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WW2 Ranger Helmet


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Old August 25th, 2013, 17:35   #1
nx2001's Avatar
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WW2 Ranger Helmet

I am trying to put together an US WW2 2nd Battalion Rangers impression.

I am having trouble finding a M1 helmet that would be appropriate for a Ranger. Most of the helmets that I have run across are meant for Paratroopers. I did find some non-Paratrooper M1 helmets but they were very expensive costing around $300-$400.

Would anyone have a recommendation as to where I could find a "Ranger suitable" M1 helmet that would cost less then $300?

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Old August 25th, 2013, 17:45   #2
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there was a different m1 steel pot for rangers? where the hell are you looking at?
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Old August 25th, 2013, 18:17   #3
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Or pay a bit more and get one from here:
Than get unit's helmet decal from ebay for couple of bucks.

Or you can go here and post your question:
There is a large US ww2 crowd on this board, they will be able to give you best tips on where to buy US gear.

Last edited by 666; August 25th, 2013 at 18:20..
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Old August 25th, 2013, 18:21   #4
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Thank you for your reply Redzaku.

Yes, the Paratroopers did have a M1 helmet (i.e. M-1C) customized for their parachute jumping needs. Look at the helmet picture in this link and notice the chin strap arrangement.

I have seen helmets with the plastic liner like the $40 one you sent me in your link. In my experience they don't last well in re-enactment field operations, sorry.

Thank you for your reply 666.

The ATF M1 helmet that you linked will do very well, thanks! I didn't notice it at their site before.

Last edited by nx2001; August 25th, 2013 at 18:24..
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Old August 25th, 2013, 21:11   #5
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Redzaku, do you even stop to think about what you are saying?

Of course the paratroopers had different helmets, they jump out of airplanes. And the one you posted a link to is patterned after a post WWII paratrooper helmet. As in late Korean War or Vietnam Airborne/Air Cav style. If you don't actually know the answer why are you posting up? Recently you bitched out a guy for his impression, and surprise it turns out he was right and you were wrong.

Sorry for the rant

MX2001, the repro helmets off At The Front or What Price Glory work really well, I did one for myself. You can either get the decals off ebay or sometimes the sites above have them. Or you can just get someone to paint the Ranger diamond onto the helmet. I had someone local do mine and it turned out great. Real Rangers painted the logos on(usually) with stencils, hence the simple shapes. That's why I painted mine, but I have heard the decals are pretty good looking too.
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Old August 26th, 2013, 23:46   #6
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M1 Helmet - Fixbale - Complete w Liner - Option 1 -$275.

10% off your order when you use Code: BGM5179 in their online shopping cart.

That's $247.50 after the discount before shipping.

The ATF economy M1's are a good bang for the buck though. However, swivel bales are 95% post autumn 1944 issue. The seam won't age like a ww2M1 either as it's made of a different metal. Take a look a period photos of GI's on operations or training and one predominant feature is the wear-off of paint on the seam. It's one of those looks that makes the difference / transition from costume to re-enactment.

Or maybe I am just fussy.
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Old August 28th, 2013, 11:15   #7
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Originally Posted by nx2001 View Post
Thank you for your reply Redzaku.

Yes, the Paratroopers did have a M1 helmet (i.e. M-1C) customized for their parachute jumping needs. Look at the helmet picture in this link and notice the chin strap arrangement.

I have seen helmets with the plastic liner like the $40 one you sent me in your link. In my experience they don't last well in re-enactment field operations, sorry.

Thank you for your reply 666.

The ATF M1 helmet that you linked will do very well, thanks! I didn't notice it at their site before.
The first M1 Helmet that I ever made was a 2nd Ranger and it was one of the ones from Forest City Surplus... I've had it for over ten years. I've made others for guys in my unit when they don't want to spend a lot of money and they have lasted just fine. When it's on your head (after you've made all the changes) no one can tell the difference.

But what are you doing to the helmets that they don't last? Putting them under a tank?
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Old September 2nd, 2013, 11:45   #8
CrackShot 07137
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Got mine from here, good quailty and quick shipping

I Just painted on the 2nd Rangers logo on the back
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