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FAQ for Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa, 2011, 1911, MEU & Detonics type variants


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Old September 20th, 2013, 03:44   #1816
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Originally Posted by Slono View Post
Yup. I've been on both ends of the market so I can relate. I may want one of those IK inner frames for the 1911 from you. It will depend on whether or not I can get rid of some of my hi capas.
No rush at this point. They're all sold out at the moment. I'm waiting for a backorder to fill, but it may be a while.
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Old September 22nd, 2013, 08:54   #1817
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Has anybody tried dremeling out the back part of RS 1911 grips to accommodate the weights that the stock grips come with?

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Old September 22nd, 2013, 09:39   #1818
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I haven't personally seen or heard of it, but I'm sure someone out there has tried it...
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Old September 22nd, 2013, 11:09   #1819
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Ive not tried RS grips... but i did buy these :

and they had cut outs for the weights except the weights didn't fit so i dremeled and sanded and smoothed and eventually got them to fit.. the weights arnt super well fitting but they fit enough to not be noticeable when fully assembled.

I have also attempted to dremel out a full cut on a set of wood grips i made myself... this was exceptionally difficult and i never managed to do it.. I suppose it would have been easier if i didn't mind having very thick grips but i like a thin grip which is where the problem arises.

The thickness of the TM plastic grip that covers the metal insert is suuuuper thin, and even on the set of ready fighters (linked above) i ended up punching 2 small holes thru to the front.

Maybe your better with the tools, but it is very difficult in my opinion
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Old September 22nd, 2013, 11:49   #1820
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I second this. I tried grinding down both grips and the grip weights, and it's basically taking off most of the grip, and a large chunk of the weight. Your overall weight gain would be small after all is said and done. The weight thing used to bug me too, but you get used to it after a while.
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Old September 23rd, 2013, 15:14   #1821
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I looked inside the barrel when cleaning and I noticed the hop rubber is tilted (with less hop on the right than the left side).

I ended up trying 2 TM original buckings, 1 Nine Ball and the one you get with the Nova hop unit and they all started to tilt at about the 40% mark. Bending the arm didn't help, it only made the hop stick into the barrel more (don't feel like tuning the arm instead of the wheel when setting my hop) and thinking I might have bent it so many times I had messed it up I ordered new 2 hop arms from ProG4.

When I received the order I noticed that the two arms were bent differently. I tried them both with the TM buckings but it didn't fix the problem.

Am I doing anything wrong? Is it perhaps supposed to be tilted? I really have no idea what to do at this point other than bending the arm the right amount until it it's straight with the amount of hop that fits my bbs.

EDIT: Seems like the ProG4 arms are too narrow for the Nova hop brass unit so there's a lot of play for the arm to move. The stock arm fits in snug and keeps the rubber nub straight, I guess I should've expected that when mixing brands.

Last edited by Wepeel; September 23rd, 2013 at 16:01..
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Old September 23rd, 2013, 19:49   #1822
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
No rush at this point. They're all sold out at the moment. I'm waiting for a backorder to fill, but it may be a while.
Are those 1911 inner frames illegal import here? I may secured myself one on another forum from a guy who's in the states.

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Old September 24th, 2013, 16:31   #1823
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Originally Posted by Wepeel View Post
I looked inside the barrel when cleaning and I noticed the hop rubber is tilted (with less hop on the right than the left side).

I ended up trying 2 TM original buckings, 1 Nine Ball and the one you get with the Nova hop unit and they all started to tilt at about the 40% mark. Bending the arm didn't help, it only made the hop stick into the barrel more (don't feel like tuning the arm instead of the wheel when setting my hop) and thinking I might have bent it so many times I had messed it up I ordered new 2 hop arms from ProG4.

When I received the order I noticed that the two arms were bent differently. I tried them both with the TM buckings but it didn't fix the problem.

Am I doing anything wrong? Is it perhaps supposed to be tilted? I really have no idea what to do at this point other than bending the arm the right amount until it it's straight with the amount of hop that fits my bbs.

