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Cocking handles only for Hi-Capa 5.1 ?!


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Old December 16th, 2013, 09:21   #1
famidrive's Avatar
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Cocking handles only for Hi-Capa 5.1 ?!

So yeah. I'm pretty tired of this 5.1 favoritism.
Why is it that nobody seems to make any cocking handles OR rear
sights for the Hi-Capa 4.3, and more importantly; why hasn't anyone
asked this question before?
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Old December 16th, 2013, 11:51   #2
2 Cent Tactical
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Arnt they the same....

When I went through the agonizing task of using google, it provided me with cocking handles that fit on both 4.3&5.1 which would again lead me to believe that the slides use the same sights and attachments. I also found a ton of sights.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; December 16th, 2013 at 13:16..
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Old December 16th, 2013, 13:46   #3
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Oh, you think I haven't been researching? Let me tell you something.
I have. I'm not 15 years old without any experience of doing things

I have seen the ones that supposedly fit both 4.3 and 5.1. Branded
T.S.C I believe. However sights. The ONLY one for 4.3 I have found
is made by Freedom Art and isn't in stock anywhere. Also, I don't
like it. Same with the T.S.C cocking handle. If parts would be interchangeable
the should damn well know to put it in the listing, this way they could
sell perhaps even more of them. I will not buy just on the assumption of
someone who went through the "agonizing task of using google" which
lead him to believe everything was interchangeable. I have been there,
I won't do that again. I'm looking for stone cold facts here.

I have found a TON of sights AND cocking handles. However they all say
"Fit for TM Hi-Capa 5.1".
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Old December 16th, 2013, 13:47   #4
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Saaaassy... i think he was genuinely trying to help you.. lol
Guardians of Asgaard - KF14
"tight pants, tight groups, "
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Old December 16th, 2013, 13:54   #5
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Hey, you said NOBODY makes those items for the 4.3.

Originally Posted by famidrive View Post
Why is it that nobody seems to make any cocking handles OR rear
sights for the Hi-Capa 4.3
If I can simply Google "Hi-Cappa 4.3 Cocking handles" and get a lot of results, it would lead me to believe that you dont know how to search the internet for things, because obviously, a lot of people seem to make cocking handles for the 4.3.

If you don't like a design, be productive, design your own and have it made. Make a new product for all to enjoy.
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Old December 16th, 2013, 13:56   #6
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If it was a genuine try to help, then I apologize. If not, it's all there.
For the record I did say "Nobody SEEMS to make" after all the
hours I put up searching, I can't help that vendors not might know a
*suitcase* about what they are actually selling.

Yes. There's been a lot of things that irritate me in many of the options
available on the market and I'd love to have them made, however
production costs are much much higher in Sweden than more or less
anywhere in the world.

Last edited by famidrive; December 16th, 2013 at 14:05..
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Old December 16th, 2013, 14:59   #7
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Originally Posted by famidrive View Post
If it was a genuine try to help, then I apologize. If not, it's all there.
For the record I did say "Nobody SEEMS to make" after all the
hours I put up searching, I can't help that vendors not might know a
*suitcase* about what they are actually selling.

Yes. There's been a lot of things that irritate me in many of the options
available on the market and I'd love to have them made, however
production costs are much much higher in Sweden than more or less
anywhere in the world.
You don't seem to understand that having a 500 units CNC run in China is dirt cheap. Unless you mean a computer and 123CAD (which is free) are overly expensive...
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old December 16th, 2013, 15:10   #8
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Even if it was, I'd still have to learn CAD and I have a very severe problem
with numbers, which is a crucial thing with CAD. Obviously not that much if
it's only a 2D object. Having a run of 500 units and getting the numbers wrong
would be, well dirt cheap for 500 pieces of useless dirt. And another reminder
of being utterly handicapped when it comes to numbers.
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Old December 16th, 2013, 15:54   #9
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Then you have a very simple choice:
Bring you 4.3 to a gundoc that know what he is doing.
You won't screw parts and he will probably be able to fit a 5.1 part if need.

You can also install a complete 5.1 4" slide kit with 5.1 sights and cocking handle.

Or have a 4" built from scratch.

