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WIP: Upgrading Your Tokyo Marui Glock


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Old February 11th, 2014, 20:24   #661
e-luder's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Jagdalex View Post
Regarding the 366 fps, I was talking about importing a brand new TM 1911 MEU...not onlybthe frame...and for someone defense how can you allow canadian online retailer store to sell genuine TM and on the other side do not allow to order them from abroad...does not make sense. You just ask the HK to put a false higher than 366 fps shooting report and you are good to go for importation...
They have licenses. We don't.
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."
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Old February 11th, 2014, 20:26   #662
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Does anyone in Toronto/GTA have a guarder TM glock black frame for sale...Turok? please pm me

I would buy from Milsig but I prefer not to wait for shipping.

Thanks ahead
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Old February 11th, 2014, 20:27   #663
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You guys know what the best burger is?

a bison burger. Fresh ground bison meat. seasoned and marinated overnight.
I have some on the grill right now. Smells like sex...on a grilll.

OHHHH man.
I'm sooo hungry....
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."
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Old February 11th, 2014, 20:39   #664
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Originally Posted by jjkfeng View Post
Does anyone in Toronto/GTA have a guarder TM glock black frame for sale...Turok? please pm me

I would buy from Milsig but I prefer not to wait for shipping.

Thanks ahead
PM sent
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Old February 11th, 2014, 21:10   #665
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I have never ordered a Gun from oversea that was not complient to the Canadian ruling. I just find it silly that some company from HK put false fps chart on stock marui guns and that it goes through customs that's it. I am not risking ordering GBB that are below 366 and getting caught and black listed but I can clearly see some people doing it. Back on the subject of interest now...that is Glock upgrades ! :-D

Last edited by Jagd; February 11th, 2014 at 21:23..
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Old February 11th, 2014, 21:22   #666
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Originally Posted by Jagdalex View Post
I have never ordered a Gun from oversea that was not complient to the Canadian ruling. I just find it silly that some company from HK put false fps chart on stock marui guns and that it goes through customs that's it. I am not risking ordering GBB that are below 366 and getting caught and black listed but I can clearly see some people doing it
So you would not risk importing a gun that is <366 fps, but would risk importing a pistol frame? Remember? pistol frames are prohibited for importation, even the green, red, pink, yellow or purple ones, even if it has a post in the frame.

There may be instances where guns falsely tagged with FPS readings from HK get through customs, but how do you know they all go through? Maybe there are many instances where they were seized but just weren't made aware to us? Im pretty sure there are many instances.

Just dont risk importing a frame or lower receiver

Last edited by turok_t; February 11th, 2014 at 21:27..
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Old February 11th, 2014, 21:27   #667
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I am ordering colored frames because the border agency opened my package looked at the frame and put it back in. If it would be crystal clear that it is prohibited how come they let it pass. It's not like the parcel was not checked by the border agency because it was. Maybe the OD frame had to do something with it...but one thing for sure it was not luck

Dont get me wrong I do not think that all gun will go through with false fps reading nor that it is wise, I was obviously sarcastic in my earlier post

Last edited by Jagd; February 11th, 2014 at 21:30..
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Old February 11th, 2014, 21:31   #668
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Originally Posted by Jagdalex View Post
I am ordering colored frames because the border agency opened my package looked at the frame and put it back in. If it would be crystal clear that it is prohibited how come they let it pass. It's not like the parcel was not checked by the border agency because it was. Maybe the OD frame had to do something with it...but one thing for sure it was not luck

As per "Importing Airsoft and You" at this link:

"Okay, so I can’t import guns. What about parts and accessories?

Yes. The good news is that most parts and accessories, including most magazines, can be successfully imported by individuals without requiring a BFL. Examples of things you CANNOT import:

AEG magazines with fake cartridges (i.e. P90, G36, SG 552 mags)

Frames, receivers, and metal bodies
Suppressors and silencers
Prohibited-length outer handgun barrels (i.e. USP Compact, Glock 26)
Hand and 40mm grenades that look real"

Eluder, chime in and reinforce that it is dependent on the CBSA patrol officer and whether he received it because of "luck" or not...

Last edited by turok_t; February 11th, 2014 at 21:36..
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Old February 11th, 2014, 21:36   #669
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Originally Posted by e-luder View Post
THe new version have a metal insert on the slide where recoil rod exits the slide.
(I dunno what else to call it).

It was put in place because the plastic slides, in the beginning, were cracking sooo fast that my wife's long ass morning showers would be over before the slide self destructed....

LoL I should not have read this in class.
I can only hope mine a new version.

The bodies for the g18/17 interchangeable?
Looking for a guarded body stateside, wish more stores sold parts stateside that would make happy.
Any advice on adding a buffer, or a guide anywhere?
Is that a painting of Bill Murray?

Last edited by Animalmother; February 11th, 2014 at 21:45..
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Old February 11th, 2014, 21:44   #670
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Originally Posted by Animalmother View Post
LoL I should not have read this in class.
I can only hope mine a new version.

