will likely be used in a claim anyways.

If the seller does start a claim. And truly is not at fault. Then I would consider asking for compensation up front. That way you are not left holding the bag waiting for CP to process and hopefully approve the claim.

I wouldnt want you to be in a position waiting (potentially) months for a refund, and only getting bits and pieces of second hand info from the seller. CP wont tell you the status of a claim BTW, only shippers get info.

Perhaps the two of you could settle on half a refund now. And half when the claim goes through.

One of the times I received a broken gun, the seller gave me a refund right off the bat and took it on himself to deal with CP. That should be a benchmark of how we handle broken guns.

I hope this was constructive, good luck!
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YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!

Last edited by jordan7831; June 3rd, 2014 at 17:11..
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 17:28   #7
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OP's problem sounds like a broken fire selector: there aren't that many moving parts in the WE AK.

You can pop off your dust cover and look under the recoil spring/spring guide, the trigger assembly and fire selector are clearly visible without even field stripping: there's a vertical flap attached to the fire selector; the back of the trigger has a fork shape with another longer bar in the middle of the fork (think Glock trigger). In the Safe position the flap will cover both the bar and the fork, "locking" the trigger; in Auto (1st position down) it rotates off the fork but holds down the longer bar (hammer/disconnector) and in Semi it rotates completely off the assembly.

My guess would be that flap is broken. Post a pic if you aren't sure.

Either way, doesn't sound like the kind of damage that occurs during shipping. Not impossible, but unlikely.

Last edited by Drake; June 3rd, 2014 at 17:30..
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 20:52   #8
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Oh the irony lol
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 22:10   #9
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Originally Posted by LIL'WEI View Post
Hi guys,just bought a AK PMC off classified, good deal. However out of the box the gun won't fire in full auto and safety won't block the trigger. .....Which is a bad sign......

The seller, who has many very good trading rates, refused my request for refund claim he has more positive trading rates than me, he said the gun works fine "One time he took it out" and he think Canada post might have something to do with it like drop the item during shipping or something like that.

So as a buyer who received a half broken item, what options do I have to deal situation like this? And yes I have been very friendly and patient during communications.
Can you explain to me the issue with the gun? Maybe i can help since Ive worked on these numerous times and can help you rectify the issue.
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 22:50   #10
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if the gun was ever disassembled the selector could have been reassembled improperly leading to the gear/cam to be in the proper position on the receiver but the selector plate on the gearbox to not be in the right spot. This issue though has nothing to do with shipping conditions.

But the good thing to note is that unless the selector on the gun itself took a big impact to break a part (the selector plate on the gearbox is plastic) misalignment like that can't possibly happen by bumping it. It has to be reassembled improperly.

If it's just improper assembly it's just a matter of taking it apart and shifting the gears on the selector assembly into the right position, that's not that big of a deal, just rather dubious that the seller would not report that in the sale ad.

If the gun looks damaged... AKA.. big fucking hole or dent in the box and a big chunk of metal being bent, and you did not pay the 5$ for shipping insurance... well then... that's your own damn fault. :P


this is a gas gun? well then.. ignore my post and carry on. :P
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.

Last edited by lurkingknight; June 3rd, 2014 at 22:54..
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