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Old December 18th, 2010, 14:59   #31
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Hmm my time to shine

If you want to convert propane mag to hpa it can be done, ra-tech sells the adapter mcmaster Carr also. You need a stabilizer as well, Palmer pursuit is the preferred choice. It's gonna cost $250 to setup just to let you know

As for external air, they the strongest kicking, and least recoil gbbr to date. Mags are aeg making it easier to handle.
There's a daytonagun with everything you need to use in the classified right now.
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Old December 18th, 2010, 14:59   #32
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Originally Posted by Karma_ View Post
That thing is a mixture of cool and gay.

Running around with 800+ rounds in one Mag is dumb. Just like high caps are dumb. They ruin everything cool about airsoft. Yeah, yeah, it's cool that he now has a consistent(?) gun but that kind of ammo capacity takes away from realism of it. Now, if there was something that went directly into the gun and utilized the regular mags, I'd be down. I would get that.

and a little more realistic.... it would have been cool if he made a c-mag at least then it would have been a little more plausible that he's got that many rounds
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Old December 18th, 2010, 15:11   #33
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you'll never find a realistic gun with external rig, the rig itself takes away the fun.

the cool thing about his rig is the ability to switch between mags when temperature get a bit higher, that means he can still use a normal gas mags and a co2 mags. so if you want pure realism, that's the way to go, in-mag gas mags with 30shots capacity that even daytona gun will fail to do.

once you've modified your gun to run off external air, you will never want to have a 30 shot capacity in your mag and change it every time it's empty, unless you want to give yourself stupid handicap during skirmish.
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Old December 18th, 2010, 15:12   #34
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Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
you'll never find a realistic gun with external rig, the rig itself takes away the fun.

the cool thing about his rig is the ability to switch between mags when temperature get a bit higher, that means he can still use a normal gas mags and a co2 mags. so if you want pure realism, that's the way to go, in-mag gas mags with 30shots capacity that even daytona gun will fail to do.

once you've modified your gun to run off external air, you will never want to have a 30 shot capacity in your mag and change it every time it's empty, unless you want to give yourself stupid handicap during skirmish.
its called realism, if you hate it, then fine, but dont trash it.
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Old December 18th, 2010, 19:23   #35
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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
Thanks! My bad.

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Old December 18th, 2010, 20:55   #36
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Originally Posted by Karma_ View Post
Just like high caps are dumb. They ruin everything cool about airsoft.
im pretty sure those little kids with high caps on rentals that run around every skirmish sites been sodomizing you up your arse.

Now, if there was something that went directly into the gun and utilized the regular mags, I'd be down. I would get that.
you like realism and yet you wanted an external air rig that goes directly to the gun and utilize regular mags, isn't it just like fuckin your own ass? where is the realism in that?

once you air rigged, the realism is gone no matter what you do, it is just hypocrite saying high caps are dumb but you wanted external air source.

i hope you already have gbbr that uses in-gas-mags otherwise your missing out a lot, they have a capacity of 30BBs and they shoot like real thing with recoil and shit, but once you've used them in skirmish, you'll realize straight away how stupid you are wanting something with "realism" with huge handicap because of low cap.
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Old December 18th, 2010, 21:22   #37
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Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
im pretty sure those little kids with high caps on rentals that run around every skirmish sites been sodomizing you up your arse.

I don't play with kids. If someone is renting a gun fine, I can understand their predicament and needing a high cap. I think it's ridiculous to be running around and full auto-ing 50 rounds a pop. Plus they sound like a macarena so moving quietly is tough to do. I hold my own just fine on the field, thanks.

you like realism and yet you wanted an external air rig that goes directly to the gun and utilize regular mags, isn't it just like fuckin your own ass? where is the realism in that?

once you air rigged, the realism is gone no matter what you do, it is just hypocrite saying high caps are dumb but you wanted external air source.

i hope you already have gbbr that uses in-gas-mags otherwise your missing out a lot, they have a capacity of 30BBs and they shoot like real thing with recoil and shit, but once you've used them in skirmish, you'll realize straight away how stupid you are wanting something with "realism" with huge handicap because of low cap.

How is it hypocritical to say wanting a consistent gas powered system whether it's rigged on a line or not? I have a sling connected to my gun, so having a line running from my pack along my sling to my gun isn't something I'd be against. I'm not following you on how that takes away from realism in the way the gun operates.

I have a WE M4. All I care about is consistency in any climate while still using it in a realistic way, low-mid caps. And buddy, I've been playing for quite some time so I'm very familiar with how games are played. High cap games are typically avoided or ammo restrictions are put in place where I play.

Have fun playing with your kids, kid.

Oh, and did you sign up on here just to rant about this?

