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PFC Model Guns, can you buy them in Canada?


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Old August 28th, 2005, 04:48   #1
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PFC Model Guns, can you buy them in Canada?

PFC (Plug Fire Cartridge)

As the title states.....Can airsoft retailers import them into Canada?

Are these illegal like Cocaine and pot but can still be bought somewhere within Canada?

I have a used but in great shape Hudson sten MK2, anyone know what it's worth on the Canadian market? gun, mag, 1945 dated sling.

Thanks for any contributions to this thread in advance.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 08:37   #2
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Originally Posted by Zartan
Can airsoft retailers import them into Canada?
yes, airsoft retailers have a replica importation licence, but they cannot sell them to any one other than licenced movie production
Originally Posted by Zartan
I have a used but in great shape Hudson sten MK2, anyone know what it's worth on the Canadian market? gun, mag, 1945 dated sling.
as long as you aquired this before some point in 1998-1999 you may have this for yourself and i believe you may give it away, there is no need to licence it, but you cannot trade or sell this replica, or any replica modeled after a gun model designed after 1895
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Old August 28th, 2005, 08:41   #3
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Originally Posted by Kid
Originally Posted by Zartan
Can airsoft retailers import them into Canada?
yes, airsoft retailers have a replica importation licence, but they cannot sell them to any one other than licenced movie production
Originally Posted by Zartan
I have a used but in great shape Hudson sten MK2, anyone know what it's worth on the Canadian market? gun, mag, 1945 dated sling.
as long as you aquired this before some point in 1998-1999 you may have this for yourself and i believe you may give it away, there is no need to licence it, but you cannot trade or sell this replica, or any replica modeled after a gun model designed after 1895
Errrr, how do you explain the guns we get? Magic?
Zartan, contact the Canadian Retailers (button at top of page).
Kid, please inform yourself before informing others.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 08:47   #4
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so you're saying that the canadian retailers can import these blank firing replicas and legally sell them to us?
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Old August 28th, 2005, 12:07   #5
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No, they cannot, Blank guns are non-firing replicas, and therefore, are prohibited.

Airsoft is different, they do shoot projectiles, therefore do not fit the profile of replicas according to the CFC. Airsoft are immitation firearms, which are legal, but still difficult to import, due to a SNAFU by customs, who believe that Airsoft are Replicas.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs
I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
I like the part where he got banned.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 17:13   #6
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My mistake, I thought he was referring to one of the older airsoft models, such as the JAC. I apologize.

Blank firing guns are still available, but as said require the proper permits to import, and then to buy from the importer.

Honestly, sometimes I suggest folks get a real gun. It's simpler, and often cheaper.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 18:31   #7
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
My mistake, I thought he was referring to one of the older airsoft models, such as the JAC. I apologize.

Blank firing guns are still available, but as said require the proper permits to import, and then to buy from the importer.

Honestly, sometimes I suggest folks get a real gun. It's simpler, and often cheaper.

PALs, here I come! :cheers:

BTW, rumour mill has it that ATTs (license required to bring certain weapons to ranges - restricted and prohibited) are no longer being issued by the CFC. I know some of you are bitching, but this is a golden opportunity for shooters alike. This was the last real bit of evidence against the CFC and it's unnaceptable "I'm da law" type of behaviour. They are REQUIRED by law to issue them, but if it is true that they are plainly refusing them unjustly, creating their own law guides, this may be what we need to overturn nearly all their self-given powers. Grey, you been following up on the man from Niagara Falls taking the federal government to the supreme court?

For now - what you want is a collector's license. This is, for now, the only means of being able to acquire restricted weapons.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old August 28th, 2005, 18:48   #8
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Originally Posted by firemachine69
PALs, here I come! :cheers:

BTW, rumour mill has it that ATTs (license required to bring certain weapons to ranges - restricted and prohibited) are no longer being issued by the CFC.
The CFOs, which are appointed under the Firearms Act, are no longer issuing Special Authority to Possess permits (SAPs) for 12(x) class prohibited firearms. The policy change, which contradicts federal government promises made prior to the Royal Assent of Bill C-10A, means that anyone with a prohibited firearm can no longer take it to the range.

