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Old March 29th, 2014, 20:07   #46
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Port Perry, Ontario
Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
You didn't check very hard then. Retailers who sell online can utilize a service from CanadaPost which holds the parcel for pickup at a post office and requires proof of being 18/19+ from the recipient before handing over the parcel.
This I assume is an exception to the norm, as I have never had to go through such an ordeal for any of my online orders. I have not heard anyone complain about it yet either. How many retailers do this?
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Old March 29th, 2014, 20:15   #47
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
You didn't check very hard then. Retailers who sell online can utilize a service from CanadaPost which holds the parcel for pickup at a post office and requires proof of being 18/19+ from the recipient before handing over the parcel.
Hmm, would there be a way for CJay's site to utilize that as a bottom line standard? Age gate via credit card, etc, then mandatory Canada Post age verified pickup?

Remember that this is an international airsoft website, that if done right will do wonders to promote and connect the sport world-wide. So we should help think of solutions, not just try to discourage nor shut it down. He's reached out to this community hasn't he? So two things; for starters, this type of website was inevitable, and two, this is our chance to help implement some Canadian control points.
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Old March 30th, 2014, 12:08   #48
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Kokanee as I understand it with most of the retailers I looked at this was not a common option as it cost more money. Certainly none of the local retailers here offer such service and any of th bigger canada wide ones certainly dont advertise it. Maybe I'm missing some here.

Edit: I have found some references to canada post signed for delivery which requires 18+ however as far as I remember anyone can sign for that at the door or as long as u have an item of mail delivered to the same address and are 18+ then you can collect. In fact my local post office has never asked for id proving I am the recipient so I wouldn't consider it any better that using a credit card to pay. Maybe I'm missing another option here that makes it so the recipient is the only person who can take delivery? As far as I remember only services like FedEx etc

And ricochet it'd definitely be looking at it but as I'm not retailing or even shipping anything it's of no use tbh. In regards to your comment on the site being international you're correct and I'll stress the only reason this wasn't sorted out before release was it's never been an issue in any country other then canada lol. And before anyone jumps all over me I'm not criticising. It's just a kind if unexpected turn and in retrospect I should have seen it coming lol.

Also te website database will be running by about 3 today. Found the issues and updating as we speak.
"Creator of the Zombat Sniper - oh yeah baby"

Last edited by CJay; March 30th, 2014 at 14:08..
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Old March 31st, 2014, 15:33   #49
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website back up - gun sales disabled for now till i can code in the verification etc - whatever form that may be taking lol.
"Creator of the Zombat Sniper - oh yeah baby"
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Old March 31st, 2014, 15:48   #50
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Hmm, would there be a way for CJay's site to utilize that as a bottom line standard? Age gate via credit card, etc, then mandatory Canada Post age verified pickup?

Remember that this is an international airsoft website, that if done right will do wonders to promote and connect the sport world-wide. So we should help think of solutions, not just try to discourage nor shut it down. He's reached out to this community hasn't he? So two things; for starters, this type of website was inevitable, and two, this is our chance to help implement some Canadian control points.
thanks for the vote of support bud. I'll add the website type isn't just inevitable but it's already being done on the small scale. connecting internationally is important as we (in general airsofters) are considered to be a secretive underground community that's afraid of change, not because we don't want it but because we are commonly misinterpreted as malcontents who love hurting our fellow human beings and are afraid of rocking the boat.

It's a bit of a catch 22. By restricting access to online resources we are protecting ourselves from irresponsible people but in doing so we alienate and make suspicious people who are already unlikely to appreciate why we enjoy the sport. Hell i should know my own mom is one of those suspicious people and to this day maintains that I'm a gun toting redneck. I guess the beard and baseball cap don't help but still the point stands that we do need better exposure and working internationally should help promote that.

Personally I think that ASC and many of the retailers do a fantastic job of promoting the sport in a responsible and respectful manner but the numbers are unfortunately against us. In the UK where i started playing years ago, it's very much in the public eye and even has government legislation backing and in some ways supporting and protecting it, but it is still an unpopular sport in the eyes of most people because of the association with violence that's perceived (real or not).

Long and short my website is a bit of an attempt to simply consolidate many of the smaller services available worldwide along a similar area. We have some future plans for a worldwide player registry but that's years in the making and the current project involvee's are all parents with small children so you can guess how fast things are progressing there! but still. FOOD FOR THOUGHT! May be a pipe dream but can't hurt to try lol.
"Creator of the Zombat Sniper - oh yeah baby"
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