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Oakley S.I. Ballistic Goggle vs. Knock Off


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Old March 7th, 2014, 12:54   #1
Corinth's Avatar
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Oakley S.I. Ballistic Goggle vs. Knock Off

Corinth, here.

Has anybody ever got their hands on a pair of Authentic Oakley S.I Ballistic Goggles? I'm thinking of going that way because my eye doctor offers their products including the Rx Prescription insert that fits inside. That being said, could you put that same Rx insert inside a pair of knock off S.I Goggles? If that were the case I would consider that instead of going with the authentic goggles and save a bit of cash. Just curious. If you have any other suggestions, I'm all ears... and eyes... you get my point.

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Old March 7th, 2014, 12:56   #2
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Eye protection is the last place you want to try and save money.

Do you think the folks who're knocking off the frames are still shelling out to make sure the lenses are rated?
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Old March 7th, 2014, 13:24   #3
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I was holding onto some glimmer of hope that the ANSI codes were the last place they would slack on... but I already had that feeling in my gut.

"Do I want to save money or retain my ability to see shit?"

Clearly I want to save money. :P

Danke... uh... Danke.

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Old March 7th, 2014, 14:28   #4
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Trade the eye for saving money ? Bad deal !

I have the Oakley ballistic shooting glasSes and must say the knock off is no comparison.

Last edited by Swattiger; March 7th, 2014 at 23:58..
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Old March 7th, 2014, 17:32   #5
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You better have some real good ears, because you will be all ears and no eyes if you cheap out on eyepro.

Get good quality, proven brands only.

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Old March 7th, 2014, 17:36   #6
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Budget around $100 for good goggles and possibly dou me that for a set with Rx inserts. Don't skimp and check what other people are using with success. Eye pro is a really subjective thing as they have to be comfortable and not fog with your level of perspiration. Rating is non negotiable and must be ANSI rated for impact.

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Old March 7th, 2014, 19:14   #7
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you can get a REAL pair of oakley goggles for around the 100$ mark if not less just have to look around.

I spent a fair bit on my goggles, and inserts but then again, I already wear glasses and I wanna preserve what vision I have left
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Old March 8th, 2014, 12:45   #8
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I have a real pair of the Oakley SI goggles, and I feel that they're not suitable for airsoft for a couple of reasons:

1) The air vent holes at the top of the goggle are quite large, and a 6mm BB can easily fit in there. The holes are covered by a very thin foam that a BB could quite easily penetrate and pass through if you happen to take a shot from an extreme angle.

2) It's a single lens design, and despite Oakley generally having fairly good anti-fog coatings and a decent standoff distance between the lens and your face, I've found that these goggles fog extremely easily. As tacticool as they look, they're actually one of the worst goggles I've ever worn in terms of fogging.
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Old March 8th, 2014, 14:03   #9
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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A chinese company looking to make money cares nothing for product quality or certifications. Their only goal is to fool people into thinking they are name brand.

They've been known to fake certs on many products, like Z87.1+, uL, CSA approval, etc.
Just because it's stamped Z87.1+ on the lens, doesn't mean it is. Name brand companies provide or have documentation available to prove it's rating.

Worst case scenario, those glasses break below their safety rating, who do you think will be easier to sue? Oakley? or China?
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Old March 8th, 2014, 16:40   #10
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
I have a real pair of the Oakley SI goggles, and I feel that they're not suitable for airsoft for a couple of reasons:

1) The air vent holes at the top of the goggle are quite large, and a 6mm BB can easily fit in there. The holes are covered by a very thin foam that a BB could quite easily penetrate and pass through if you happen to take a shot from an extreme angle.

2) It's a single lens design, and despite Oakley generally having fairly good anti-fog coatings and a decent standoff distance between the lens and your face, I've found that these goggles fog extremely easily. As tacticool as they look, they're actually one of the worst goggles I've ever worn in terms of fogging.

Seems like the 2.0 may have a similar problem. Too bad since they look pretty sexy.
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Old March 9th, 2014, 16:00   #11
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Just a heads up not a goggle. but we had a guy on a field back in 2010 with knock off M frames. I asked the player to submit the lenses to a test. Took glasses and put them on the soft grass. Fire 1 shot from a 420 fps gun using .30g ammo *1.65joules* to lens from 2 ft away. BB shattered the lenses into several small sharp pieces.

Knock off eye pro / sunglasses look cool and are really hit/miss for stopping/deflecting a BB
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Old March 10th, 2014, 11:07   #12
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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
I spent a fair bit on my goggles, and inserts but then again, I already wear glasses and I wanna preserve what vision I have left
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
I have a real pair of the Oakley SI goggles, and I feel that they're not suitable for airsoft for a couple of reasons:

1) The air vent holes at the top of the goggle are quite large, and a 6mm BB can easily fit in there. The holes are covered by a very thin foam that a BB could quite easily penetrate and pass through if you happen to take a shot from an extreme angle.

2) It's a single lens design, and despite Oakley generally having fairly good anti-fog coatings and a decent standoff distance between the lens and your face, I've found that these goggles fog extremely easily. As tacticool as they look, they're actually one of the worst goggles I've ever worn in terms of fogging.
I was thinking of going with the turbo fan which could reduce some of the fogging and also protect the top portion of the seal? As a recent convert from paintball, I still own two or three masks that took a beating but I never tested them with a 6mm BB. I get to put my KWC Makarov with it's 400+ FPS to the test, now.

What are some recommendations in terms of safety and reduced fogging issues and also have prescription inserts available for them? This is why I bring these questions to you, my most estimable colleagues.

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Old March 10th, 2014, 12:48   #13
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I run a pair of Smith Outside The Wire (OTW) Turbo Fan goggles with RX inserts they have yet to let me down, and they are damn quiet too, havent had a fogging issue yet.
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Old March 10th, 2014, 13:37   #14
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How are the frames on the Smiths? If I look at the online photos it seems like they have holes big enough to let a BB enter.

Here's a couple photos I shot years ago comparing snow/sport/moto goggles to protective ones.

The OTW isn't quite that bad but the holes look bigger than 6mm.
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Old March 10th, 2014, 14:54   #15
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the holes are large enough to push a BB through,
well its not as bad as some may think.


The bottom is worse then the top.
The foam has been removed, mainly because the damn things got clogged up with dirt and dust and it does increase air flow.

I'm currently looking into some bullet ants as they are rather comfy and low profile.

Last edited by R.I.T.Z; March 10th, 2014 at 14:56..
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