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Old November 8th, 2013, 21:12   #106
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Originally Posted by Jbone 11 11 View Post
You're using Canadian examples to justify an American problem?...nice....good work. It's common knowledge (...mmm...maybe not...) that the US suffers from gun violence in epidemic proportions....and therefore, understandable that their response is equally extreme.

But to answer your first example....if I was a cop and got a call that some nut job was letting loose on a bike path with a 12 or not, your damn right I'd call it in to ert. Did they not cover the common sense thing in your permit course?? Common dude!
gun violence at all time low in the states, unless you goto major city centers,
And goto the wrong areas, you can easily do that in Toronto, and we don't have
that's much guns here.

City = more poverty/low income areas = more shootings (usually blacks killing blacks)

We call this Jane and finch around here, but there's also Jane and eglinton,
Around the eaton center as tchc buildings (moss park, regeant park, st James town, etc )
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Old November 8th, 2013, 22:03   #107
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Originally Posted by godheadx View Post
Wrong 911 calls must be attended. the police would respond.
I didn't say you wouldn't get a response. Just that the response would be metered to equal your state of cluessness.
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Old November 9th, 2013, 00:48   #108
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Gun violence is at an all time low? I assume you mean threats, armed robbery, smuggling, etc. Mass shootings however, are at an all time high, and apparently can happen anywhere at anytime. Some nut case going into a movie theater is one thing, but people targeting children? I'm not religious, but it kinda makes me hope there is a hell.

Police have strict codes of conduct, mandates, practices, policies, etc, and will respond reasonably, and in kind to any situation.

Several things went wrong to have this awful situation come to pass, none of which seem to be the officer's fault. Thankfully there are men and woman out there who are prepared to do what's necessary. Unfortunately in today's day and age, a thirteen year old boy paid the ultimate price for making one poor decision, having terrible parenting or guidance, being told every day that his rights supercede common sense, or whatever, but someone dropped the ball.
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Old November 9th, 2013, 03:07   #109
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Originally posted by godheadx -Do what you want it liscensed? Start an airsoft registry?
I swear half of y'all sounding like gun banners...
What the hell are you talking about? Give your head a shake for me. I never even mentioned registering question was.....has it come to the point where police need to remind parents to teacher their kids common sense about toy guns and where they tote them......and listening to fricken police officers and drop your toy if they do get caught in the wrong place with it. You quoted part of what i said which was leading up to my question...which you failed to answer. And your whole blacks killing blacks comment is a little inappropriate IMO.

Last edited by j_march; November 9th, 2013 at 03:15..
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Old November 9th, 2013, 14:07   #110
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Originally Posted by j_march View Post
What the hell are you talking about? Give your head a shake for me. I never even mentioned registering question was.....has it come to the point where police need to remind parents to teacher their kids common sense about toy guns and where they tote them......and listening to fricken police officers and drop your toy if they do get caught in the wrong place with it. You quoted part of what i said which was leading up to my question...which you failed to answer. And your whole blacks killing blacks comment is a little inappropriate IMO.

Agreed. I've lived in areas where ethnic based crime is a problem, but black refers to a generic skin color, not one peoples. I assure you, being black does not dictate criminal intent, but I'm more concerned about the undertones of "as long as it is black killing black, who cares, it doesn't affect me".

Secondly, responsible gun owners are more concerned with the bigger picture, and not their selfish, misguided, and individual rights. As a gun owner I will cooperate in anyway I can to support my country, community, and peace officers, wether that be through a registry or whatever. Which will enevitably strengthen my ability to continue to be a gun owner, and help keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of children, promote gun safety education, and protect people from ignorant jerks.

Which are you?
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Old November 9th, 2013, 14:18   #111
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Maybe godhead can explain his point without any elaborate "yeah but what if" scenarios or other made up shit.

As for a solution. How about controlling the access under 18s have?
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Old November 9th, 2013, 15:03   #112
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Maybe godhead can explain his point without any elaborate "yeah but what if" scenarios or other made up shit.

As for a solution. How about controlling the access under 18s have?
Wait! Do you mean we should limit access to danger, from those who are not considered legally responsible for their actions, not legally mature enough to make life altering decisions such as marriage, voting, etc? We could, because it makes sense, but I'm sure it would hurt someone's feelings, and then the whole idea would be shot down.
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Old November 9th, 2013, 16:04   #113
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True, hurt feelings are much worse than bullet holes!

Maybe we can encourage imaginary games that don't involve fighting instead.
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Old November 9th, 2013, 23:38   #114
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We had a curfew siren until I was 16. Anyone 14 & under was to be @ home & inside by 9 every night unless accompanied by an adult. Cops used to pick us up and drive us home. Mind you, we used to shoot our bb & pellet guns off in our back yards all the time :s
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Old November 10th, 2013, 09:29   #115
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Why do you have a link to home repair info in you post??
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Old November 10th, 2013, 12:28   #116
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Originally Posted by j_march View Post
Why do you have a link to home repair info in you post??
He's a terrible advertising bot? Because to enter a url is not something you can do accidentally.
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Old November 10th, 2013, 23:55   #117
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Agreed. I've lived in areas where ethnic based crime is a problem, but black refers to a generic skin color, not one peoples. I assure you, being black does not dictate criminal intent, but I'm more concerned about the undertones of "as long as it is black killing black, who cares, it doesn't affect me".
I agree, there can be places(in Canada or the states) where whites do cause
More violence (eg: thunder bay). but in large urban cities, this is not really true.

