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Old August 11th, 2005, 21:36   #1
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CQB Action

I was just wondering if anyone has had a really good experience with CQB.
I've only have CQB at the Druglab at FlagRaiders, and when people do manage to get inside, it's just usually a bunch of mercy screams, so it seems like there is no real element of stealth when you hear ppl scream that. I know it's safety of course, because no one wants to play stupid and get people hurt. How do you get into the mood though for CQB when it's just people screaming mercy? or whispering it. I don't want to bring safety into this discussion, since safety always comes first obviously, just aside from that. So has anyone has a really good CQ battle? Where did you play it? Maybe something like This, yes, I know this is paintball, but it's the only real good CQB video I found. Check out one of the guys, look how close he gets shot, the end of the barrel is almost touching him, I really don't know if these guys have any mercy rules lol.
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Old August 11th, 2005, 21:40   #2
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Why not just ATTEND a cqb game some time?
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Old August 11th, 2005, 21:44   #3
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I've played a decent amount in the druglab at FlagRaiders. I'm just wondering about your experience, not mine. How you work with the mercy rules. When I've played, no one ever made it upstairs because either they couldn't get into the building, or were mercied at the bottom floor.
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Old August 11th, 2005, 21:50   #4
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Originally Posted by Greykin
I've played a decent amount in the druglab at FlagRaiders. I'm just wondering about your experience, not mine. How you work with the mercy rules. When I've played, no one ever made it upstairs because either they couldn't get into the building, or were mercied at the bottom floor.
During the winter season theres regular games at Sgt. Splatters in Toronto, However TTAC3 is opening up which might be cool to check out.
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Old August 11th, 2005, 21:52   #5
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Originally Posted by Conscript
Originally Posted by Greykin
I've played a decent amount in the druglab at FlagRaiders. I'm just wondering about your experience, not mine. How you work with the mercy rules. When I've played, no one ever made it upstairs because either they couldn't get into the building, or were mercied at the bottom floor.
During the winter season theres regular games at Sgt. Splatters in Toronto, However TTAC3 is opening up which might be cool to check out.
Ya, I'm really looking forward to TTAC3.
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Old August 11th, 2005, 22:10   #6
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In Ottawa at the LZ we regularly do CQB and there's a killhouse set up for it. The best advise I can give you is to not volunteer to be a hostage.

Lots of fun. Although it is a shame that the element of surprise can't ever be really replicated, but what can you do?

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Old August 11th, 2005, 22:14   #7
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I'm part of the Windsor Airsoft team- WAC, and we were disapointed by the overzealus mercying at some of the flagraiders games too. We have a large sectioned barn (milkroom, hayloft, silo, etc for our CQB games. We play without official mercy rules, so the combat is quite intense at times. Its also more open then the drug lab, so you actually have an ability to have shootouts across rooms and such. If you want a good CQB experience you should come out to some of our games.

(When I say, "no official mercy rules" it just means common sense applies. We are all friends and no one is out to hurt each other. Mercying happens fairly often, but theres no confrence as to who is alive when 2 groups come together. ...well there is confrencing, but the guns do the talking. )
Our CQB velocity limit is 350fps
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Old August 11th, 2005, 23:45   #8
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Originally Posted by Adrian
In Ottawa at the LZ we regularly do CQB and there's a killhouse set up for it. The best advise I can give you is to not volunteer to be a hostage.

Lots of fun. Although it is a shame that the element of surprise can't ever be really replicated, but what can you do?
I shot Boba when we played on that freight ship (PQAC - OP: Cloak Shark), thank god for Protec's because i'd have knocked myself out. Ship passages are unbelievably tight. The engine room shootout's were cool. Probably the best CQB since the abandoned 1900's monastary back in the 80's. (Cote de Liesse and 40 - demolished in 1995 aprox.)
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Old August 11th, 2005, 23:48   #9
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Poncho, wasn't that Cloak Shark ? I did missed a **** nice game.

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Old August 11th, 2005, 23:56   #10
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho
(PQAC - OP: Cloak Shark)

Shit, I had forgotten about that game! Awesome! For game atmosphere, it hasn't been beaten in my books! Though I do have to admit, that the cqb rules at the LZ make for a better game overall; semi means no spray and pray. And that's a good thing.

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Old August 12th, 2005, 00:04   #11
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In those CQB game, body armor (real or fake) is really apreciated. I also prefer to play in semi only when It's very close.

Im not a big fan of freasing. I do it most of the time, but I'd prefer to shoot 1 round in the gear. I would not mind getting shot that close too.

It's part of the game.

It also depend on who you play with, some people I trust, other I don't.

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Old August 12th, 2005, 00:06   #12
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that video is pretty awsome!!
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Old August 12th, 2005, 00:22   #13
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The drug lab isn't the be all end all of CQB.
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Old August 12th, 2005, 01:48   #14
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Here in Winnipeg we have a place called Xtreme-Tactics that is strictly CQB. Guns are limited to 350fps and 95% of people play in jeans and a tshirt, with a provided tac vest and face mask.

The general mercy rule is about 2 arm's lengths, although I think as long as you don't have anyone running a hot gun, the most damage anyone will suffer is a minor bleeder.

This is the place that got me into airsoft, and I've played games with as little as 4 people total, and as many as 12-15 per side. Its really intense, and crazy awesome action.
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Old August 12th, 2005, 10:31   #15
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Originally Posted by fantastix
We play without official mercy rules, so the combat is quite intense at times.
I wouldn't quite say that we have no official rules. Here's the excerpt from the WAC Code of Conduct.

5 Foot Safety Rule (Inside CQB)

The 5 Foot Rule does not apply in CQB. However, to fire within 5 feet of someone, certain conditions must be satisfied;

A. Your weapon fires at 350fps or lower.
B. You are in the CQB area with the opponent.

If at all possible, try not to aim for the head of someone who is only wearing goggles.

Okay, so it's more of a guideline than a rule. But yeah...use low-powered weapons and aim low, and CQB is a blast.

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