The bodies for the g18/17 interchangeable?
Looking for a guarded body stateside, wish more stores sold parts stateside that would make happy.
Is that a painting of Bill Murray?
Yup Guarder glock frames fit on both G17 and G18C
Buffers can help short stroke the cycling, however, if you add too many, the slide may not lock when the magazine is empty.
What do you mean by "guide"?

Last edited by turok_t; February 11th, 2014 at 21:51..
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Old February 12th, 2014, 01:04   #671
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Originally Posted by turok4740are you having weak blowback?
Are you having low fps?

This is a very common problem among glock users who have a poor seal between the gas route and the air nozzle regardless if they have upgraded to the Nineball gas route for their magazines. A lot of individuals shim or increase the height of their gas route using various methods for all their mags. Instead of modding all my mags, I decided to mod my air nozzles instead.

I simply used cyanoacrylic glue (ie. super glue) and accelerator to cure the glue instantly. Surrounding the opening of the air nozzle is a small rectangular recess that conforms with the shape of the gas route. I simply filled the recess with cyanoacrylic glue to build up the height and cured it instantly using the accelerator. Simply use the 400-800 grit sandpaper and sand it down to create a smoother surface at the desired height. Make sure that it is not too high though or else it will impede cycling. (For WE M4/416/SCAR/PDW users, you can perform this mod too if you experience poor seal). If you still experience poor blow back and low fps, try using a larger piston head O-ring (the WE piston lids are slightly larger in diameter and can form a better seal with TM style air nozzles).

After performing this mod with two of my glocks, I gained 10-15fps, my slide locks back more consistently, and my blowback was much stronger! The good thing about this mod is that it is modular- you can sand down the glue as much as you want to the desired height, or you can simply use an exacto knife to pry it off completely. Here are some pictures:


Here is a sneak peak of my duracoated (slide only) FDE TM G17 with custom stippling by me

I was watching your video of your Glock modifications on YouTube and I was quite impressed with the ultra smooth cycling and the ultra crisp and smooth blowback and I was thinking about doing some of your mods as well

I have a few questions for you first:

I noticed that your test Mag is plugged with your compressor giving you a Mag full of gas at high pressure all the time. I have already a really smooth cycling and I have a recoil spring with buffer from Nineball but I have switched the spring for the stock spring giving me a kick that is a bit higher than my guarder 150%. That being said, when I fill my Mag with a new or almost brand new propane bottle , the slide is able to lock on empty mags but as I am running out of gas, the slide is not locking back anymore. It does that with the 150% guarder recoil spring too. If I am filling my Mag with a half full propane bottle the gas pressure is not high enough and I am never a achieving a locked slide on empty mags. Now, do you have a problem with your slide not locking when you are past half what you have left in term of gas left in a regular Mag that you fill with a normal propane tank?

Another thing, what is the type of nozzle that you are using for your g18c? Looks like the Airsoft surgeon one is really good but I have never seen any for the g18c.

With the super glue mod do you recommend getting the Nineball magazine purple rubber too or it is overkill and the stock one are good enough?
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Old February 12th, 2014, 01:54   #672
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Originally Posted by Jagdalex View Post
I was watching your video of your Glock modifications on YouTube and I was quite impressed with the ultra smooth cycling and the ultra crisp and smooth blowback and I was thinking about doing some of your mods as well

I have a few questions for you first:

I noticed that your test Mag is plugged with your compressor giving you a Mag full of gas at high pressure all the time. I have already a really smooth cycling and I have a recoil spring with buffer from Nineball but I have switched the spring for the stock spring giving me a kick that is a bit higher than my guarder 150%. That being said, when I fill my Mag with a new or almost brand new propane bottle , the slide is able to lock on empty mags but as I am running out of gas, the slide is not locking back anymore. It does that with the 150% guarder recoil spring too. If I am filling my Mag with a half full propane bottle the gas pressure is not high enough and I am never a achieving a locked slide on empty mags. Now, do you have a problem with your slide not locking when you are past half what you have left in term of gas left in a regular Mag that you fill with a normal propane tank?

Another thing, what is the type of nozzle that you are using for your g18c? Looks like the Airsoft surgeon one is really good but I have never seen any for the g18c.

With the super glue mod do you recommend getting the Nineball magazine purple rubber too or it is overkill and the stock one are good enough?
The smooth cycling is a result of the modifications performed on the lugs of the slide and on the front/rear chassis as described in the video. The crispness and consistency of blowback is a result of the gas efficiency.

Your slide is not locking back when your magazine decreases in pressure can result from a few possible reasons:

1. There is not enough power to cycle the slide back enough in order for the slide catch to catch the slide. This can be due to poor seal/gas efficiency between the magazine/nozzle, or nozzle/piston head.

2. Using a propane tank that is nearly empty. When you fill in your magazine with a tank that is nearly empty, you're filling it with air, not propane, which is why you may not be getting enough juice to cycle the slide.

3. The stiffness of the recoil spring due to the addition of buffer(s) means that the gas needs to work harder to pull the slide back. So when your magazine has minimal gas pressure, it is not enough to counteract the recoil spring to pull the slide sufficiently for it to lock.

