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Increasing VsR fps


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Old October 10th, 2013, 01:19   #1
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Edmonton
Increasing VsR fps

Hey guys, Blake here, first time poster but long time airsofter. I live up in Edmonton and over the long winter I'd like to upgrade the fps on my VsR to as close to 500 as possible.
Currently I have:
TM VsR 10 G-Spec
303mm Laylax tightbore
Laylax spring guide
Laylax m150 spring
Laylax Teflon cylinder
Laylax Air Seal damper cylinder head
Laylax zero trigger
9ball hopup bucking

It shoots on average 460 fps +- 3 fps. What should I be looking at upgrading/replacing.
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Old October 10th, 2013, 01:45   #2
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Well to answer your question, the spring. You change the spring.
And if you feel you need more accuracy, firefly hop rubber.

More importantly;
1) Why do you feel you need an extra 40fps?
2) What weight of ammo do you plan on running?
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Old October 10th, 2013, 18:10   #3
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Watching this thread.
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Old October 10th, 2013, 18:11   #4
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Well to answer your question, the spring. You change the spring.
And if you feel you need more accuracy, firefly hop rubber.

More importantly;
1) Why do you feel you need an extra 40fps?
2) What weight of ammo do you plan on running?
1) Just looking to outdistance AEGs. AEGs are limited to 375 at our club while spring rifles are limited to 500 fps. I'd like to use a heavier weight bb whilst still outdistancing AEGs.

2) Weight's negotiable. I've got everything from .2s up to .43s I think. I just play around until I find something I like.

What makes the firefly hop rubber more accurate than the 9ball? From the research I did initially everyone seemed to recommend 9ball.
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Old October 10th, 2013, 22:21   #5
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whatever floats your boat, I used the firefly to really great effect

But seriously, if you're already 80fps above AEG's, and you're still not getting sufficient range over them, an extra 40fps isn't going to produce much of a difference.

I've personally seen, on more than one occasion, a few 330-360fps guns out range 380-470fps guns.

What's critical in range and accuracy is BB weight matching your fps (which you should be using .36s right now), compression and seal, barrel and hop quality.

With your current setup you should be getting at LEAST 260ft of range, and able to hit a guy at 200.
With my VSR at 430fps, using .30s, I was ranging out to 240 at best, and able to hit people out at 200.

I just want to make sure your system is actually working before you go needlessly increasing your fps to try to compensate for a problem that isn't fps related.

Now all that being said, with the new Rhops and polarstars and some other great AEG parts coming out, their range is increasing as well. My PTW is pretty damn close to par with my old bolt action. You might just have to adjust your tactics. Unfortunately this isn't real steel where a bolt action rifle has double the effective range of an assault rifle...
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Old October 10th, 2013, 22:37   #6
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Yeah all these unfortunate realities have discouraged me from getting a bolt action and after I got my AEG to reach out to around 220ft Ive decided what's the point? My AEG is worth $400 and for a bolt action to get up to that range with the same accuracy would cost double that

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Old October 11th, 2013, 11:46   #7
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
whatever floats your boat, I used the firefly to really great effect

But seriously, if you're already 80fps above AEG's, and you're still not getting sufficient range over them, an extra 40fps isn't going to produce much of a difference.

I've personally seen, on more than one occasion, a few 330-360fps guns out range 380-470fps guns.

What's critical in range and accuracy is BB weight matching your fps (which you should be using .36s right now), compression and seal, barrel and hop quality.

With your current setup you should be getting at LEAST 260ft of range, and able to hit a guy at 200.
With my VSR at 430fps, using .30s, I was ranging out to 240 at best, and able to hit people out at 200.

I just want to make sure your system is actually working before you go needlessly increasing your fps to try to compensate for a problem that isn't fps related.

Now all that being said, with the new Rhops and polarstars and some other great AEG parts coming out, their range is increasing as well. My PTW is pretty damn close to par with my old bolt action. You might just have to adjust your tactics. Unfortunately this isn't real steel where a bolt action rifle has double the effective range of an assault rifle...
Hmmm, Ok I get what you're saying. I'll give it another go this weekend and really pay attention to my ranges. Maybe you're right and I'm actually putting out to 260 ft and just not really noticing it.

