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Becoming an Airsoft Enthusiast


Newbie Tank

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Old March 10th, 2014, 14:44   #1
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: North Bay
Becoming an Airsoft Enthusiast

I have just begun getting into Airsoft as a sport/hobby/obsession. I was just looking for a nice fast little pistol I could tuck into a pocket while out at my cottage while hunting moose. The idea was that I would have a small pistol capable of “knocking out” a bird while not making enough noise to scare away the big game I was out there for. At least that’s where I started a year ago…

Now I’ve looked into pistols so much I’m left with more questions that answers! There are the 1911 models, similar looking 2011 models, the crazy auto shooters, the silencer types and oh so much more. Gas-Blow-Back and Non-Blow-Back, different models that resemble real steel and made with full metal. Plastic, spring, green gas, co2…

The problem was that when I began looking into this I was curious. Then after looking into it all, I became confused. Then I discovered a YouTube video… it was a Milsim/OP/Skirmish game. Not sure of the proper term for the game, it was defiantly military like, but not super structured. I looked for more videos since that one looked like fun. Several videos later I was in my local Airsoft store asking more questions.

I used to think the pistols were confusing! Wow the rifle options!! Do I get the AK 47 or 74, do I go more Canadian Military and choose the M4, or maybe the M5. But then there was this killer looking bolt action rifle… They looked real; some had actual wood “furniture”. They were seriously close to the real steel counterparts. I wasn’t just confused by all the options; I was becoming dangerously “interested” in buying! The more I researched the guns and accessories, the more I was beginning to think I was becoming a lost cause, that I would never get out of this is I bought just one little thing!

Then I see there is a convention! I’m all but lost now… My wife is no longer amused at the level of excitement I’m showing. I tell her I found some “great deals” and can be outfitted in basics for only $2500! “Basics?!” she says with a hint of “Are you on crack?!”

With so many options and no clue what is a “good” starter gun that can be built up over time, I’m lost. Like a babe in the woods, I have no defenses against the terrible retailers offering me such sweet, sweet candy! I want two of everything and three of the things I need most!

This brought me to look into buying guns Outside Canada. Didn’t take long for me to discover that the amazingly low prices weren’t so amazing once shipping, taxes, duties, and potential seizure at the boarder were factored in. That $75 GGBR looks nice, but the $500 extra costs just killed it for me. Not to mention the potential loss at the “boarder lottery!”

So here I am, poised to make a full blown leap into the world of Airsoft and Milsim Ops, and CQB when I discover WW2 re-enactors…. Oh great! More options! Like I need this temptation! Everywhere I turn there is another new option that promises to be better than the last. I just to say find a nice outfit and rifle, and then WW2 re-enactors…

I look for answers, I find more questions. I narrow down the options and am ready to buy something when I find a whole new side of things, a new sort of game that promises to be way more fun. Seriously, what is the matter with you people?! Who needs that many guns and kits and accessories and… Why didn’t I know about this before I had bills, a wife, and kids!! Why didn’t you people find me sooner?!?

The more I find the more I want and the more I want the more I need! This isn’t a sport! It’s not even a hobby! This is an obsession and a lifestyle choice! All I wanted was one little pistol to bring hunting and now look what you’ve all gone and done! My “Wish List” could pay for a new house! The basics kit I now want is enough to buy a car! Not to mention the bribery costs… An understanding wife is great, but the things I have to buy her so I can buy stuff… All prices are now doubled!

So far I have learned a grand total of this…

If you think you can afford this life, you are kidding yourself.
You’re basics are actually just Goggles, a Rifle, and LOADS of ammo! (Buy bulk. Seriously, buy bulk!)
If you think you know what you’re interested in exploring, you’re wrong. Explore more.
Play a few games and you’re done… You will always want to play.
If you can actually afford this, I would like to forward my resume and work for you so I can afford this too!

Answers to questions and options are like the grains of sand on a beach, there are many… very many! So free kin MANY!! The main options, is to go with what’s right for you. But how do you know what will be right before you are into the sport? I may not have many answers, but I’m jumping in with both feet anyhow!
Knowledge weighs nothing, carry as much as you can!
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Old March 10th, 2014, 14:52   #2
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Welcome to ASC, don't shoot birds with airsoft, don't be a dick.
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Old March 10th, 2014, 15:09   #3
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I started out with modern Airsoft gizmo gadgets, went WW2. Spent a bunch on kit... spent more and more.. Now getting into real guns and more expensive kit.

Welcome to airsoft.. The spending can never stop.
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Old March 10th, 2014, 15:15   #4
MultipleParadox's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Welcome to ASC, don't shoot birds with airsoft, don't be a dick.
This is so funny :P OP take care to write all this novel and you get back with... this? Hahaha; But yeah, Fretz, don't shoot birds with airsoft it's just mean

That said, welcome to ASC, you'll find millions of posts and informations, most of them worth your time to read.

It's great to see your excitement and enthusiasm, but as you noticed this can become a money pit fairly quickly. I'd say calm down, take a deep breath, and decide on what you want and what you want to do.

Decide if looking into gearing up and attend some skirmish (start there, not milsim), or WWII reenactment, or if you're more the "chairsofter" kind, it will all influence where you should go from there.

A typical loadout for a skirmish can be had for a few hundreds (think 5-600$) to start. Depending on how much you want to get involved and your budget, as you mentioned, you can get into the thousands easily. It all depends on what you want and which kid you're willing to sell.

Rule of thumb is:

1 - Airsoft guns are no toys, they can still be dangerous so handle them like real guns.

