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Old February 28th, 2014, 11:39   #16
L473ncy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: 11-30-24-1W5
Weird that this is the case with the OEM mag but seriously it could be that their moulds are just slightly off and none actually seat properly. Take for example some airplane that had it's left and right sides designed by two different teams in 2 different softwares (I think it was something like Microstation and Solidedge in this case or whatever), the fact is when they went in to put the plane together, nothing lined up.

It could be that the mag and the magwell/body design were done by two different teams and their tolerances didn't line up correctly.

I've had to do weird things with various mags, sometimes even cutting away at the mag catch area to get it to seat properly or putting a couple pieces of tape to shim it ever so slightly to get the holes lined up or even cutting away at the BB stopper inside the mag with a circular file to try and get the BB's to centre themselves in the channel when coming out.
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Old March 5th, 2014, 14:50   #17
Join Date: Feb 2014
Thanks. I called the store and they're sending me a another mag.

Thanks for all the help.

I can't wait to airsoft with you guys:-)
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Old March 9th, 2014, 13:59   #18
Join Date: Feb 2014

I received another magazine the other day and hoped that things would be different, but I wasn't. The HK417 still wouldn't fire on semi. So yesterday, I went to trigger airsoft and bought a different brand of bbs called Action Army 0.2g and 5.95mm.

Now the gun is firing flawlessly both on semi and auto. It's amazing.

The question I have now is how can I fix it so that it fires other brand bbs. I though that TDS bbs were good. Also, how much difference will using a smaller size in diameter bbs make for accuracy?
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Old March 9th, 2014, 14:23   #19
Danke's Avatar
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Some guns are brand sensitive. The TSD BBs sound like cheap junk giveaway BBs; free bag with every gun you buy kind of thing.

I've had really good luck with Madbull and BB Bastard BBs. You'll probably find a lot of people who swear by the Bastards.
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Old March 9th, 2014, 14:49   #20
SuperCriollo's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Kitchener, ON
TSDs are meh, I had feeding problems with them in my Galil as well. Bastards and bioballs are my favorites. Also never had a problem with king arms BBs

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