Yeah all these unfortunate realities have discouraged me from getting a bolt action and after I got my AEG to reach out to around 220ft Ive decided what's the point? My AEG is worth $400 and for a bolt action to get up to that range with the same accuracy would cost double that
It's more about the style of play. Sneaking around, finding a good prone spot, observing, etc. I realize you can do this with an AEG but the bolt actions force you to play smarter. Also, my G-Spec is dead quiet. Unlike the unmistakable whir of an AEG or pop of a gas gun, the single shot that comes out of the G-Spec won't give my position away.
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Old October 11th, 2013, 16:56   #8
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I agree with Blake.
It's not really about the money being spent, it's about having to conform to a different style of play.
Dead silent shots, not necessarily long range (majority of my kills were 60-160ft), and extreme accuracy.
The disadvantage of having to manually reload really helps you plan out an engagement, and those valuable skills translate over VERY well to using a DMR AEG
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Old October 11th, 2013, 18:31   #9
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Well, seeing your part list, especially the M150 spring, I would start with a complete disassembly and tune of your rifle.

Right now you are shooting a good 50-60 fps under what that spring should push. That means you either have a bad spring or your leak air everywhere.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old October 12th, 2013, 08:59   #10
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Do some research on cylinder to barrel volume balancing. Your cylinder is very over volumed for a 303mm barrel.

Your bb is leaving the barrel before your piston finishes its full stroke not allowing you to achieve as much pressure as you would otherwise be able to achieve. Thus even after your bb has left your piston is still moving and pushing the excess air out of your barrel.

Proper balancing will ensure optimal an optimal piston stroke and will get you your other 40fps when done properly. And if you thought your rifle was quieter before then you're in for a treat!

Or just a stronger spring.
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Old October 12th, 2013, 09:39   #11
formerly Qc_Sarado
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IF you have the Laylax piston with the silent shaft installed, you lose some FPS beacuase of that. I don't remember how much FPS, but it's quite a good amount

The silent shaft on the Laylax create an air pocket at the end , near the head to reduce the slapping of the piston
Your rifle shoots quieter, but lose FPS
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Old October 12th, 2013, 09:54   #12
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Originally Posted by Fallen View Post
IF you have the Laylax piston with the silent shaft installed, you lose some FPS beacuase of that. I don't remember how much FPS, but it's quite a good amount

The silent shaft on the Laylax create an air pocket at the end , near the head to reduce the slapping of the piston
Your rifle shoots quieter, but lose FPS
Not with a G-Spec, since as the previous poster said, there is too much air volume anyway.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old October 12th, 2013, 13:28   #13
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The VSR cylinder is good to something crazy like 590mm
But the time the piston arrives at the head vs the time the BB leaves the barrel is actually perfectly timed at around 400mm of barrel.
I never understood how my VSR was so damn silent when I first built it. Had no air brake, only used 1.5" of it's silencer, and it was a flat head piston hitting a hard rubber cylinder head face. Yet you could not hear it fire from 10 ft away.
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Old October 13th, 2013, 12:39   #14
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Originally Posted by freshblake View Post
Do some research on cylinder to barrel volume balancing. Your cylinder is very over volumed for a 303mm barrel.

Your bb is leaving the barrel before your piston finishes its full stroke not allowing you to achieve as much pressure as you would otherwise be able to achieve. Thus even after your bb has left your piston is still moving and pushing the excess air out of your barrel.

Proper balancing will ensure optimal an optimal piston stroke and will get you your other 40fps when done properly. And if you thought your rifle was quieter before then you're in for a treat!

Or just a stronger spring.
Oh really? I've never heard about that before. So basically to increase the volume of the barrel I need to increase the length? Won't it stick out of the Gun at that point? I guess the silencer hides a portion. What length do you guys recommend?
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Old October 13th, 2013, 12:50   #15
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Originally Posted by BlakeZ View Post
Oh really? I've never heard about that before. So basically to increase the volume of the barrel I need to increase the length? Won't it stick out of the Gun at that point? I guess the silencer hides a portion. What length do you guys recommend?
You can add a thick sorbo pad to the cylinder head to remove some of the air volume. If you feel adventurous, you can also port your cylinder.

Keep in mind that this extra air volumes allows you to use a wider, more accurate barrel (you will still lose a bit of power) or very heavy BBs. In my G-Spec, with the stock barrel and hop-up chamber, an A+ hop up rubber and a PDI cylinder kit, .20g shoot at 380, .25g shoot at 375, .28g shoot around 370, .30g around 365, .36g around 355. Keep in mind that 355 with .36g is 2.2 joules, the equivalent of 480 fps with .20g BBs.

In this respect, the G-Spec acts like a gas gun, so it should always be chronoed with the BBs the player is going to use.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

Québec province's master age verification representative.
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