Say in chicago: you are more likely to be shot if you are black by another
Black living in a low income urban center.

This has been going on for years, and it is has been the blacks killing
Blacks who cares in the states, and in Toronto, it's only till say white
Kids get shot that something happens. (new town)

Secondly, responsible gun owners are more concerned with the bigger picture, and not their selfish, misguided, and individual rights.
Yup that's why all the gun owners in high river did"nt
Raise a fuss when the RCMP went into their houses
Illegally to search and confiscate Guns. They did it
Happily right?

As a gun owner I will cooperate in anyway I can to support my country, community, and peace officers, wether that be through a registry or whatever. Which will enevitably strengthen my ability to continue to be a gun owner,
Yup gun owners love the registry! I mean it never really saved anyone, it
Actually got a cop killed in Quebec, cost 2 billion dollars, did nothing except
Jail people for imaginary paper crimes, and made getting pulled over for
Speeding so much fun!

I myself loved the fact it strenghtened my ability to own guns LMAO!

It did the opposite, but whatever!

Seriously you have the same username on cgn? So wanna post what you said

I'm not condoning children doing like in the article, I'm saying they are children,
They may not know any better, I expect the police To know better tho.

The child was carrying a "banned" assault weapon, he"s 12!!! Posting the use
Of force circle here and saying "good shoot" is silly because the circle didn't
Work in this case, it got a young kid killed.

I want police to be smart and think, not do whatever a diagram says they can.

comments where made about rules of engagement in Afghanistan, just holding
A gun is just cause for police to shoot you, etc.

it's utter tripe!! we used to have firearms safety training in schools, and even
Rifle ranges, but we had to get rid of those because it was encouraging gun ownership, so unless you are in a family with a gun owner, your only
Knowlege of gun safety comes from movies or fps russia!

To blame the child for being stupid is stupid, the child's the victim,
The cops is a victim too, of some overblown "gun epidemic" that doesn't
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Old November 11th, 2013, 11:55   #118
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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- I am a gun owner

- I never agreed with illegal search and seizure in my post

- The child is to blame, and likely so are his parents

- The officer is not, they have mandates they "have" to follow, not diagrams. But a five year old could've told you that. The youth is dead because he refused to follow a simple instruction by authority, instead he likely gave attitude, or refusal.

- The police like everyone else don't always get it right, but the vast majority that do deserve our respect, cooperation, and our support.

- And I swear, if you refer to a collective of many peoples as "blacks" again, I'm going to report you to ASC for blatant racism. Sudanese, Somalian, and African American, and on and on, are completely different peoples. Not one big demographic responsible for crime in major centers.

- I'm not on Canadian Gun Nuts, so I have no idea who has that username, but I doubt if I posted about responsible firearms ownership, and supporting your police and government, I can't imagine most people would be as opposed to it as you. Most of friends are gun owners, and don't want morons with firearms, who have the freedom to own guns, marching around on some misguided "my rights supercede the big picture" bullshit. Those are the kind if people who are dangerous to our individual ownership, because they only care for themselves.

- The registry in most ways was idiotic, and a waste if money. But "non gun owners", had to find a way to make "non gun owners" happy. They should've taken a more educational approach, and cracked down on illegal gun ownership in all it's forms, but now the long gun registry is gone, and the point is moot.

- The only point I'll agree with you on, is that children should be taught gun safety. Even if a child does not grow up a gun owner/operator, they will likely come into contact with one at some point in their lives, and should be prepared.
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Last edited by Ricochet; November 11th, 2013 at 12:04..
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Old November 19th, 2013, 15:28   #119
Jbone 11 11
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Originally Posted by godheadx View Post
We call this Jane and finch around here, but there's also Jane and eglinton,
Around the eaton center as tchc buildings (moss park, regeant park, st James town, etc )
BWahaha...dude...I used to live in both the Moss Park AND Regeant Park areas so don't lecture me about how dangerous it is there. Hell.... I went to school on Sherbourne. Sure...its not a nice place...lots of "Canadian" poverty and yeah shit goes down in the Jane and Finch area... but there are far...FAR worse places to be than Toronto. And as for Poverty...don't even get me started.... like I said....there are far worse places to be than the big Smoke.

The only people that think Toronto is a rough, Dangerous place are those that have not been anywhere else or have moved there from a smaller city/town.

Ever drive though Detroit at 9PM on a Friday night? Ever try to get directions from the gas attendant? I have....asked them directions right through the 4 inch thick bulletproof glass how to get back to the border while I watched his right hand S-L-O-W-L-Y reach for whatever he had strapped under the counter.

Per capita Canada dosen't even register on the radar for gun violence. But no matter....I stand by my previous comments.

Last edited by Jbone 11 11; November 19th, 2013 at 15:37..
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