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Army Kimber R28 1911 Future Upgrade list options


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Old September 26th, 2013, 23:13   #16
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
I still relate the process of upgrading low end guns like this to souping up a Toyota Corolla....

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Old September 26th, 2013, 23:24   #17
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Ya pretty accurate lol. I agree. Reaver, run that limber into the ground! Or pick up a beast up kjw and do a body swap if you want those sweet limber trades.
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YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!
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Old September 27th, 2013, 00:59   #18
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Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS View Post
EDIT: stupid question, does it matter if the rubber is meant for an aeg or can it be used in a pistol anyway? This is what I'm lookin at:
You need a VSR/GBB pistol rubber such as:
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old September 29th, 2013, 09:30   #19
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Just thinking (happens sometimes) about a way to get around having to use the proprietary blow back housing. This may be an option that would allow the use of a screw to secure a different blow back unit.
Rear sight might may need to be swapped depending on the blow back housing .
If it works out I'll post some photos....
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Last edited by ARC-74; September 30th, 2013 at 12:55..
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Old September 29th, 2013, 10:05   #20
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wroug thread (edited)
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Old October 1st, 2013, 18:16   #21
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Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS View Post
the R28 isn't that bad is it?...
Honestly, a lot of users don't use their sidearms 90% of the time. They've invested more money in to their primaries, and would rather run those, rather than turn to their relatively cheaper sidearm. As a result, it sits in their holster most of the time, and whether you get a crazy custom built one or a cheap Chinese clone, really doesn't matter to much. It's just in your holster as a weight, or in that ultra critical moment where you're out of ammo on your primary and need to transition to your secondary... which may or may not function when you need it the most. (Getting good quality GBB mags tends to help with that issue... LOL).

For some, having a really nice custom built pistol is... indescribable. Because so much of it can easily be changed out to other components, it's easy to customize a pistol to be *YOURS*, that nobody can duplicate, and that's why the huge attraction to custom built pistols.

So... whether the R28 is "bad" or not, is really subjective and dependent on what your intended use with it is. I personally wouldn't be using it to shoot competitively, but if you're just knocking over some cans in your basement, or just as a holster filler, then it really doesn't matter too much. After all, what good is a pistol that just sits on your shelf most of the time?

Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS View Post
I was planning to swap the hop up rubber initially. Reason i thought about swapping the whole slide was for tm parts lol but first off I need to test the gun and see how it performs initially and go from there.

EDIT: stupid question, does it matter if the rubber is meant for an aeg or can it be used in a pistol anyway? This is what I'm lookin at:
I would say to just shoot it first... see how it performs to your liking. And upgrade wherever you find it deficient. In general, I've found the Army hop up rubbers to be crap, so Drakker's suggestion to upgrade it is a sound decision.

I have a lot of really good options in stock right now. Contact me by PM. After messing with a few setups, the A+ Bucking with A+ Strike Chamber, ILLusion Kinetics Steel Hop Up Adjustment Arm and Hop Up Dial. That combo makes for an extremely solid and vibration resistent setup that gives really good air seal, range, and tight groupings.
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Old October 1st, 2013, 21:59   #22
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I plan to use the R28 as a plinking pistol and a "holster filler". I was wondering if there is any parts that tend to break fast under reasonable usage? (like the loading nozzle of the WE G18)

If that is the case, is there any on those "consumable" parts proprietary or off-spec? (Also like the loading nozzle of the WE G18)

Is there a way to extent the life of those proprietary or hard to find parts (i.e. by replacing or modding some other parts, like the spring guide mod of the WE G18)

Is it worth doing that? (definitely yes in the case of the WE G18, but what about this case...?) or should I just wait till it break and replace the broken parts instead?
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 00:08   #23
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They're so unreliable, that quite honestly, anything could break at any time. There is no consistent pattern. If anything, the frame and the slide would be the most durable of the entire gun. I would just run it and replace as parts break. If you want to play the game of upgrading everything to make it more durable, then you might as well do a full overhaul like I've done for other customers. It won't be cheap, and the cost is probably twice what you paid for that gun alone. If durability is your main concern, it would honestly be cheaper to just sell this gun and to buy a Tokyo Marui.
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 22:48   #24
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
They're so unreliable, that quite honestly, anything could break at any time. There is no consistent pattern. If anything, the frame and the slide would be the most durable of the entire gun. I would just run it and replace as parts break. If you want to play the game of upgrading everything to make it more durable, then you might as well do a full overhaul like I've done for other customers. It won't be cheap, and the cost is probably twice what you paid for that gun alone. If durability is your main concern, it would honestly be cheaper to just sell this gun and to buy a Tokyo Marui.
Thanks! I am not really worried about the durability, I just want to make sure I don't break a gun (that could have been saved) from ignorance or lack of proper work...
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Old October 20th, 2013, 11:46   #25
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Well I did get that hammer protection pad.

