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WE M1911 Not cycling properly (decent amount of pics)


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Old June 17th, 2013, 22:42   #1
Shit Geyser
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WE M1911 Not cycling properly (decent amount of pics)

Hey All,

So I got a WE M1911 MEU in a trade, and the thing was working perfectly. I took it to a game this weekend, low and behold it falls out of the holster I got for it (don't buy universal holsters...) and lands into some dirt and grim. I wasn't able to strip and clean it, due to this being a marathon game, but it worked perfectly up until the last hour. This is when my problems started.

The slide will not feed bbs correctly. The bbs get stuck in the hop up loading chamber, and the slide gets stuck at about 1/8th of an inch.

I've taken the entire slide apart. I cleaned it, used car polish on every moving piece to get the dirt out, oiled it, and put it back together. For the lower reciever I took everything but the hammer off and did the same thing. There is not any dirt on this gun right now. I sanded the lip of the hop up unit down about 1/32nd of an inch, and I opened the walls up on it 1/64th, I also polished them to a mirror finish.
I even replaced the valves on one mag to test it, with no avail. They all seem to be getting stuck

Also, the loading nozzle has no cracks or chips in it, though it does get a little stuck on the piston head.

Am I missing something? What else can I do to try fixing this? I was really hoping this WE wouldn't be a wallhanger.


Loading Nozzle:

Hop up chamber:

Where bbs are getting stuck:

Thank you very much for any help.
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Old June 17th, 2013, 22:58   #2
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Location: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
I could be wrong but are you sure you didn't break off the loading tab on the bottom of your nozzle? From the pictures it appears to be missing. It would also explain why your bb's aren't being loaded into the hop up bucking.
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Old June 17th, 2013, 23:05   #3
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It seems you have thoroughly checked all parts in the slide.

Does the slide cycle correctly all the way when the magazine is not inside the gun? If yes, you could start by checking part #55. That part has a tab that centers the magazine horizontally and align it correctly vertically. If that tab was broken, your magazine might be sitting too high and partly blocking the loading nozzle, or deflecting its path enough to cause the jam.

Here's the parts list, you will find part 55 in the middle of the upper parts lot of the lower left box.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old June 17th, 2013, 23:10   #4
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How often does the malfunction happen? Is it every shot or every now and then?
I would check to see if part 55 is in good shape as Drakker said, as that small piece of plastic is rather important to the function of this gun. I would ad a small amount of lube to it if you havent already.
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Old June 17th, 2013, 23:16   #5
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Originally Posted by Towe1ey View Post
I could be wrong but are you sure you didn't break off the loading tab on the bottom of your nozzle? From the pictures it appears to be missing. It would also explain why your bb's aren't being loaded into the hop up bucking.
That is also a likely problem. Unfortunately, Bakasaur, we can't see anything on the loading nozzle picture. I assumed that the part was okay when I first looked at it, but now looking at it again I have doubts. Could you post a better quality picture from the side of the loading nozzle so we can see if the little tab is still there? Also, try to take your picture from farther away so your camera can focus correctly, a blurry picture is not much use.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

Québec province's master age verification representative.

Last edited by Drakker; June 17th, 2013 at 23:17.. Reason: Typo
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Old June 17th, 2013, 23:29   #6
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I believe towe1ey is correct where the bbs are getting jammed would suggest the loading rod just below the nozzle tip is missing and the nozzle itself is stopping the bb from entering the chamber.
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