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Why YOU should Get interested in World War II re-enacting



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Old February 5th, 2014, 23:39   #16
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Originally Posted by CR0M View Post
Airsoft World War II re-enacting has always seemed More like LARP and less like airsoft to me.

Not that theres anything wrong with that.
You run around role playing soldiers and special forces in a live action setting...... airsoft IS LARP

The WWII stuff is more re-enacting than LARP.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old February 5th, 2014, 23:48   #17
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Originally Posted by CR0M View Post
Airsoft World War II re-enacting has always seemed More like LARP and less like airsoft to me.

Not that theres anything wrong with that.
It's more like: "lets live like we are in 1944" than "we have a mission to accomplish within next 24-36 hours, lets do it!" We are trying to re-live what people back in old days went through.
It certainly does have that LARP look, especially because large number of us don't come to events to rack up the kill count. We come to dig fox holes at night, do patrols for hours without any contact, live in the rain for 2-3 days and we will be ok with firing 30-40 shots during all that time. I guess it's the same thing when you do serious reenactment of any era. I've done VN before, it's very similar in nature.
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Old February 6th, 2014, 00:05   #18
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Gato View Post
You run around role playing soldiers and special forces in a live action setting...... airsoft IS LARP

The WWII stuff is more re-enacting than LARP.
It is military simulation taken to the limit. Weapon restrictions, tech restrictions, equipment , as it was used how it was used.

We are trying to re create the atmosphere of a WWII military operation in the details and the activity as much as we are able.

the most enjoyable and satisfying experiances I have had with an Airsoft gun in my hand have been at WWII events.

Everyone there is there for the same reason, there is a harmony of purpose generally absent at most other Airsoft events.
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Old February 6th, 2014, 11:42   #19
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Originally Posted by CR0M View Post
Airsoft World War II re-enacting has always seemed More like LARP and less like airsoft to me.

Not that theres anything wrong with that.
Half the fun of airsoft is LARPing!
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Old February 6th, 2014, 13:37   #20
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Since this is re-enacting, I suppose all the games are being won by the US side ?

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Old February 6th, 2014, 13:46   #21
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Old February 6th, 2014, 13:49   #22
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Originally Posted by COL.TIKER View Post
hope this doesnt scare potential allied recruits away...
Had to upload this bad boy. Shit was nuts. (If you want me to take it down let me know @ Tiker)

Daytona Shoei MG42 - HPA - YouTube

This WWII stuff seems quite interesting. Reminds me of times I played Day of Defeat on HL1.

I suspect my first AEG might have to be a WWII gun. Will subscribe to hear of future events. Might drop by one in the near future if they are reasonably close.
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Old February 6th, 2014, 14:07   #23
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Tikers MG42 is a Shoei, it's sexier than the video!

To anyone in the GTA looking for an event, check out Foy on March 1st at Flag Raiders:

Looser kit restrictions make it easy to come out and have a time.
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Old February 6th, 2014, 14:17   #24
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
It's more like: "lets live like we are in 1944" than "we have a mission to accomplish within next 24-36 hours, lets do it!" We are trying to re-live what people back in old days went through.
It certainly does have that LARP look, especially because large number of us don't come to events to rack up the kill count. We come to dig fox holes at night, do patrols for hours without any contact, live in the rain for 2-3 days and we will be ok with firing 30-40 shots during all that time. I guess it's the same thing when you do serious reenactment of any era. I've done VN before, it's very similar in nature.
that all sounds really fun, and those elements are my favorite when I am able to experience them in some milsims.

But the dressing up, and time specific guns, and the acting and playing the role. That's LARPing with airsoft guns. Again, nothing wrong with that though.
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Old February 6th, 2014, 17:02   #25
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by CR0M View Post
that all sounds really fun, and those elements are my favorite when I am able to experience them in some milsims.

