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Finally going to start playing Airsoft, so time to get on the Forum. Here's the gear I'm looking at...


Gear Discussion

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Old October 20th, 2013, 18:09   #16
Evil_yd's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: St.Jean sur Ricleieu QC.
i second Marpat, in the woods around where i play i have spotted people wearing Cadpat from several 100f away, but people have almost walked right past me when wearing Marpat.
HK 416 10.5" (VFC)
HK G3A3 (CA)
HK45 (KWA)
AKM (Cyma)
SOG-68 (ECHO1)
M3 Shotgun (UTG)
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Old October 20th, 2013, 20:10   #17
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Vancouver, BC
Yep. You definitely have to match the camo to your environment. A camo pattern can be very very good, but if you use it in an environment it isnt meant to be used in, it'll stick out like a sore thumb. Figure out what environment you're going to be playing in, THEN find out what camo pattern you should use. But i guess thats a lil late hahaha

Last edited by -=ArchAngel=-; October 20th, 2013 at 20:15..
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Old October 20th, 2013, 23:17   #18
"bb bukakke" KING!
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Location: Ottawa
nothing wrong with running ACM or entry level bits of kit... do you need a riggers belt that has a truck towing capacity? no. So you definitely don't need the price tag associated with it.

Likewise for some other bits of kit... like pouches and stuff.. some of the work absolutely fine for once a week wear for a year or two... enough time for you to figure out what you want/like or need. Cause sometimes dumping money into real kit makes you realize you might not like the setup and you've just dumped all the money into it.. now you have all your cash tied up in stuff you're trying to sell.

As much as people shit on condor, my condor vest I bought almost 3 years ago is still going strong. They have a place, it works great for starting out in airsoft, and into intermediate level, until you decide you want something nicer. I'd wear it to airsoft with, it doesn't mean I'd wear it to war.

also, camo patterns are like tires.... lol.

your universal patterns are like all season tires... they sort of work in most places reasonably well, but they don't work awesome in all environments. MC works poorly in urban for example unless you find a dirt pile or some bushes.

just like ucp works well in a paper mill or newspaper printer.

MC works poorly around this time of year, vs something like marpat which has some more yellows/oranges in it... marpat is deadly in the fall. cadpat is really awesome in thick green foliage with broken sunlight. It doesn't work as well in tall grass/fields... multicam works really well in tall grass and moderate foliage.

You really need to be selective about the camo you wear for time of year and the type of conditions you're in if you really want it to work for you.

also... some camo patterns make me look fat(ter) lol. MC seems to have a slimming effect with me.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 02:47   #19
Hotel Charlie Hill
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Originally Posted by Cliffradical View Post
Awesome. If you've got the background, then your Christmas list does indeed look solid. Have fun out there!
Thanks Cliff, should all work out.

Originally Posted by -Skeletor- View Post
CADPAT isn't going anywhere anytime soon. The new combat uniforms are coming out now, in CADPAT.. if Canada was planning on getting a new pattern why invest all this money into a new uniform in that(CADPAT) pattern?
Too true, Skeletor. And yeah, I admit that MARPAT is probably excellent too. Maybe I'm just a little biased Nice pics too by the way, I do recall greenery in Afghanistan, but man does our AR ever look incredible against the dust? wow...

Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
I just love it when people on this board who have no idea what they are talking about decide to type stuff out and remove all shadow of a doubt about them being idiots...
I'm pretty sure we have all at different times jumped in and said something as if we were experts when when we were mistaken, so we might as well extend some grace (I mean just read my giant post... I'm probably wrong about a lot of it, lol).

Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
Go beat your face.
Not necessary, dude...

Originally Posted by J-Man19 View Post
Wow, that was uncalled for.

Back on topic: If you decide to get into the wonderfully expensive world of night vision drop the extra cash on a real mount. The knock offs are junk.
Yeah, probably. Really depends on if I feel there's a need for them later on.

Originally Posted by DustMagnet View Post
I meant choose your gear based on effective function versus camo pattern. There might be things that you can get in OD that you can't get in CADPAT for example.
Ah, roger.

Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
I live in the same type of environment as the OP.
Very true, it's always about the area. Cadpat may not even work that hot where I'm at. I guess I'll just have to be extra-sneaky!

Originally Posted by nardac View Post
Seems to be an awful lot of thought about gear and yet haven't played? I'd say go play a few games with experienced guys, that is the best way to learn what works and what doesn't.

Night vision is great if you have deep pockets, but how many night games do you plan on attending in a season realistically? Be patient young grasshopper, then you won't regret expensive gear purchases you use very little
Hehe, Mr. Miyagi, I've played paintball and whatnot before and I have a fairly good idea of how vests and pouches are supposed to work so I think I got that covered. If not, that'd be good advice, and I do intend to apply it to the comms side of things because I don't want to waste any money on stuff that doesn't hold up. As for the NVG's, I don't foresee a lot of night time scenario play (or is there?), so it's more about whether I think there's a need for real world application.

Originally Posted by Evil_yd View Post
i second Marpat, in the woods around where i play i have spotted people wearing Cadpat from several 100f away, but people have almost walked right past me when wearing Marpat.
That's probably true, but I've heard the same story about cadpat. We'll see how things go

Originally Posted by -=ArchAngel=- View Post
Yep. You definitely have to match the camo to your environment. A camo pattern can be very very good, but if you use it in an environment it isnt meant to be used in, it'll stick out like a sore thumb. Figure out what environment you're going to be playing in, THEN find out what camo pattern you should use. But i guess thats a lil late hahaha
lol, yeah, it really is. If it's really too dark, I can rub dust and sand on it all and that will dull it down temporarily. And if it's super brown and light where I'm playing, I'll just wear my coyote brown CIRAS and multicam.

Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
nothing wrong with running ACM or entry level bits of kit... do you need a riggers belt that has a truck towing capacity? no. So you definitely don't need the price tag associated with it.
I'm sure Condor is great gear. I'm okay with spending a little extra because it does hold up better in the long run (generally speaking), so if I get into tactical shooting or do some courses or something, I'll have the right kit. And if I'm already playing airsoft with it every weekend, my muscle memory will be built up for all the drills. As for the riggers belt, I've got a Better BDU Belt by Spec Ops brand, but in tan, and it's lasted over six years and is just amazing. I've bought cheap belts in the past and they fell apart and weren't stiff enough. Not going to make that mistake again...

Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
also, camo patterns are like tires.... lol.
Good analogy. I figure what I'll have should work pretty well, and when in doubt, I'll just lie down and stay still lol

Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
also... some camo patterns make me look fat(ter) lol. MC seems to have a slimming effect with me.
Hmm... perhaps I should just stick with the Multicam then...
...but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
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