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The woes of one who tried to import the wrong way.



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Old November 17th, 2013, 19:02   #16
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Markham, Ontario
is it even worth it to do all this for a gun that every single retailer sell locally ?

I don't understand ....
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Old November 17th, 2013, 19:55   #17
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Sorry, the model is the LM4 as stated above. Here is the link at the store I bought it from:

It says 380FPS on that site, but US site says 360-380. I would argue to CBSA that as long as one BB in the test group fires above 366, then the weapon can "cause serious bodily injury" and classify as a firearm.

Metro, I believe you misinterpreted paragraph 5d. The < 500FPS means that it is 'uncontrolled' firearm rather than 'controlled' firearm, but a firearm nonetheless. No license required.
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Old November 17th, 2013, 20:07   #18
Jbone 11 11
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In hindsight, busting it down to parts would have ben better.Claim the metal receiver, or better yet, mail it to yourself. The rest would pass through no problem. Hell the receiver might even have made it. My polymer receiver passed through no questions.
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Old November 17th, 2013, 20:51   #19
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That's a great link to quote to present your side.

GBB Rifle (System7 Two) Black (2x Mag Package)1/1 Scale High Performance Assembled Electric Powered Airsoft AEG

Everything else must be right though,,,
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Old November 17th, 2013, 21:19   #20
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Receiver are prohibited for personal import if not attached to an unrestricted firearm.


Originally Posted by jupiterl View Post
is it even worth it to do all this for a gun that every single retailer sell locally ?

I don't understand ....
Reminds me of a Iron Maiden song. The Assassin.

" It's not the money I make
It's the thrill of the chase "

Yeah, not exactly the same subject, but reminds me of this.
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Old November 17th, 2013, 22:04   #21
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Originally Posted by jupiterl View Post
is it even worth it to do all this for a gun that every single retailer sell locally ?

I don't understand ....
Keep in mind Hong Kong has no tax nor did I pay shipping/handling. More than that is the principle of the thing and exercising a legal right that seems clearly documented.

As clear as legalize can be.
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Old November 17th, 2013, 22:22   #22
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Originally Posted by venture View Post
You are in the right. You should get your gun back. Keep appealing until you hit someone with knowledge. You will have the gun by thefall of 2014.
Don't forget all the additional bad touches that he will receive at the Airport from now on due to him probably being put on a list.
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Old November 18th, 2013, 04:20   #23
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Hi CritcalBill; apart from the monetary part where you saved on shipping, any reason why you would rather bring it on plane instead of post it?

I am also contemplating on how to bring my AEG and 3 GBB Pistols back. I will most likely give away my GBB Pistols when the time comes as they don't meet the CBSA requirement for FPS.

Did you purchase your Airsoft Gun from JK Army or EhobbyAsia etc?
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Old November 18th, 2013, 09:17   #24
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Originally Posted by ErikSYC View Post
Hi CritcalBill; apart from the monetary part where you saved on shipping, any reason why you would rather bring it on plane instead of post it?

I am also contemplating on how to bring my AEG and 3 GBB Pistols back. I will most likely give away my GBB Pistols when the time comes as they don't meet the CBSA requirement for FPS.

Did you purchase your Airsoft Gun from JK Army or EhobbyAsia etc?
I bought from ehobbyAsia, see link above in my earlier post.

A few reasons to bring back in checked luggage:
a) No duty - after being out of country > 48hrs you can claim up to CAN$800 duty free
b) I get to 'try' the exact unit I am bringing back vs getting it here to find something wrong or not what I expected. By 'try' meaning I did not fire the gun in HK, because I did not want any residual gas in the chamber, b/c gas is not allowed to transport. Probably would have been ok, but didn't want to risk it.
c) I am not certain, but the rules for importing 'may' be different when you do not carry it in and declare it yourself. Don't flame me on this post for saying this, I say 'may be' because I did not do the research to know one way or another.
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Old November 18th, 2013, 10:50   #25
Jbone 11 11
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Originally Posted by ErikSYC View Post
Hi CritcalBill; apart from the monetary part where you saved on shipping, any reason why you would rather bring it on plane instead of post it?

I am also contemplating on how to bring my AEG and 3 GBB Pistols back. I will most likely give away my GBB Pistols when the time comes as they don't meet the CBSA requirement for FPS.

Did you purchase your Airsoft Gun from JK Army or EhobbyAsia etc?
As someone who has been in your exact situation I will say this:
Forget about the pistols, as there is a high likelihood that they will not make it. Try to sell them and recoup when you get here.

As for the AEG, it depends how attached you are to it and how much you have invested. It is not the most up and up way to do it, but it can work and isn't really breaking any laws.