But if you want to whine and bitch about a non-issue, you have chosen the wrong forum to do so. People here try to find a solution, and in this case the solution is very simple. If you can't accept that and want to be fed your very own custom solution, try somewhere else (for example a local forums, seeing as you are 1000s of kilometers away from here).
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old December 16th, 2013, 16:34   #10
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So the only "simple" solution would be to make my own CNC part? Mind. Blown.
The basic question was, why it seemed to be so hard to find 4.3 parts.
I never whined or bitched, until someone baited me to do so after spending
week after week searching for parts and reading for solutions, not only about
rear sights or cocking handles. There ARE some, but they are damn hard to

I'm modifying and building my own guns and I learnt myself to do so, thank
you very much. I'm just fed up with the 5.1 favoritism.
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Old December 16th, 2013, 16:46   #11
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Originally Posted by famidrive View Post
So the only "simple" solution would be to make my own CNC part? Mind. Blown.
The basic question was, why it seemed to be so hard to find 4.3 parts.
I never whined or bitched, until someone baited me to do so after spending
week after week searching for parts and reading for solutions, not only about
rear sights or cocking handles. There ARE some, but they are damn hard to

I'm modifying and building my own guns and I learnt myself to do so, thank
you very much. I'm just fed up with the 5.1 favoritism.
Well, apparently you have yet a LOT to learn.
You really should get a 5.1 and look for the differences. Then you might decide to modify parts or change the slide kit to a 5.1 in 4" version.

In any case, welcome to ASC, but your attitude sucks.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old December 16th, 2013, 17:11   #12
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I do have a lot to learn! I also have a 5.1, but I haven't taken time to
disassemble the rear sight, but I will. It's totally possible to make 5.1
cocking handles and sights working on a 4.3 but that'd mean cutting /
sanding off a pretty piece off the slide.

I agree, my attitude sucked up there. Sorry about that! Must be that
time of the month. And thank you for the welcome!
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Old December 17th, 2013, 03:24   #13
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there are 2 types of charging handles that I know of, ones that replace the entire sight and another which replaces the adjustable part of the rear sight. With little or no modifications the complete replacement type will be compatible with the 4.3 slide, all you need is a metal file, the one that replaces the elevation part of the 5.1 however, I have not tried yet as I no longer play with hi-crapas. I hope this info helps
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Old December 17th, 2013, 08:42   #14
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Or you can get a new slide for your 4.3
Most after market slides will work with 5.1 sights/cocking handles

Note: I only fiddled with 4.3 so I don't know the differences between the stock 4.3 and 5.1 rear sight socket. Maybe they are indeed the same, and as mentioned above by GBBR, the "specific" 5.1 handles might be just to go on top of the Bomar style sight or something

And/or: most Chinese retailers, and many others, will just throw in a description like this without really caring about knowing if it does fits all 4.3 and 5.1. If the manufacturer tells them " this for 5.1 cock handle", well that's what they'll write, even if it would for the 4.3 accordingly.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old December 18th, 2013, 13:24   #15
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Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
there are 2 types of charging handles that I know of, ones that replace the entire sight and another which replaces the adjustable part of the rear sight. With little or no modifications the complete replacement type will be compatible with the 4.3 slide, all you need is a metal file, the one that replaces the elevation part of the 5.1 however, I have not tried yet as I no longer play with hi-crapas. I hope this info helps
Very interesting information, many thanks!

Originally Posted by MultipleParadox
Or you can get a new slide for your 4.3
Most after market slides will work with 5.1 sights/cocking handles

Note: I only fiddled with 4.3 so I don't know the differences between the stock 4.3 and 5.1 rear sight socket. Maybe they are indeed the same, and as mentioned above by GBBR, the "specific" 5.1 handles might be just to go on top of the Bomar style sight or something

And/or: most Chinese retailers, and many others, will just throw in a description like this without really caring about knowing if it does fits all 4.3 and 5.1. If the manufacturer tells them " this for 5.1 cock handle", well that's what they'll write, even if it would for the 4.3 accordingly.
I do have an aftermarket slide for my 4.3 but I didn't notice it being much different from the original plastic slide. And yes, it absolutely seems as if the most only fit the 5.1 slides. (bomar style) I do have found however, a place where I could order one which was specifically for 4.3. I haven't found that site before when I were searching. This one from saph.

This is a picture of the ones I have.
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