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Old December 19th, 2010, 02:09   #38
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Originally Posted by Karma_ View Post
How is it hypocritical to say wanting a consistent gas powered system whether it's rigged on a line or not? I have a sling connected to my gun, so having a line running from my pack along my sling to my gun isn't something I'd be against. I'm not following you on how that takes away from realism in the way the gun operates.

I have a WE M4. All I care about is consistency in any climate while still using it in a realistic way, low-mid caps. And buddy, I've been playing for quite some time so I'm very familiar with how games are played. High cap games are typically avoided or ammo restrictions are put in place where I play.

Have fun playing with your kids, kid.

Oh, and did you sign up on here just to rant about this?
^ this
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Old June 5th, 2013, 18:05   #39
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Exclamation New HPA info?

Reviving an old thread here since I'm not quite satisfied with the answer... There have been developments in the field of HPA/ CO2 that allow an individual to sub-regulate the output pressure of a CO2 or HPA tank.


Previously there was not a way to easily regulate the output PSI of a HPA tank without knowing what you're doing and having custom work. This often would result in people putting ~800 PSI of HPA into things only rated for ~80PSI (Duster), ~130PSI (Propane/green gas). I use approximate pressures because of gas laws (PV=nRT) and nothing is every the exact same as lab conditions.
Vapour pressure charts:


C3H8 (Propane/ Green gas)

1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane/HFC-134a (Duster gas)
Pages 6 and 7 of

In case you're lazy...
1 Bar =100kPa ~=14.5 PSI
273.15K = 0C
800PSI ~= 55 Bar
450 PSI ~= 31 Bar
130 PSI ~= 9 Bar
80 PSI ~= 5.5 Bar

Anyways... Since the above adapter is said to be variable between 0 PSI and 1200 PSI, IF it was set to the appropriate pressure, I believe it would be safe to use HPA with duster and propane/ green gas. Although the HPA would now be considered MPA or LPA.

Final questions:

Q1: Can HPA be used in a CO2 device IF it is properly sub regulated down to the operating pressures of CO2? For example filling a CO2 mag with HPA at 800PSI or less.

Q2: By extension could the same principle be applied to duster (~80PSI) and propane/ green gas (~120PSI) devices? For example an Airsoft Innovations tornado grenade or a GBB green gas mag with HPA set at 100PSI.
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Old June 5th, 2013, 19:07   #40
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Lotta PB and airsoft rigs have been made with 2 regulators. One at the bottle ine "mini" in line that often can be set from 0-600 or 800 or 1200psi depending on the regulator.
Runing external is still the best way to get consistancey and run it in cold tempratures.
As for using that co2 charger to run any gun/device by setting the proper psi.
Yes technically it should work but it wont really improve consistancy because the gas chamber is so small in a magazine itll be far lowwer pressure by the last shot.
Lotta guys use an adapter like that to run bb shower nades (40mm)
It technically should work for a tornado nade a pistol a gbbr or whatever you like so long as you dont exceed the strength of the device.
Folks use 800plus psi of co2 on 40mm nades. Ive heard of 280psi of HPA on a gas sniper rifle in a modified GG mag.
I think most folks use this co2 adapter
And in order to use hpa your prety much stuck with and external setup for 2 reasons. 1 is the volume of gas isnt gonna be enough in a mag
2 is youll need the external setup anyhow and then somehow rig up that adapter to the end of it to fill your mags and such so u may as well just use the rig.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper

Last edited by Hectic; June 5th, 2013 at 19:21..
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Old June 5th, 2013, 23:34   #41
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Thanks for the confirmation and speedy reply. Since I already have the tank, a 68/45 HPA tank, I think I'll save the $38 and just get the top end. I plan on using it as a universal system for all my grenades and pistol mags.
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Old June 6th, 2013, 07:22   #42
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Originally Posted by pakinshet View Post
i hope you already have gbbr that uses in-gas-mags otherwise your missing out a lot, they have a capacity of 30BBs and they shoot like real thing with recoil and shit, but once you've used them in skirmish, you'll realize straight away how stupid you are wanting something with "realism" with huge handicap because of low cap.

IF you skirmish.

We don't. We stalk through the woods for hours without firing a single shot. No better. No worse. But please stow the attitude. Skirmish isn't everything airsoft is.

You focus way to much on the "arse fucking" as well. Gay is OK with me but maybe don't broadcast so much.
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Old June 6th, 2013, 07:27   #43
aka coachster
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Will not work for grenades. Will only work for pistol mags if you have a remote line feeding it.

Replacing CO2 with HPA in a closed system like a grenade will fail if you attempt to pressurize it to a useful pressure. Expect blown seals and valves and a pathetic end result. HPA is compressed air and you are limited to the internal volume of the grenade. The expansion of compressed air is far less than that of CO2.
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