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AEG feeding issue? Compression problem?


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Old January 18th, 2014, 03:19   #1
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AEG feeding issue? Compression problem?

So I finally received my backup gun for my GBBR's earlier this week but only got down to testing it today after running into a few issues and chasing an electrical ghost down.

Anyways, its a JG G3 and the problem I have is that it will not fire consistently. I'm thinking its either a feeding issue with the high cap or a compression issue as every few shots I am able to get off at a target, the bb will end up bouncing off the paper.

I've also pulled the trigger, noticed no bb was shot, tilt barrel downward, no bb rolls out, removed mag and noticed a bb is sorta half in the hop up chamber, manually fill hop up chamber will bb's (4 bb's fit in there), held bb's down, fired it, and it manages to shoot a bb after a few pulls of the trigger.

I did take apart the gearbox while searching for my electrical issue yesterday and cleaned it out, re shimmed and re lubed and it should be assembled correctly. The one potential exception may be the tappet plate and sector gear. I'm not 100% sure I assembled that correctly but post assembly testing of the gearbox showed the cylinder moving correctly. I did test the cylinder for compression and also did some additional air sealing with some teflon tape so I'm definitely confused as to what's going on.

If anyone has any idea as to what's the issue, please let me know. AEG's are a bit of headache for me... I have pictures of the entire assembly/maintenance process I went through as I'm planning on doing a write up on it after a bit of testing so if there's anything that'd help please let me know and I'll see if I have any pics to provide additional detail.

I'd prefer not opening up the gearbox again as it was definitely a bit of a pain but if I have no problems doing so if necessary.


PS. If anyone knows any tricks to closing up a gearbox without requiring another set of hands to keep the stupid anti reversal latch from popping out please let me know. Took me forever to get it closed up with the latch in the right position and not spring out...
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Old January 18th, 2014, 04:38   #2
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Think I might know what the problem is but I'd like some input as I'm not 100% sure. Is the air seal nozzle supposed to be springy? As in you should be able to push the nozzle inward and it should spring back out?

I think I may have installed the nozzle under the tappet plate instead of on it as it does not have any movement at all. I'll open the gearbox to see if that's the case and fix it tomorrow.

If that's not the issue then I'm still stumped.

Last edited by beta678; January 18th, 2014 at 04:43..
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Old January 18th, 2014, 04:59   #3
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post

Think I might know what the problem is but I'd like some input as I'm not 100% sure. Is the air seal nozzle supposed to be springy? As in you should be able to push the nozzle inward and it should spring back out?

I think I may have installed the nozzle under the tappet plate instead of on it as it does not have any movement at all. I'll open the gearbox to see if that's the case and fix it tomorrow.

If that's not the issue then I'm still stumped.
Its supposed to be springy yes, and this would be whats causing the problem cause the nozzle is not moving back to load the bb properly
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Old January 18th, 2014, 08:49   #4
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have you chronoed the gun? if you're getting retarded low fps, you have very poor air seal, at that point it's not a feeding issue, it's just a compression issue.

when nothing comes out of the barrel does it make a farting noise or just a dry firing noise? or does it sound like a regular shot?
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old January 18th, 2014, 08:57   #5
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Hurrah! Problem confirmed and lesson learned.

Nozzle reinstalled correctly, will test and see if problem is resolved later today.

Thanks for the confirmation Aurora
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Old January 18th, 2014, 09:08   #6
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
have you chronoed the gun? if you're getting retarded low fps, you have very poor air seal, at that point it's not a feeding issue, it's just a compression issue.

when nothing comes out of the barrel does it make a farting noise or just a dry firing noise? or does it sound like a regular shot?
I haven't chrono'd the gun yet as I don't have access to a chrono at the moment. Shots sounded normal, except when the battery appeared to die on me, which is another concern I need to look into as my multimeter read a charge of 8.4V.

Air seal was one of my bigger concerns when I opened the G3 up to clean out the gunk in the gear box to reshim & relube so I applied a "liberal" amount of teflon tape to various parts of the cylinder, cylinder head, etc. It should be air tight now that I've got the nozzle in its proper place.

But short of the nozzle being out of place I shouldn't have any other compression issues but I'll need to test it out later to see if there's any other problems. I've had a few annoying problems with this AEG already, hopefully it's good to go now as I'd like to finish my review and write up of this G3 lol.
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Old January 19th, 2014, 04:12   #7
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
Hurrah! Problem confirmed and lesson learned.

Nozzle reinstalled correctly, will test and see if problem is resolved later today.

Thanks for the confirmation Aurora
Youre welcome! Glad ya got it working
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Old January 19th, 2014, 04:41   #8
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Tested it earlier and shoots fine with no feeding or compression issue at all. I'll definitely need a new battery though, don't think the stock battery will last me a day of gaming.

Time for me to grab some T-connectors and a couple of 7.4V 2000mah lipos!
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Old January 19th, 2014, 16:37   #9
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Originally Posted by beta678
Shots sounded normal, except when the battery appeared to die on me, which is another concern I need to look into as my multimeter read a charge of 8.4V.
Your multi-meter will always read the EMF (electron-motive force), NOT the voltage supplied to the motor. You have to take a measurement under load (when the gun is being fired) to get an accurate measure of battery energy remaining.
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