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Ztac Sordins vs HL Impact Sport?


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Old February 21st, 2014, 03:01   #1
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Question Ztac Sordins vs HL Impact Sport?

So I've been looking at a number of headsets, mostly for ear protection as I don't foresee myself requiring comms/radio usage immediately and I'm stuck between going with a set of Z-tac headsets (Sordins) and a set of Howard Leight Impact Sport.

I know they're completely different with regards to function, as the Z-Sordins are for communication while the HL's are pretty much for real steel IPSC/range use headsets. But setting aside the Z-Sordin's ability to function as a comm headset, does anyone know how they compare with regards to amplifying ambient noise/conversations and blocking/lowering noise above the indicated dB limit?

I've heard the Ztacs cut off audio as opposed to lowering the dB level, while the Impact Pro's function as you would expect them to. Not sure if its true or not.

I'm planning on getting a Baofeng UV5R radio with a set of the Z-Sordins for comms in the future but considering that I won't need a radio as of yet, the Impact Pros seems to offer better performance with regards to the functionality of a set of electronic headsets.

Comment away! :P

Last edited by beta678; February 21st, 2014 at 03:04.. Reason: Impact Sport, not Impact Pros
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Old March 1st, 2014, 20:37   #2
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If you're going for Ear Protection, get real steel.

If you're going comms, get real steel.

Only reason to get repro is if you're on a budget, and if you are, ZTac makes nice stuff. Just don't rely on ZTac stuff to protect your ears when it comes down to it.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 21:12   #3
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With regards to ear protection, what I meant was literally protection from bb's as I'm not fond of getting hit in the ears lol.

I'm not too worried about noise levels as both headsets will muffle sound somewhat and if the ambient noise mic and dB limiter functions properly, that's just a bonus. But that being said, I've already decided to go w/ the Howard Leight's for now as it does all the things I want it to and I can take it to the range.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 21:14   #4
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
With regards to ear protection, what I meant was literally protection from bb's as I'm not fond of getting hit in the ears lol.
Oh, I see XD

In that case, I see no reason why you couldn't use ZTacs. But if you've settled on Real Steel, that's great too.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 21:24   #5
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I'll probably grab the Ztac's eventually (sordins look neat lol) but I've read mixed reviews about them. Issues with them breaking down, sound getting cut off instead of being lowered, compatibility issues, and a number of DOA headsets.

Since I'm not going to get a radio just yet, the HL's would work a little better for me at the moment as it'll be able to amplify ambient noise and the dB limiter actually lowers noise instead of cutting it off and turning back on. Plus its more reliable.

Though if you have experience with the Ztac's I'd love to hear about what you think. I've only met one person who used the Ztac sordins and he told me about the sound being cut off instead of being lowered thing.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 21:32   #6
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I actually use ZTac ComTacIIs, so I don't know if what I'm saying applies also to the ZSordins; take everything I say here with a wee grain of salt.

First off, I don't know how the sound-dampening works in them, because they sometimes mute stuff that doesn't need muting and amplifies stuff that doesn't need amplifying. For example, my headset particularly loves to mute doors slamming. Even closing a door extremely softly, it gives the "click-mute" feedback of sound being dampened. I've then worn them while running a table saw and nothing is being reduced. I also used them on an Air Rifle range (earpro is usually not required anyway so I was like meh, I'll try) and it dampened the sound of the bolt closing, but not the shot being fired.

No real experience with explosions and really sudden high-decibel noises (table saw is more prolonged; might be why the headset didn't cancel it) so that remains to be seen.

However, amplification is good, and it's pretty much like normal hearing with benefits. A small static noise begins to creep into the set at higher volume settings, but you get used to that. People talking to you is clearly transmitted, whispers occasionally, and things like clothes brushing, doors closing, and floors squeaking are clear to somewhat less clear dependent on loudness, range, and obstruction.

I find that there's no real 'amplification' of the ambience I'm in in terms of if you suddenly get super tactical elite night ops delta cag hearing abilities; it's really like normal hearing, but sometimes you'll hear some extra stuff thrown in.

They're a great headset for the price, and it won't compare to the real deal, but it's definitely got a use for Airsoft. I haven't used them too extensively, but from what I've used them for, I've got a definitive tactical advantage (a small edge, but an edge nonetheless) from the non-dual-cup-headset inclined among us.
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Last edited by JLiang; March 1st, 2014 at 21:35..
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Old March 1st, 2014, 21:59   #7
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Hm... What you've described about the Comtac II's seems consistent with what I've read regarding the Zsordins and Ztacs in general.

While I'm not looking for super ninja hearing abilities (but it'd be nice lol), just being able to hold a normal conversation will satisfy me so I guess the Ztac's fit the bill for what I want, along with the HL's.

I'll grab the HL impact sport for now as they're pretty cheap on amazon and seem more reliable and wait on the Ztac's until I need to use comms.

Thanks for the info JLiang, it was very helpful and pretty much answered all the questions I had about the Ztacs.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 22:03   #8
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No problem at all. Good luck with both sets of earpro.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 22:17   #9
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Howard Leight R-01526 Impact Sport Electronic Earmuff: Tools & Home Improvement


+ generic 3.5mm-3.5mm dual male plug


"Real steel" comms headset with heading/ear protection!

I've owned a set of these and the sound quality of them is actually nicer than my real steel MSA Sordins, IMO.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 22:38   #10
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Interesting... I never thought about running a comms set-up like that. I like the ability to run the headsets on their own and with comms so I'll definitely be giving that a try.

Also did a quick bit of googling since you gave me an idea and boom, I found this on

Howard Leight Impact Sport Comms Conversion

Seems like someone recently had the same idea to rig a boom mic on the Impact Sports. Definitely going to see how this turns out as I like the way it looks.
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Old March 3rd, 2014, 00:22   #11
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I actually just ordered a set of the ztac sordins... we'll see how they turn out.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 3rd, 2014, 16:01   #12
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
I actually just ordered a set of the ztac sordins... we'll see how they turn out.
Ztac sordins are ok. Obv not as good as the real thing but they still work decently.
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Do you really think all 322 spots will sell out in a single day
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Old March 4th, 2014, 11:25   #13
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My issue with clone sordins/comtacs was not how well they worked, but how easily they stopped working. Every china comms set up I've ever had shit the bed within a few months.
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