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Having a hard time choosing


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Old June 15th, 2013, 21:57   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Having a hard time choosing

There are two places I can get my stuff from, I'll leave them nameless. One is quite a bit more than the rest. I'm fairly new to airsoft so I have no idea which brands are better than the other. my options with my budget and field rules are

1st place
KJW Hi-Capa 5.1
8oz green gas
1kg .25 BBs
C-TAC VSR-10 Green
1kg .28 BBs

Subtotal $464.96
Shipping $50.66
Insurance $20

2nd place
Bag of .2 BBs
Bag of .28 BBs
8oz green gas
Well L96 MB01C

Subtotal $451.25
Shipping Free
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Old June 15th, 2013, 22:45   #2
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KJW hicapas are pretty decent guns out of the box
if these are your first guns
Sniper rifles are not a good first weapon
Sniper rifles have a higher fps rating out of the box that most fields only allow veteran/certified players to use

now that, thats out of the way.
if you are going to buy a sniper rifle, keep in mind its going to take a decent amount of money,to get it to outrange an AEG.
most people end up spending another 500+$ on upgrades alone.
I haven't seen or heard reviews about the C-Tac but I'm going to assume its just another clone of the TM VSR-10

You get what you pay for.
Well isnt a bad brand.
Echo1 m24 good for the price (had one)
Javelin m28 meh
CA m24 amazing
VSR-10 often used as a sniper rifle standard

Last edited by R.I.T.Z; June 15th, 2013 at 22:47..
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Old June 15th, 2013, 23:02   #3
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+1 on what was said.

Sniper rifles are not a good choice for a first Airsoft, even if they are really cool. Your average M4 will shoot the same distance as the sniper rifles you have chosen and you wont have the firepower. You cant really upgrade the brands you have chosen, yes you can swap some parts, but it will fight you most of the time because the quality is just not there.

My suggestion, built a dmr/spr and instead and put a scope on it
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Old June 15th, 2013, 23:30   #4
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The Ctac VSR10, if it's a WELL, stay away from it.

The best clone VSR10 would be the JG Bar 10
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Old June 15th, 2013, 23:32   #5
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I chose a bolt action, not because of the cool factor. I'm fairly new to airsoft, but not to firearms. Our family have been hunters for ages. Which I never did get how airsoft are near the same price as most riffles lol. There is no way I can afford a DMR right now unfortunately.

The Ctac is 450-475FPS and the well is rated at 410-430fps. I just don't know the quality or accuracy of either of these guns.
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Old June 15th, 2013, 23:39   #6
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Originally Posted by Dritz View Post
I chose a bolt action, not because of the cool factor. I'm fairly new to airsoft, but not to firearms. Our family have been hunters for ages. Which I never did get how airsoft are near the same price as most riffles lol. There is no way I can afford a DMR right now unfortunately.

The Ctac is 450-475FPS and the well is rated at 410-430fps. I just don't know the quality or accuracy of either of these guns.
FPS wont matter if your field won't allow it or you cant hit the broad side of a barn at your M.E.D.

also 1kg of bbs ? honestly are you buying a years worth?
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Old June 15th, 2013, 23:39   #7
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Airsoft sniper rifles are nothing like real firearms. Anyone you ask will advise against starting airsoft with a sniper loadout.

Also, don't bother with Green Gas. It's insanely overpriced propane with a bit of silicone oil. Get the Airsoft Innovations propane adaptor kit. It's made in Canada and includes the silicone oil and clear, simple instructions. Three 8oz cans of Green Gas cost the same as an adaptor and 4 cylinders of propane (8 times as much gas). For $25 the kit pays for itself in no time.

As for not knowing anything about the quality of the guns, I think you need to stop even thinking about buying right now. You need to research the crap out of your options as know the ins and outs of what you finally decide on. Airsoft guns don't hold resale value the same way as RS, especially if somethin is known to be a crap gun to begin with. If you buy a dud you're gonna be out a couple hundred bucks.
God knows how much time I've spent researching my G&G SG550. But that also means I have 0 fears or concerns and know exactly what to expect. Do your homework.
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Originally Posted by uhc View Post
i actually dont like COD. im more worried that airsoft will make me violent or messed in the head.

Last edited by Immelmann; June 15th, 2013 at 23:53..
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Old June 15th, 2013, 23:47   #8
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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
FPS wont matter if your field won't allow it or you cant hit the broad side of a barn at your M.E.D.

also 1kg of bbs ? honestly are you buying a years worth?
They don't have a smaller bag for the .28 and the .25's is in the bundle lol. I've done quite a bit of research, I don't see much on either of those guns. Why is advised not to start with a sniper air soft, even with firearm experience?

I still like the idea of a sniper loadout, but what are some good aeg full auto?

Last edited by Dritz; June 15th, 2013 at 23:51..
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Old June 15th, 2013, 23:58   #9
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The go-to answer for new guys around here will be the King Arms M4A1. The all-metal one goes for ~$270. Beyon that you'll just be told to do some homework, as that question is asked a dozen times every day.

And 'beginner bundles' should generally be avoided. Why on earth they include .25s with what is supposedly a DMR instead of something over .3 is beyond me, but should also be a warning sign.

