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storing M203 shells


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Old November 11th, 2013, 21:22   #1
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storing M203 shells

So there's been some debate on whether to store them empty of with gas in them like pistol mags

Some say because they don't work the same way, you should store them empty.
I believe that because of the nature of the shell, it doesn't matter HOW you store it (they wear out very quickly due to it emptying the whole shell at once, rapidly freezing the O-rings)

But regardless of whether they only last 3-10 shots, or the actual functionality of the shell. Store them with gas.

When I started the bear banger mod (that I haven't finished) on my 203 like 4 years ago, I stored the shells with gas to see if it would actually work. Cause let's face it, it isn't exactly an ideal seal on the piston side.

WELL, 4 long years later and 2 of the 4 shells that "didn't leak" STILL HAVE GAS IN THEM. Haven't shot them either, really wanna know how long they'll hold gas for lol
So two micro leaks that emptied the shells in less than a year and the other two have lasted 4 years.
So storing them with gas clearly doesn't hurt. But due to the unreliable nature of their design, they'll usually leak out.

And speaking of O-rings, has anyone ever thought of replacing the (probably) rubber O-rings with polyurethane??
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Old November 11th, 2013, 21:32   #2
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I generally store them with gas.

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Old November 11th, 2013, 21:56   #3
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I store mine with just a tiny bit of gas. After every game i also put grease on the o-ring and the bearings. Takes a bit of time but its better not having em work.

Not sure if this helps but out of the 20 nades I do have only 1 has completely gone crap. I find the most annoying thing is replacing the fill valves. I run the cheaper ehobby shells and almost of of them had to be upgraded to madbull valves.

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Old November 11th, 2013, 22:04   #4
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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The king arms shells 4 yrs ago were garbage and they had the only rebuild kits at the time. Id rebuild them every 3-10 shots lol
Never looked into better o-rings at the time
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Old November 11th, 2013, 22:24   #5
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With the madbull CO2 (108 cherries and 204 Kings nades) when I was still rocking them i stored them without gas but due to the frequent use I clean and relube them after every game and the nades never failed, Poly O-rings are nice I did switched them over on half of my nades teh only issue I have with them when they are brand spanking new is that they are very stiff especially if you use them as the retaining Orings. King Arms nades was horrid at the time they leak or need oring replacement brand new, as long as the Orings are nicely lubed up there is no issue of storing them without gas. One recommendation when you use a CO2 nades is to check your plunger bearings every 3 shots or so and make sure you lube or pack them in heavy grease to help retain them in place.

Last edited by wildcard; November 11th, 2013 at 22:26..
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