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Will something like Operation Lion Claws ever be possible in Canada?



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Old September 27th, 2013, 19:01   #1
Join Date: Jul 2013
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Will something like Operation Lion Claws ever be possible in Canada?

Will we ever have events like the OLCMS series such as IRENE take place in Canada? Something that takes place in a large urban type environment? Or are we just stuck with woods and open fields for the foreseeable future?
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Old September 27th, 2013, 20:04   #2
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Don't look at me, I don't know, lol ¯\(°_o)/¯.
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Old September 27th, 2013, 20:59   #3
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If your looking at the same scale/facility that Irene uses then no currently in Canada there isn't anything near the same level available to Airsofters. I attended Irene 10/11 and the MUTC field used was incredible. Nowhere near anything known of in Canada.
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Old September 27th, 2013, 21:22   #4
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I'll take a Brian McIlmoyle or Viking game any day of the week!

you want Milsim? those are the guys
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Old September 28th, 2013, 01:07   #5
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Originally Posted by hollywood... View Post
I'll take a Brian McIlmoyle or Viking game any day of the week!

you want Milsim? those are the guys
+1 on that

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Old September 28th, 2013, 01:25   #6
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Well... I happen to have talked to John Lu in person, this past summer and he asked me about Canada and where it was financial depressed. lol

So since we don't have malls being abandoned or a whole city that is bankrupt, the answer is "not anytime soon".
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Old September 28th, 2013, 01:58   #7
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Suddenly I want to move to Spain lol


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Old September 28th, 2013, 09:49   #8
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We dont have huge facilities but occasionally we get to play at some pretty cool places
We're not quite as wasteful of space as others. Pretty sure you could have a 300 person milsim game in detroit and nobody would even know lol
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Old September 28th, 2013, 09:58   #9
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I haven't been, but Irene is at a bought and built facility I believe. Things like land and supplies are more expensive up here, and player bases are smaller by comparison, unless you are right near one of our few major cities. What Canada does have, are ghost towns, but these can either be dangerous, or protected park sites. So any of the big buildings and things we have used such as the Melville hospital, or the BC ferrie, have been all destroyed or knocked down eventually.
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Old September 28th, 2013, 10:37   #10
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
Suddenly I want to move to Spain lol

I started playing Airsoft in Spain in 2008 and I played there for 2 years... our loved sport there is SICK! there is games every single weekend all around the country, in Madrid you have clubs playing games every week, like airsoftmadrid, campo delta, and many others. (and this is only Madrid!! at the other cities is the same)

There you can find abandoned cities towns and all kind of facilities, I had the chance to play in a military base, military bunkers, abandoned Jail, at the mountains, even a cargo ship!, etc etc etc, man... Spain is like heaven for airsofters. And the rules there are VERY strict, no one fucks around and the immortals are spotted chased and known by all the teams, so no one allows them to play in their fields. The distances and FPS are respected everywhere. I totally miss that place for this sport. And the economic crisis helped a lot with finding places to play, there is abandoned buildings or projects EVERYWHERE! The pics up here are abandoned airports (there is 2 close to madrid) And I guess the second one is Alcorcon, or some other close to the capital project, the country is full of those abandoned ones. To bad for the economy, AWESOME for us.

Last edited by FULLMETAL; September 28th, 2013 at 10:40..
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Old September 28th, 2013, 12:49   #11
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
I haven't been, but Irene is at a bought and built facility I believe. Things like land and supplies are more expensive up here, and player bases are smaller by comparison, unless you are right near one of our few major cities. What Canada does have, are ghost towns, but these can either be dangerous, or protected park sites. So any of the big buildings and things we have used such as the Melville hospital, or the BC ferrie, have been all destroyed or knocked down eventually.
I thought Irene and other OLCMS games took place mostly in urban warfare training facilities for the U.S. Military. Does Canada not have such places for our military?
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Old September 28th, 2013, 13:13   #12
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Originally Posted by TJX View Post
I thought Irene and other OLCMS games took place mostly in urban warfare training facilities for the U.S. Military. Does Canada not have such places for our military?
As far as I know, we have something like it, however, there's no way I could ever see it's use would being authorized for this purpose.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old September 28th, 2013, 13:13   #13
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This isn't an urban facility.. but it is pretty much the largest acreage facility made available, in airsoft's most populous province of Ontario.

OP Triglav.

It's 500 acres, it's been posted to the games thread since June.. and yet it's struggling to attract 50 players at present.

Is it the price? Are Canadian players just too damn cheap?

Is it the travel location? Are Canadian players just too damn lazy to make the effort to get there, or rent a vehicle to get there?

Is it the season of the event? Are Canadian players, plainly put, just too damn Pussy..fair weather fighters only, if you will?

Does a large event require an urban component?

At 500 acres .. that'd comfortably fit 500 players .. 1 per acre.. think of it.

I suspect that Canadian players generally just aren't ready for OP Irene calibre games. Period. Not in the quantities and quality that are required.
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Old September 28th, 2013, 17:40   #14
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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We are in the west, and often have large games out this way. I haven't been to a game with 500, but a couple in excess of 300 on well over 300 acres. Harsh weather is common across the prairies, and we still play, until it is too cold for the guns at least. I've seen airsoft in a few provinces, and would have to say that Alberta may not have the most players altogether possibly, but there is definitely more money out this way. BC is my home and I love it here, but the best airsoft I've seen is between Alberta, Saskatchewam, and Manitoba. On a personal note, if I was going to do that much travelling for a game, I'd bother to go play somewhere more exotic. No offense.

A friend of mine in the forces told me that they had a small airsoft team they allowed to game in the training facilities. He was trying to setup an event to allow some private teams to come play, but after some consideration they felt allowing civilians in was a bad idea. Honestly though, we understood.

Another issue, is how some groups play a certain style, for instance military simulation, and would rather have 100 like minded players to game with, than 500 of whatever. Quality not quantity in essence.

Not meant in an offensive tone.
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Last edited by Ricochet; September 28th, 2013 at 17:48..
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Old September 28th, 2013, 18:40   #15
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Originally Posted by TJX View Post
I thought Irene and other OLCMS games took place mostly in urban warfare training facilities for the U.S. Military. Does Canada not have such places for our military?
The "Urban Training Centre" at Petawawa is like five small buildings....
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