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Squad integrity ingame?


Tactics, Techniques and Procedures

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Old June 14th, 2013, 12:49   #46
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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We had 300 people at claybank, a force of 140 or so tan players managed to execute orders perfectly.
Claybank was more about who's leading the platoons than who's at the top.
We rough out a basic plan; take the tits, dig into the hills, third platoon cuts through the middle.
Each platoon commander knows what their job is, and the boundaries of their AOE. Then it's just a matter of the platoon commanders micro managing their force. Tell guys to move up, yell at them to STOP moving up while the mobile respawns are moving up, give them intel on enemy squad movement, objectives, etc.
We had the fog roll in at claybank 2, I could barely see my squads let alone the other platoons, we figured because we had no line of sight and no radio contact that shit was gonna fall apart for us in the valley. Then the fog lifted and we had actually gained ground. We discovered our platoon commanders were competent lol
So claybank 4 was just a matter of "this platoon goes this way, that platoon goes that way, any questions?"

Mobile spawns are great for keeping everyone together on a huge field though! But the biggest force multiplier for tan that I've noticed over the 4 years, is that everyone knows eachother. So I've got no problem joining up with Team7 until we run back into Team Swatt. Lots of guys will mix between platoons as they respawn, and although you're not fighting with the guys you trained with, everyone pretty competent, and everyone takes orders well, so the fighting strength is maintained.
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Old June 15th, 2013, 16:22   #47
Con Murder
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Well thank you all for enlightening me, I was happy to hear Hectic had some positive experience with this style of game.
It is easy to understand that squad integrity only works within a group that wants it to work. My hope was that the game mode could help teach this to some willing players. That is the hang-up mostly but thanks to this thread and all of your comments I believe I will try this
And sorry for the necro if anyone feels it was unwarranted, I felt it a worthy topic for any date and had a legitimate interest in getting some feedback.
Con Murder
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Old June 16th, 2013, 10:23   #48
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This subject can never really go away because it's about a mindset that needs to be reminded with every new generation of players but it's also like good wine, it needs to mature a while to have more worth.

Somewhere along the line also, there have been bad habits reinforced by COD and battlefield videogame players transposing their ''personal SOP'' to the RL.

If players pride themselves with kill ratio even if their side lost, this is a problem that needs to be adressed.

This is for players who still dont get it :

Finger Pointing to the Moon - Bruce Lee - YouTube

The kick is about your resolve to win one with the team.

Looking at the finger is you pwning your opponents,

The celestial glory means pwning is irrelevent if your team is not winning.

Certified Level 2 BA Sniper
Si ton épée est trop courte, allonge la d'un pas. ( Proverbe Hongrois )
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Old June 17th, 2013, 08:35   #49
Cobalt Caliber
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Yea but video games like CoD and Battlefield and RL Milsim airsoft are like apples amd oranges.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old June 17th, 2013, 10:28   #50
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However if you ever play some of the more structured Arma II servers (eg. folk arps) they are a great introduction to the concepts of nets and command responsibilities.

Of course thats a vastly different experience to any console shooter though.

Kill-to-death ratios are . . . ridiculous. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
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