2 - But Airsoft guns are toys, and toys break, no matter how expensive. A Cheap 200$ gun will most likely break before the 2000$ one, but in the end, both "are the same"

3 - Buy cheap, buy twice / you get what you pay for:
Not buying cheap doesn't mean buying the top end and most expensive things out there either. There's a nice middle ground where you can be happy. Most people will get entry/mid-level equipment and use that quite a while until they decide they need better stuff, and this is when it starts to cost, be ready for this to happen :P

4 - First thing to buy: Good goggles - Tons of threads on the subject (like anything else)

5 - Second thing to buy would a gun I guess:
Read the Forum rules about age verifications. Accessing most of the best retailers in Canada (and having the better prices) would require this

6 - The rest will fall into place as you read more on the forums. Try searching the forum before asking, as most questions were answered already (tens of time) and people dont really like to repeat themselves all the time :P

Welcome again!
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old March 10th, 2014, 15:16   #5
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I'm finally done buying stuff
said no airsofter ever
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Old March 10th, 2014, 15:24   #6
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: northern NB
i started with my first airsoft gun january last year
an L96 sniper rifle
it quickly expanded
now i have a full wall with some that was never fired
recently bought an MP5
well, 2 days later, bought an MP5k
low and behold, 4 days goes by, i just bought another MP5
theres no end
unfortunately, i ran out of wall but still buying
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Old March 10th, 2014, 15:56   #7
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Airsoft guns are not designed to shoot animals. You'll likely just injure them, and then someone like me will report you. Get a .22 for that. Airsoft guns are real firearms for the purposes of the criminal code.

Airsoft itself is very fun and rewarding though, so enjoy.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old March 10th, 2014, 16:27   #8
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pusangani - I'm not planning to "target practice" on birds, I was planning to eat the game birds I shoot, and only shooting them when legally in season. I figured an airsoft would be a bit less noisey than a .22 cal. I do appreciate the comment and I should have made my intentions more clear.

I started out with real steel guns in about '84 when I was old enough to go off on my own, and not a kid anymore. The biggest selling point to the wife, is that the kit I buy can be used for hunting in the fall.

MultipleParadox - While I agree that buying cheap is never a smart idea, I'm going to buy low end rifle as a first gun for one reason only, I need something to play with and gain experience from while learning what style of player I will be and what the real needs of that style will be. I figure there isn't much point to buying a sniper rifle to play CQB, or a fully decked out MP5 RIS for WW2 re-enacting. That said, I am not buying $5 goggles!I don't have a replacment set of eyes so I'm not skimping out here.

As for reading the posts in here and learning more about the different set ups and so on, I've been here reading for months and only now joined because I wanted to start posting. I figure that a few indoor games will let me know if I want to do mostly CQB, or outdoor Milsim. This summer I will be at my local field often so I can see if Skimishes would be my thing. As for full on 24hr Milsim and WW2 re-enacting, I will talk to more people who are in it to see if its half as much fun as I've been reading about. I'm trying to go slow and step into this new lifestyle carefully, but its not easy resisting the urge to just dive right in and go broke trying on different kits! Not easy, but forcing myself to do it anyhow. Once I know what type of game play I like best I doubt I will resist much anymore. I can resist anything but temptation and airsoft is doing nothing but tempting me!
Knowledge weighs nothing, carry as much as you can!

Last edited by r.d.fretz; March 10th, 2014 at 16:30..
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Old March 10th, 2014, 16:46   #9
"bb bukakke" KING!
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friend of mine throws sticks at the game birds up north while he's moose hunting.

I would not consider airsoft accurate enough to hit a partridge in the head... you're more likely to injure it and/or scare it off.

On top of that, they probably get hit in the head harder by bugs when they're flying. :P
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 10th, 2014, 17:04   #10
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I entered 3 years ago, I've been saying " this is the last thing I need" for the past 2 years...
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Old March 10th, 2014, 17:08   #11
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Welcome to ASC, don't shoot birds with airsoft, don't be a dick.
now, about squirrels
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Old March 10th, 2014, 17:09   #12
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Yup I think you should forget Airsoft for small game

If you want a silent rifle for that, I'd recommend you check PCP Airguns (pre charged pneumatic). They basically are overpowered pellet guns but have been told some people hunt boars with that. Can reach in the 500-1000fps with .177 or .22 pellets. But that discussion belongs in another forum
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old March 10th, 2014, 17:10   #13
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The biggest selling point to the wife, is that the kit I buy can be used for hunting in the fall.
in a tactical mindset, excellent.

buy a gun that looks exactly like your the gun you'll use for hunting.Wife will never tell the diff.Can you hunt with an AK?
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Old March 10th, 2014, 17:14   #14
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Full metal King Arms M4 is under $250 in Canada. It's not crap, and a great starter. Most airsoft is modern warfare style, but if you're into Vietnam, WWII, etc, check your local scene.

When someone says "cheap" in airsoft, they are talking about crap that will break, jam, tear, fade, rip, crack, etc. If it doesn't shoot straight, you won't have fun, if it constantly breaks or causes issue, you won't have fun. If you have continually replace it, you'll think "$&@%! I should've bought at least a quality product, because now I've spent more". Low end but quality airsoft gun depending on brand and model is $250 - $500, expensive is & $1,500 - $3,000. That's before you add appropriate batteries, a charger, magazines, upgrades, and BBs that won't jam and/or ruin your gun. Then you can add gear to the budget.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old March 10th, 2014, 19:02   #15
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Originally Posted by r.d.fretz View Post
pusangani - I'm not planning to "target practice" on birds, I was planning to eat the game birds I shoot, and only shooting them when legally in season. I figured an airsoft would be a bit less noisey than a .22 cal. I do appreciate the comment and I should have made my intentions more clear.
Don't. It's illegal. Animal suffering and all that. I wouldn't even use .177, or anything sub 500 FPS. .22 or .25 pellet at 1000 FPS sure go right ahead, those are designed for varmints anyways.
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