EDIT: Seems like the ProG4 arms are too narrow for the Nova hop brass unit so there's a lot of play for the arm to move. The stock arm fits in snug and keeps the rubber nub straight, I guess I should've expected that when mixing brands.
Over time, the tension will cause the arm to bend away, which is why the right side is higher than the left.

The steel arms available on the market now do a better job at resisting the bending, but because of the single sided design of the Marui arm, there is a tendency for the arm to still lift up over time. Part of maintenance involves checking the straightness of the bend.
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Old September 24th, 2013, 16:32   #1824
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Originally Posted by Slono View Post
Are those 1911 inner frames illegal import here? I may secured myself one on another forum from a guy who's in the states.
I received a call from the Canadian Prohibited Importations Unit when I imported mine. I had a bit of a discussion with the officer and had to explain the part to them. Was able to talk my way out of getting them seized, but be aware that they are looking at them as frames/receivers.
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Old September 27th, 2013, 01:29   #1825
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Has anyone ever had any issues with Nova hammer/sear sets for Marui 1911/MEU? Mine seems to be very problematic as I get a lot of full auto or half cocks when the gun is fired. Everything else in my gun is stock. I'm guessing maybe the sear is not catching the hammer? Nozzle and floating valve seem to be fine so I know there is sufficient gas to cock the hammer when the gun cycles. Anyone have issues with nova sets?

Also does anyone know if this will fit in 1911 as well? I see so,e chambers are for hubcaps, some 1911 and some for both, so I was wondering if this will actually fit:

Last edited by turok_t; September 27th, 2013 at 02:02..
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Old September 28th, 2013, 19:57   #1826
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Illusion, do you know if this slide set comes with steel or aluminium barrel and if it is a fixed one?
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Old September 29th, 2013, 11:53   #1827
Dom S
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Hey there everyone,

Having read through the majority of this thread can i first say what an amazing resource you have going here, a positive goldmine of information! Now onto my main issue....

yesterday i received a TM 1911 MEU that has been upgraded with a shooters design slide and a guarder metal receiver. As far as I'm aware, these are the only upgrades that have been made, although it was apparently built by Mike Cripps at elite shooting centre. I am unaware if he makes any other changes to the standard internals, although i should hope a custom gun smith would not allow a metal kit upgrade without an enhanced recoil spring for example. Who knows, i have no way of telling, unless anyone else has had a weapon built by him before and could let me know.

The purpose of my post is as follows. When i gassed up the mag and tried to fire it, it let off a single shot, with the cycle only managing to half cock the hammer. i manually cocked the hammer, fired again, and had the same effect.

Being reasonably well acquainted with the internals of TM 1911 pistols i decided to crack her open and see if i could see what was going on. I immediately noticed an issue. The loading muzzle/nozzle has a large crack running through it, which I'm assuming would explain a large decrease in power to the blow-back action of the slide, and subsequently explain the issues with only half cocking the weapon.

my question is, what could have caused this damage to the loading nozzle? i am in the process of ordering a replacement, however i don't want to fit it just to find the next one breaks as well due to an issue else where in the gun. is it possible to confirm that the issues are due to the loading nozzle only?

I have also ordered a 5KU lightweight blowback housing, which i believe includes a piston head. Although designed for a HI-Capa, im under the impression this should fit directly into the MEU? if not, can anyone advise as to what modifications need to be made?

Finally, can anyone explain to me if this issue could be caused by something in the hammer mechanism itself? maybe to do with the leaf spring and its engagement with the hammer sears?

sorry for bombarding you guys with questions!
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Old September 30th, 2013, 22:09   #1828
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Are there any tri top cut compensators? I can find only 1 but I really hate its look. I wish someone would make comp based on SVI's thread on compensator.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 22:21   #1829
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Does anyone know if. Creation Kimber slide will work with a Madbull Punisher barrel bushing compensator?

I know it's made for WE, but has anyone tried installing on a Creation slide?

This is the comp
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Old October 1st, 2013, 12:08   #1830
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Dom S, are you sure that the loading nozzle wasn't cracked already?
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