As for reasons not to start out sniping, just type 'sniper' in the search bar at the top and you'll get pages and pages of threads full of reasons not to.
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Originally Posted by uhc View Post
i actually dont like COD. im more worried that airsoft will make me violent or messed in the head.

Last edited by Immelmann; June 16th, 2013 at 00:01..
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Old June 16th, 2013, 00:10   #10
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your M.E.D. is 100ft
you are in range of people with full auto/semi auto which will out fire you any day
your effective range is often the same as those with AEGs/GBBRs
Most firefights take place in 100ft
you wont be allowed to play with a hot gun right off the bat
there are very few players on this board who snipe, and even those who do i've seen with back up AEGs.

if the enemy is in range so are you and they are carrying bigger guns with more ammo....
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Old June 16th, 2013, 00:16   #11
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It's not advised to start a sniper loadout first because many new players will be out gunned right away. The average engagement distance in airsoft is probably around 100 feet when playing outside.

Almost any airsoft gun can hit targets at this range. Pistol, shotgun, sniper rifle, sub machine gun, assault rifle. They are all basically on par. Sure, you can drop a grand on a sniper rifle to make it shoot an extra 20 feet beyond an electric gun, but an electric gun will have the same accuracy through volume.

As a first time player, you are going to want to have a few good experiences playing to keep you wanting more. If you have a few shit games to start with, where you didn't shoot anyone successfully and your gun broke down half way through because it's a piece of shit. Then you won't be playing airsoft for very long.

If you want to do a sneaky marksman role, then get that sniper rifle. But I advise to have something else for backup sitting in the car.
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Old June 16th, 2013, 09:25   #12
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One thing that wasn't really mentioned is the total cost of a sniper rifle. Sure, those cheap Well clones are somewhat cheap compared to AEGs, although here in Canada they are priced at 3-4x their real value, those cheapo rifles sell for 60-90$ in other countries. These cheap clones WILL break. To take the VSR10 clone as an example, the sears are ultra soft metal and will wear out really fast. The hop-up unit arm is very very cheap plastic which will likely break the first time you disassemble the unit. And speaking about disassembly, you will have to disassemble it before even using it because the hop-up rubber is really bad. It has to be changed immediately for a better rubber such as a 25$ firefly hard rubber and teflon taped to reduce air leak. The piston in the cylinder is crap and will not seal at all, at the very very least you have to change the piston O-Ring and teflon tape the cylinder head. If you want to go a bit farther, drilling port holes in the piston head will increase air seal significantly and help accuracy tremendously. You will have to either cut the spring or buy a lower power spring to be allowed at games, a replacement spring is in the 15-25$ range. The spring guide is crap plastic and needs to be changed too, another 25$ part.

At this point, you are probably 100$ down into your sniper rifle. How much accuracy can you expect? Not much, you probably increased to range to 130ft, maybe 150ft. There's AEGs and GBBR out there who shoot well past 200ft, you will still be outgunned by a large margin. After a few games the soft aluminum bolt will bend, making your already bad air seal worse, and will need to be replaced (its 200-250$ for a good set).

So, how do you increase the accurate range of your cheapo rifle further? Well, you can change all the internals. Expect to pay 600-1000$ for that. You will probably get an accurate rifle up to 200ft, 230ft if you are lucky and didn't get a lemon. But if you had started with a quality sniper rifle (Tokyo Marui, Classic Army, Maruzen, etc) you would have paid 250-500$ initially, would have had to change for 500-800$ of internals, and have a sniper rifle that can potentially shoot 300ft on a non-windy day. A good sniper rifle will costs you over a thousand dollars, and you will still be outgunned at most ranges (single shot VS full auto).

That is why you shouldn't start with a sniper rifle. Especially not a crap one like what you are about to buy.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

Québec province's master age verification representative.

Last edited by Drakker; June 16th, 2013 at 09:27..
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Old June 16th, 2013, 20:15   #13
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The field i'll be playing on, I was told that they want none sniper guns to shot at about 300fps. all of the m4's I've been looking at shoot at 380+
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Old June 16th, 2013, 20:32   #14
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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300 fps? Where are you located? Most places in canada use 350fps for indoor and 400for outdoor.
Choosing a sniper rifle for the "cool factor" isnt really a good reason. If you actually want to play just buy an aeg.
Dont waste yer money on the green gas, just buy an airsoft innovations propane adapter and a tank of propane (the coleman camping type) one tano of propane and the adaptet will have paid for itself in savings on green gas.
Also if you buy an aeg you dont even need a pistol to start.
Dont buy a sniper rifle to start especially a crappy clone. Even a good one wilo need hundreds of dollers worth the upgrades to be a fieldable gun.
I got about 1000 bucks into my vsr10.
Search around and read youll see sniping isnt really a good start.
It takes alot more skill then just running an aeg. Takes alot more money by the time you build a good rifle. A good sidearm. A ghillie suit and so on.
AEG is the way to go. Learn how to play then decide if sniping is for you.
Again where are you? No place ive ever heard of had a 300fps limit. (besides aisia and those 1j places.)
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old June 16th, 2013, 20:51   #15
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I think it's a private thing, I'm sure they worked out the details. Well at least I hope they did.

I like the sniper idea because of the stealth aspect of it. but being in range of enemy fire isn't being a sniper.
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