4. "Cooldown effect"- Simply, when the temperature is too cold, propane can not expand as much.

Even if you use propane in your magazine, your slide should be able to lock back when the magazine is empty. If not, try to find out where the gas efficiency is low. For me, my flocks all lock back on propane when all bb's are fired.

Believe it or not, im still using the stock nozzle for my G18C. It has not broken or cracked (even under propane) and i cycled the gun thousands of time. I know Guarder makes G18C nozzles, but I heard they break and crack all the time.

For my mod, you can use either super glue or gasket. Gasket seems to be more pliable and a better seal, while super glue may be more susceptible to breaking in the cold, although I haven't really tested it outside yet. However, superglue can easily be removed and shaped as desire. This is important because if you build up your nozzle too much, you can gradually sand it to the desired height. I would personally try the mod first, and if you are happy, leave it. If not, you can get the nineball gas routes as well. Dont forget to chrony your fps after the mod to see how much your FPS has increased. Also, if you build up your nozzle too much, its going to impede your slide from cycling so make sure you don't put so much.
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Old February 12th, 2014, 03:53   #673
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Many of you changed out so many parts that I wondered if you had a whole new gun by now.

So far,
3 Nineball gas routes
Guarded 150% w/ hammer spring
Nineball bucking
Guarded mag catch
Angel ultimate dyna piston head (is this even a worthy upgrade???) stock might be better for all I know.

I don't know which tightbore to get.
I can't afford the slide right now
I want the rocket valve but its nowhere to be found except overseas
I use green gas only since I have so many cans from long ago

Hoping I get to 300

Last edited by Animalmother; February 12th, 2014 at 04:05..
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Old February 12th, 2014, 09:10   #674
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Originally Posted by Animalmother View Post
Many of you changed out so many parts that I wondered if you had a whole new gun by now.

So far,
3 Nineball gas routes
Guarded 150% w/ hammer spring
Nineball bucking
Guarded mag catch
Angel ultimate dyna piston head (is this even a worthy upgrade???) stock might be better for all I know.

I don't know which tightbore to get.
I can't afford the slide right now
I want the rocket valve but its nowhere to be found except overseas
I use green gas only since I have so many cans from long ago

Hoping I get to 300
I would get SD hammer spring, use Airsoft Surgeon nozzle/piston head. If you want max FPS, get PDI 6.01 inner barrel with A+ reap hop up or 9ball hop up.
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Old February 12th, 2014, 11:32   #675
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Originally Posted by turok_t View Post
The smooth cycling is a result of the modifications performed on the lugs of the slide and on the front/rear chassis as described in the video. The crispness and consistency of blowback is a result of the gas efficiency.

Your slide is not locking back when your magazine decreases in pressure can result from a few possible reasons:

1. There is not enough power to cycle the slide back enough in order for the slide catch to catch the slide. This can be due to poor seal/gas efficiency between the magazine/nozzle, or nozzle/piston head.

2. Using a propane tank that is nearly empty. When you fill in your magazine with a tank that is nearly empty, you're filling it with air, not propane, which is why you may not be getting enough juice to cycle the slide.

3. The stiffness of the recoil spring due to the addition of buffer(s) means that the gas needs to work harder to pull the slide back. So when your magazine has minimal gas pressure, it is not enough to counteract the recoil spring to pull the slide sufficiently for it to lock.

4. "Cooldown effect"- Simply, when the temperature is too cold, propane can not expand as much.

Even if you use propane in your magazine, your slide should be able to lock back when the magazine is empty. If not, try to find out where the gas efficiency is low. For me, my flocks all lock back on propane when all bb's are fired.

Believe it or not, im still using the stock nozzle for my G18C. It has not broken or cracked (even under propane) and i cycled the gun thousands of time. I know Guarder makes G18C nozzles, but I heard they break and crack all the time.

For my mod, you can use either super glue or gasket. Gasket seems to be more pliable and a better seal, while super glue may be more susceptible to breaking in the cold, although I haven't really tested it outside yet. However, superglue can easily be removed and shaped as desire. This is important because if you build up your nozzle too much, you can gradually sand it to the desired height. I would personally try the mod first, and if you are happy, leave it. If not, you can get the nineball gas routes as well. Dont forget to chrony your fps after the mod to see how much your FPS has increased. Also, if you build up your nozzle too much, its going to impede your slide from cycling so make sure you don't put so much.
It is probably the gas route the problem. Because compared to the stock slide and stock bbu, the PGC slide and guns modify bbu, the bbu seems to sit higher in the slide therefore there is a bigger gap and seeing slightly more space between the frame and the slide than with the stock slide. Most of my propane tanks are running low too... and regarding the nozzle I bought the guarder one and I must have been lucky... did not crack and I shot at least 2k bbs with it...but I know that for other of my friends they shot 2 mags and it broke...depending on the batch apparently

So I bought some super glue and will try your mod ! Will let you know how it goes. I have the new firefly floating valve that is coming too !
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