But the dressing up, and time specific guns, and the acting and playing the role. That's LARPing with airsoft guns. Again, nothing wrong with that though.
All airsoft has elements of LARP .. it is live action, and your are playing the role of a person firing a gun.. without actually being a person firing a gun.

Historical LARP is generally known as re-enacting

in WWII reenacting- each person takes on the role of a person who could have served in WWII .. they seek to accurately portray that person, in equipment , Dress, and behaviour even language, .. this person is an alternative self in a different time and place. The Dress , equipment and deportment forms your "impression" of that person in that time and place.

Your impression is the principle vehicle for achieving "immersion". Immersion is that feeling that you are "there" everything you see is "right" for the time and place. When it's done right the immersion can be quite powerful and effective in transporting you to a different time and place in which the conflict is just that much more "realistic" and important.

It is from this that the real enjoyment and satisfaction comes. Yes WWII re-enactment is not for everyone, but for those that choose to follow this path is it both fulfilling, and very rewarding.

Everyone who has done Milsims is also looking for that "immersion" that feeling that "this is real" it makes your heart pound a little .. colours all seem a little brighter. The fact is that this feeling happens a lot more in WWII milsims than any other I have ever participated in.. including real military training.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; February 6th, 2014 at 17:05..
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Old February 6th, 2014, 17:08   #26
Suburban Gun Runner
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
It is military simulation taken to the limit. Weapon restrictions, tech restrictions, equipment , as it was used how it was used.
I have always been interested in playing this period and your post piqued my interest. I'm assuming that you've played in a few "longer than skirmish" games, when you say equipment restrictions I have a few questions regarding food and water. I will assume that camel backs are a no no but do you generally only allow water from canteens and Gerry cans or do you not bother to go into it that far?
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old February 6th, 2014, 18:02   #27
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Myself personally I carry a .7L canteen and then usually store a large bottle of water in either my backpack or if it's short enough in the gas canister. Plastic bottles look so out of place in a good set up. I think as long as you can camouflage it properly do whatever you can.
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Old February 6th, 2014, 18:06   #28
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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I got the Axis bug but then life reminded me that there are these things called bills and responsibilities so all airsoft has taken a back seat for me personally. Hopefully this summer I can complete my SS loadout and go kick some Allied ass!
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Old February 6th, 2014, 18:30   #29
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
I have always been interested in playing this period and your post piqued my interest. I'm assuming that you've played in a few "longer than skirmish" games, when you say equipment restrictions I have a few questions regarding food and water. I will assume that camel backs are a no no but do you generally only allow water from canteens and Gerry cans or do you not bother to go into it that far?
We all carry canteens as part of our kit.

Brian brings a big container of water and hides it under a tarp so we can refill.
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Old February 6th, 2014, 19:38   #30
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
I have always been interested in playing this period and your post piqued my interest. I'm assuming that you've played in a few "longer than skirmish" games, when you say equipment restrictions I have a few questions regarding food and water. I will assume that camel backs are a no no but do you generally only allow water from canteens and Gerry cans or do you not bother to go into it that far?
Good question.

Everyone carries about a litre of water in a canteen.

We bring a larger ( 20L) container so we can refill when necessary. right now this is a Modern container.. but I am working on a proper period solution.

Water was often carried in 5, 10 and 20L aluminium jugs .. though these are getting rare to find in a condition that can be returned to service.

We have an Insulated Haybox ( actual period German insulated food container) within which enough food for the squad can be carried. If possible we serve fresh rations in the field. (At OP woodsman we fed the troops fresh rations in the field .. While under fire )

If not , then each man should have enough food for a 24 hour period in their bread bag. I often carry a couple hard sausages, some hard cheese and bread, Chocolate, and of course Cigars and or tobacco and a pipe.

In my Mess tin, I carry a small Espresso maker, and some coffee and Sugar. with my esbit stove I can have a hot brew up going in minutes anywhere.

the ideal is to neither bring nor use ANY modern tech or equipment or provisions.. Basically no plastic.
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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