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Newbie Tank

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Old January 16th, 2014, 02:27   #1186
Join Date: Jan 2014
We are combat gear manufacturer in Korea. 'Semapo Gear'

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Old January 22nd, 2014, 19:25   #1187
Mellow_Beat's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: London, Ontario.
To whom it may concern;

Heya! The name's Brian. I'm down in London, Ontario. Still pretty new to airsoft compared to most others with barely a year under the belt, though I'm digging what I've done so far, and feeling pretty confident about getting out there and doing it some more.

Hoping to take the new year to try out some bigger games, learn some new tricks, get more involved in the community, and to maybe get myself some better gear before 2015 rolls around.
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Old February 4th, 2014, 23:06   #1188
Join Date: Feb 2014
hello all,

I'm checking out the airsoft scene in Canada and hoping for some guidance on CSOR and their kit. I'm a British serviceman, 14 years in so far with tours of Bosnia, Iraq and a couple of Afghanistan. i'm currently based in Nevada for the next couple of years. I've got an interest in the Canadian Armed Forces as my Gt Gt Uncle transferred from the Manchester Regiment to the Royal Canadian Regiment in 1907. any help on a CSOR loadout, where to get CADPAT and locations for C8 SFW parts! i also have one or two bits of UK i'll be adding to the sales thread in due course.
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Old February 5th, 2014, 22:29   #1189
Weldorman's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Sunderland Ontario
hello all

Just a little about myself I live in Sunderland Ont. I am new to airsoft but played a lot of paint ball before my children were born .I sold all my geer not long after and never looked back until recently .My youngest son is 16 and has shown a great interest lately in airsoft ( thinks he might hunt down the old boy lay a whoping on me ) His BD 17 th is on the 4 of march and he is getting a new G&G GR16-CQW that just happens to match the one that is being ship to me lol.
Anywho talk at ya later all the best and play safe
Just Another Day In Pairadice
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Old February 7th, 2014, 14:07   #1190
carllehot's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Quebec
Reintroduced my self.

Hello airsoft canada community.

I know I'm not new here, but I think I need to Introduced my self properly.
My name is Carl, I'm 22 and I've been long time subscribed in Airsoft Canada even Aged Verified. I've been owner of 3 AEG, I still have my Classic Army AR-15 (M16) sold my AGM Sten and my SRC HK416 gen.2(I think) tinted lower body is really dead and also have a co2 gbb sw40f.

Why I'm doing this, is because I've been like most of my friends or other young airsoft fan (or so called players that never have played a ''real game''). I have done almost every mistake that can be done in airsoft. How ? Well go read those post of what to do and what not to as a New player. Except the part of safety that I have never did and never will never do. I still got a brain! Now is time for me to restart from the basic part of how to start in Airsoft.

Anyway, I don't need to go in further details. Nice to see much more new player and be safe on the field. Hope to see you in event's !

-Classic Army m15 modified (WorkInProgress)
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Old February 16th, 2014, 02:35   #1191
Join Date: Feb 2014

Hi guys, the name is Alex and I'm from B.C. I use to play with cheap spring airsoft when I was 13 back in the philippines. Im 34 now and I want to buy a decent Airsoft aeg type. Im hoping that this forum can speed up things for me and maybe also make some new frieeeeeends:-)
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Old February 23rd, 2014, 16:24   #1192
Join Date: Feb 2014
Hi there !

My name is Ivan, and I'm sort of a new airsoft player. I say sort of because I used to play some 8 years ago in France, but now it's way back so getting back into the game isn't as easy as I thought :P

Still, I'm coming back to that awesome sport, and I'll be trying to find games in Montreal

I own 2 AEGs, 1 on the way and one that unfortunately I will have to resell as it is not exactly what I was looking for, as well as 1 gbb Hi-capa, only souvenir from my previous airsoft experience.

Hope to see some of you guys on a field at some point !