That said, If it is easily replaced here, sell it. If not, I recommend stripping it down to parts.
IF you have a metal receiver, post it and hope for the best. Don't bring it with you. As far as the CBSA is concerned it might as well be Real.

As for the rest, if you have a big shipment of stuff, burry the parts in the shipment. If all you have is luggage, post parts that could raise suspicion like the gearbox (it resembles a "gun" shape, therefore it will most likely raise a red flag), pistol grips, maybe even the rifle stock.

Mags are iffy. If they are plastic and have NO dummy rounds (don't even think about importing those!) you might get em through but if they are metal, they could cause you unwanted attention. And then you'd have to explain why you have them....But I will say this, replacing mags here is a pain in the ass. If you can't turn a decent coin by selling yours, I'd say post em and see what happens. Worst case they get seized.

Sounds like a pain in the ass? That's cause it is. But again it depends on what its worth to you. For me, at the time, my exact AEG was not available in North America yet. I also had a lot invested in it. I had a big massive shipment to stick the parts in AND the receiver was ABS. I did not bring my mags and sold off all my full metal stuff.

If I had to do it all over again, I might have sold off everything and started fresh. I did my way because I knew I had a good chance of avoiding laws were broken....but my methods were definitely questionable and my whole shipment could have been seized because of it. So...choose wisely.
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Old November 18th, 2013, 12:01   #26
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Originally Posted by CriticalBill View Post
Keep in mind Hong Kong has no tax nor did I pay shipping/handling. More than that is the principle of the thing and exercising a legal right that seems clearly documented.

As clear as legalize can be.
While I really feel sorry for your case as it is really tempting to buy the gun and bring it back especially when you were in HK where the supply of airsoft guns and items are abundant and cheap. I just visited the HK "Airsoft street" three days ago.

But due to the big difference in CBSA officers' experience, it is no fun when your item got detained and you need to spend extra effort to get it back, which you ultimately will.

At the end of the day, it is your call and hope you get your gun back and enjoy it as soon as possible.
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Old November 18th, 2013, 13:19   #27
willing to perform services in a dark alley that may or may not leave you satisfied for a title. GFE = 1, looks = 2, BBFS for an extra $50.
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Originally Posted by Jbone 11 11 View Post
As someone who has been in your exact
IF you have a metal receiver, post it and hope for the best. Don't bring it with you. As far as the CBSA is concerned it might as well be Real.

As for the rest, if you have a big shipment of stuff, burry the parts in the shipment. If all you have is luggage, post parts that could raise suspicion like the gearbox (it resembles a "gun" shape, therefore it will most likely raise a red flag), pistol grips, maybe even the rifle stock.

If I had to do it all over again, I might have sold off everything and started fresh. I did my way because I knew I had a good chance of avoiding laws were broken....but my methods were definitely questionable and my whole shipment could have been seized because of it. So...choose wisely.
Advice from a professional smuggler? bury it, lol

Your suggestion is tantamount to mail fraud and could get people in hot water.

Sounds like the OP did everything right and CBSA still seized it because of their ignorance of their own rules. I hope you get your item but it probably would have been cheaper to buy in country when you factor in the time, effort and taxes.
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Old November 18th, 2013, 13:32   #28
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Originally Posted by localfreerider View Post
.... I hope you get your item but it probably would have been cheaper to buy in country when you factor in the time, effort and taxes.
Sure, but I figure I get one of two things out of this:
a) a good airsoft gun, at a good price and a win for the sport all around
b) a fantastic story to tell, valued at $400
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Old November 18th, 2013, 15:48   #29
Jbone 11 11
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Originally Posted by localfreerider View Post
Advice from a professional smuggler? bury it, lol

Your suggestion is tantamount to mail fraud and could get people in hot water.

Sounds like the OP did everything right and CBSA still seized it because of their ignorance of their own rules. I hope you get your item but it probably would have been cheaper to buy in country when you factor in the time, effort and taxes.
Uh huh....How is it mail fraud? I never said anything about misrepresenting anything. If I say post it, I mean that literally. Throw it in the mail as it is...not marked "Barbie’s" or anything. Hell, some have got items through so if its leave it behind or try to mail it...why not? It's no skin of your back if it gets seized is it? At least you gave it a shot.

I also made it quite clear that all of this is risky AND a royal Pain and to choose wisely.

As for burying stuff in your shipment....again...your call...I see no difference between not claiming all of the shit you bought on holiday in Europe when flying home and completely legal and permissible airsoft parts. The only difference is that the mere mention of the word "airsoft" is a sure fire ticket to a hassle.
As for a penalty if caught? I imagine that it would be no different than if CBSA found your three brand new jackets that you "forgot" to mention.
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