As such, when it comes time to re-new the license for target shooting purposes, the CFOs can revoke the license on the grounds that it no longer permits target shooters to bring their guns to the range. If you re-register the firearms under the collector status, you surrender your rights to them, and the Federal Government may confiscate them at any time in the future without compensation or permission.

Users affected by this move towards confiscation should not re-register themselves as collectors. If they do, they are giving up their firearms.

A class action lawsuit has been launched to fight this thinly-veiled attempt at confiscation, and individual court challenges have been launched to fight the CFO refusal to issue SAPs.

More information is available on CGN, including guidelines on how to launch your own court challenge or join the class action lawsuit.

The policy change, for the time being, does not affect ATTs. ATTs are not the same as SAPs.

Originally Posted by firemachine69
For now - what you want is a collector's license. This is, for now, the only means of being able to acquire restricted weapons.
No. No. No. Absolutely not.

Collector status has no rights to ownership of firearms, and the federal government may confiscate them at any time without confiscation or permission. Firearms transferred to the collector status may never be fired again by the owner, and they can never be re-registered to the target shooting status. The CFC will refuse to issue ATTs for them, refuse to issue hunting permits for them or refuse to allow them for use in competitions on the grounds that they are now a collector's item.

Never register your firearms as a collector, and do not transfer any firearms you own to the collector status.

My buy/sell rating.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 18:52   #9
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Location: Sudbury, On
Sorry, well, either way. Shooters are in a deep pile of shit. Thanks however. I was looking forward to acquiring a P226 under a collector's license. No fucking way am I doing that now!

You know what's stupid? All this licensing BS, to stay legal, when I know a source to get a 92F (used, of course), for 500 bucks, through illegitimate ways. But no, I want to stay legal, to protect my freedom, and show that those interested in firearms aren't blood-thirsty monsters or the 'gansta' type.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old August 28th, 2005, 18:56   #10
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Originally Posted by firemachine69
Sorry, well, either way. Shooters are in a deep pile of shit. Thanks however. I was looking forward to acquiring a P226 under a collector's license. No fucking way am I doing that now!
Buy one and take it to the range.

Liberals die a little bit inside every time you do.

Originally Posted by firemachine69
You know what's stupid? All this licensing BS, to stay legal, when I know a source to get a 92F (used, of course), for 500 bucks, through illegitimate ways. But no, I want to stay legal, to protect my freedom, and show that those interested in firearms aren't blood-thirsty monsters or the 'gansta' type.
Sounds like a letter to your local MP and the four major newspapers to me firemachine. . .

Letters to the editor at the Toronto Sun:
Letters to the editor at the National Post:
Letters to the editor at the Toronto Star:
Letters to the editor at the Globe and Mail:

My buy/sell rating.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 19:50   #11
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Hmm, I don't think newspapers would make you compromise your 'source' either.

"He resisted. I asked him to comply."
"Telling him to 'eat it, bitch' is not really a request."
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Old August 28th, 2005, 20:35   #12
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You think a smaller city is safe? We're a 150K citizens roughly up here in Sudbury. It's all about volume. We're up to 31 gun-murders for T.O. from 4.56 million citizens. That's a percentage of %0.006 murdered people. Now flip that "fact" around to use that percentage on Sudbury. That's barely more then a single gun murder. I can guarantee you there's been a firearm's murder within the last year.

On that note, don't let anyone go calling the states a death trap with all the guns. Again. Use a ratio, although me forewarned, you may not like to see the figures when you realize Canada is about the same, or higher.

If you want an gun, you can get one. Someone I know is in possession of a not-so-legal six shot. Yes, a barrel length under 4 inches. Cause you know. Prohibiting rightful citizens of certain firearms, because some crackpot idea that the BARREL LENGTH may make certain criminals not take a chance robbing a bank with three inches instead of four really makes a difference in REAL LIFE.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old August 28th, 2005, 21:05   #13
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Originally Posted by firemachine69
We're up to 31 gun-murders for T.O. from what? 1 million citizens?
Approx. 4.56 million instead on 1 million.

My buy/sell rating.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 22:32   #14
PTE. Pyle
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everyone vote concervitive next election they like guns
To live is to Die
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Old August 29th, 2005, 11:59   #15
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Thanks KD, edited original post to reflect population.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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