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Old February 23rd, 2014, 17:25   #1193
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Scarorough Toronto
Hello everyone and im guessing its time for me to properly introduce myself. My name is Alex and im 21 years old. I am currently living in Cyprus and will be moving to Canada in May. Iv been an active airsofter here in Cyprus for about 2 years now and iv loved every single moment iv spent airsofting. Whether its shooting people or checking up on equipment and videos from fellow airsofters in youtube. I havent had the chance to get AV'ed yet since as mentioned i live in Cyprus for the time being but i hope to see you all on the field some day once i get AV'ed. Thank you all for your time.
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Old February 23rd, 2014, 17:35   #1194
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Montreal
Hi all, I dont remember if I posted here back when I first joined but here it is.
a small group of my friends are in the process of getting the gear needed to play,
we were all heavily invested in paintball equipment so getting started wont be much of a hunt as we all have a couple of sets of soft gear, boots and uniform.

we should be ready to play in the late spring and hope to see some of you at games and or operations in the Montreal area.
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Old March 3rd, 2014, 15:59   #1195
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Truro, NS
New Player , Old Account

Hello guys!
I'm Zack, Ive had this account sense I was about 14. But I clearly was not old enough to play or "legally" buy airsoft rifles. Now i am 18! I have been for awhile now and I want to really start getting into airsoft again! (The legal way)
A little about my self:
I am in the Canadian forces (Infantry) 1st Nova Sctotia Highlanders C-coy
I live in Nova Scotia.

I am actually interested in being a sniper on the airsoft field (and in real life). I am no little kid that will run into the field thinking this is call of duty. I am fully aware of wind direction, temperature and fps,velocity. (Obviously temp wouldnt apply in airsoft as much as real life but its still something to take into account.)

ALSO: I want to get age verified so I can look at some of the rifles in my area. I can do this today or this week anytime if there is someone in Truro Nova Scotia?

Nice to meet all you guys and Im glad to finally join the community !

~Zack Graham

EDIT: I had my old account sense I was 14 (zackroman) But this is my new one seeing as I forget the password. So that account can be deleted!

Last edited by Zackgraham; March 3rd, 2014 at 16:01.. Reason: Wrong info
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Old March 6th, 2014, 02:01   #1196
Join Date: Mar 2014
Hoping to get involved with the community

Hey guys, my name's Bobby and I'm 16 years old. I know I probably look like just some kid to many, but I have been interested in doing airsoft for a while now. If there are any people who could perhaps mentor me or even if you just have some tips as to what to expect when I do get into the sport it would be really helpful.
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Old March 8th, 2014, 11:13   #1197
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Brampton
Hi, I'm new and ready to play with one kid of age.
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Old March 10th, 2014, 15:57   #1198
ReaperActual's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Ottawa
Hey guys.

Obviously I'm new here. Im a bit of a noob in the airsoft industry. Im 23 years old and in the ottawa area. Hopefully before the end of this spring i'll have enough gear and practice to actually throw down with you guys and hopefully join a team. I own a HFC M9, umarex walther p99c, and i've owned a few low end AEG's from crossman and other companies. Im looking to buy a GBBR with a full metal body soon (birthdays in a few days) and figured I might as well sign up and look around here. Looks like I'll have to get AV'd first to actually see anything though.

Thanks in advance for welcoming me to the community guys!
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Old March 15th, 2014, 23:21   #1199
fbiwestin's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Richmond, B.C.
Smile First Post on the forums!


New to Airsoft in Canada, played a few games in Hong Kong too~

I'm 22 years old and I currently live in Richmond, B.C.

Recently just got my primary weapons:
G&G GR14 EBR Long
G&G CM16 Raider-L (Shipping to me now~)

Bought all three guns some accessories, scopes, grips and even a grenade launcher! Almost 2k CAD spent, basically all my summer job salaries flushed away~ Some still on their way, will update(more like show-off haha) when I get them!

Here's a picture of my guns: *wooden one as CM16 Raider placeholder~

Will have lots of time during the summer so hope to see any of you that play in Richmond!:grin:

Last edited by fbiwestin; March 15th, 2014 at 23:22.. Reason: Picture not showing
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Old March 19th, 2014, 15:51   #1200
Emre1337's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Mississauga
Hey guys, my name is Emre, I'm 22 and I'm new to airsoft. I live in Mississauga Ontario and I'm always down for a game, rain or shine, indoor or outdoor. I have one rifle (WE SCAR open bolt with RA-Tech Nozzle w/ NPAS) and one sidearm (WE 7" Xcelerator Dragon).
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