.....and I did have an old TM Hi-Capa bbu lying around, so I went about seeing if a different bbu could be installed on my Corolla.
To get the pad to seat on the slide, I had to drill out a little of the opening at the rear of the slide. Not all the way, just enough to get the pad seated flush.(the dents around the hole were previously caused by the hammer striking the rear of the slide)

Shown installed below

I had to slightly file the top of the TM bbu & make a notch for the rear sight. I also drilled a small hole so the rear sight could still be secured with its top screw.

The bottom of the bbu also needed some minor filing and sanding to get the slide to cycle without binding on the lower frame rails .

So can a different bbu be installed? Yes, but it requires a fair amount of work to get it working. Is it worth it? That depends on you.....for me it was just to see if it could be done.
(hmmm, maybe needs more cardboard spoilers)
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Old October 20th, 2013, 12:20   #26
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Originally Posted by ARC-74 View Post
Well I did that hammer protection pad.

.....and I did have an old TM Hi-Capa bbu lying around, so I went about seeing if a different bbu could be installed on my Corolla.
To get the pad to seat on the slide, I had to drill out a little of the opening at the rear of the slide. Not all the way, just enough to get the pad seated flush.(the dents around the hole were previously caused by the hammer striking the rear of the slide)

Shown installed below

I had to slightly file the top of the TM bbu & make a notch for the rear sight. I also drilled a small hole so the rear sight could still be secured with its top screw.

The bottom of the bbu also needed some minor filing and sanding to get the slide to cycle without binding on the lower frame rails .

So can a different bbu be installed? Yes, but it requires a fair amount of work to get it working. Is it worth it? That depends on you.....for me it was just to see if it could be done.
(hmmm, maybe needs more cardboard spoilers)
^ That's actually quite interesting to know. So even though it is proprietary it IS possible to fit a better BBU into the R28.... Mind telling me what you used to make it fit? Was it just a hand drill or did you use a milling machine? And performance wise, how has it affected it?
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Old October 20th, 2013, 12:36   #27
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you had to cut that notch, square bit, out of the housing to fit the sight because you essentially fit an MEU sight to a standard 1911a1 blowback housing. Of all the cross compatible parts of a MEU and 1911, the only thing that doesnt work is an MEU sight on a 1911 blowback housing

however, the MEU housing will work with the 1911 sights -- it is strange that they dont use the one design for both pistols but hey, it is how it is.
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Old October 20th, 2013, 12:42   #28
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Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS View Post
^ That's actually quite interesting to know. So even though it is proprietary it IS possible to fit a better BBU into the R28.... Mind telling me what you used to make it fit? Was it just a hand drill or did you use a milling machine? And performance wise, how has it affected it?
I don't have access to a milling machine, it was done by hand & eye. I used needle files, a drill bit held by hand for the rear slide hole, and my dremel with a tiny engraving bit to start the notch in the bbu.
I've only fired a handful of rounds through it so far since this was done, so I can't for certain state any vast improvement performance wise, except the bbu doesn't get loose and wobble around like the original one did.
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Old October 20th, 2013, 12:52   #29
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Originally Posted by apilar View Post
you had to cut that notch, square bit, out of the housing to fit the sight because you essentially fit an MEU sight to a standard 1911a1 blowback housing.
Yup, it's what I had on hand. (I didn't want to destroy a nice new bbu for this experiment .)
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Old October 20th, 2013, 14:35   #30
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So basically, in theory, almost any BBU could fit, but would need modifications. However, I'm also going to be buying a new metal slide (hoping it fits good enough on the R28 lower... Anyone have a Surgeon Shuey Custom slide to test? :P
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