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Looking for a newbie-friendly drop-in game around the GTA...


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Old December 11th, 2013, 01:41   #1
Red Dot
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Looking for a newbie-friendly drop-in game around the GTA...

Hello folks,

I tried to search the forum for some specific stuff around me (Stouffville/Markham area in Ontario) but didn't find much.

I'm looking for a newbie-friendly drop-in game somewhere in the GTA, even better if it's around Markham. I contact Ultimate Airsoft and have not heard back from them yet so I'd like to see what others would recommend.

I would need to rent pretty much everything, and I don't want to play on a paintball field so I know that will limit quite a few choices (I still have nightmares of cleaning up my gear/clothes after paintball).

Also, if anyone could shed some light on the Hill 437 complex I would appreciate it... sent them an email as well but alas no reply.

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Old December 11th, 2013, 01:47   #2
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Go to Toronto airsoft and ask them, meanwhile have your two pieces of ID so you can get age verified there
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Old December 11th, 2013, 02:08   #3
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Keep an eye on the Ontario games section and see when the next game at this place is happening
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Old December 11th, 2013, 02:21   #4
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Depending on your age you can go to UA and rent all you need to play there.

As others have mentioned, for the most info from this forum you need to be age verified.
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Old December 11th, 2013, 02:31   #5
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UA is walk-in, and open Wed to Sunday, and they include rentals.

Hill437 is a private field, and not really newbie-friendly (in the sense that you're expected to be ready to go, and know what you're doing).

TTAC3, at Ossington and Dupont, is pretty newbie friendly, and runs games on Fridays whenever the building is not in use for something else. Usually 2-3 times a month.

Like pusangani said, keep an eye in the Ontairo games section. UA is the only drop in field in the GTA. All the other games start and end at specific times, on specific days, at specific venues. Most games are pretty newbie friendly, especially if you let people know you're new.
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Old December 11th, 2013, 02:42   #6
Red Dot
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Thanks gents for the information so far.

Toronto Airsoft is pretty much at the top of my list of places to visit soon, and thanks for the tip on getting age verified there.

I will keep my eyes on the Ontario section, looking at that link pusangani does TTAC3 offer rental gear? Google results didn't really bring up a website with a lot of info.
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Old December 11th, 2013, 09:35   #7
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Just go to Toronto Airsoft as other stated, and get age verified there.

In the spring/summer you can check out Whitby Airsoft if you have your own gear, 18+ $10 entrance.

Ultimate Airsoft is most likely the closest to you with rental gear. However their prices are quite pricey. Good to try it atleast once.
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Old December 11th, 2013, 10:04   #8
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I played my first ever airsoft game at Ultimate Airsoft, went by myself, and the staff and the other players there were helpful and friendly.

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Old December 11th, 2013, 11:10   #9
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Originally Posted by Red Dot View Post
TTAC3 offer rental gear? Google results didn't really bring up a website with a lot of info.
TTAC3 was the place I ever played airsoft at, and Brian rented me and my buddy a glock and an MP5. I already had my own eye protection.
I'm not sure if he still does that.

I try to hit every TTAC3 game that I can. If you come out to one of them (or any other game I go to), I can bring out extra guns and gear for you to use.
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Old December 11th, 2013, 20:25   #10
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Kaiu, thanks for the info. I do know it's a retail store. I'll at least walk out with eye/face protection but who knows if they have an awesome deal I just can't refuse.

As for the link what is it regarding since I can't view it yet?

Thanks for the info on Whitby Airsoft and UA.

FirestormX, I'll probably take you up on your offer that is very generous of you to offer a complete stranger.
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Old December 12th, 2013, 00:50   #11
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Eh, I lend gear out to friends all the time, so why not strangers, haha. TTAC3 is very close quarters, so it's not like you can run off and drop a gun in a lake or something.

Besides, I've got a gun too. If you drop my expensive gear on the ground, I'll shoot you in the ass when you bend over to pick it up.

But seriously, I definitely wouldn't have gotten so much out of airsoft myself, if other people weren't helpful and generous towards me when I first started. It's just paying it forward.
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Old December 12th, 2013, 09:07   #12
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Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
Eh, I lend gear out to friends all the time, so why not strangers, haha. TTAC3 is very close quarters, so it's not like you can run off and drop a gun in a lake or something.

Besides, I've got a gun too. If you drop my expensive gear on the ground, I'll shoot you in the ass when you bend over to pick it up.

But seriously, I definitely wouldn't have gotten so much out of airsoft myself, if other people weren't helpful and generous towards me when I first started. It's just paying it forward.
+1 Yes, you let me borrow your WE G39C for a few rounds, hehe.

Just buy him lunch @OP for lending you his gear >:3

Last edited by BioRage; December 12th, 2013 at 09:14..
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Old December 12th, 2013, 09:08   #13
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Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
Eh, I lend gear out to friends all the time, so why not strangers, haha. TTAC3 is very close quarters, so it's not like you can run off and drop a gun in a lake or something.

Besides, I've got a gun too. If you drop my expensive gear on the ground, I'll shoot you in the ass when you bend over to pick it up.

But seriously, I definitely wouldn't have gotten so much out of airsoft myself, if other people weren't helpful and generous towards me when I first started. It's just paying it forward.
+1 FirestormX is super awesome and a great guy! he helped lend gear in a short film a friend of mine was doing

helps alot of someone lends you gear to play first, though I have digressed to the point where I play a lot less and collect more XD
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Old December 12th, 2013, 11:36   #14
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
+1 Yes, you let me borrow your WE G39C for a few rounds, hehe.

Just buy him lunch @OP for lending you his gear >:3
I don't have a G39c.
I'd like one, but I think you've got me confused with someone else, haha.

Like phloudernow said, it does help to have someone lend you gear, or to at least see what other people are running. Most people will let you fondle their stuff at games, so you can see what feels good. They also enjoy talking about their choice of gear, so you can learn a lot from that.

Back on topic, another walk on field for airsoft, is Sgt Splatters. It's a paintball field (that I personally dislike), that has airsoft nights every Sunday night, starting at 6pm. I'm not a fan, and I think a first timer would have a better impression of what airsoft can be over at TTAC3, but it is an option.

Another indoor field that will likely be used for airsoft a few times a month, is Defcon Paintball in Mississauga:
It's a bit of a drive from Markham, but airsoft isn't very popular, and driving an hour+ to an airsoft game is something you may have to get used to.

Keep an eye out in the Ontario games forum (already linked in the thread) for scheduled games at defcon. It'll be a scheduled game, not a walk on game, though.
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Old December 12th, 2013, 11:37   #15
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Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I don't have a G39c.
I'd like one, but I think you've got me confused with someone else, haha.
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