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Attention to kw airsofters



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Old March 31st, 2013, 16:26   #1
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Attention to kw airsofters

To KW airsofters, university students in particular, there is a new rule posted for the GRT, no airsoft guns on their buses.

"Dangerous Items, Materials or Carrying Containers

For the safety of the public, handguns, paintball guns, pellet guns or any type of concealed weapon are not allowed on any buses or on GRT property."
The security manager cited this bylaw:

The applicable Region of Waterloo Bylaw 05-055 Schedule A 2 (t) states:

(Prohibited Activity) – carrying any goods which are offensive, dangerous, toxic, corrosive, flammable or explosive in nature that are likely to alarm, inconvenience, cause discomfort or injure any person, or cause damage to property, whether or not such goods are contained in an approved container, without authorization.
The reason none of us knew about it is because the bylaw does not specifically state "firearm, or gun". I asked if it would be reasonable to interpret it as unlikely to do any of the above as I transport them unloaded, safety on, and with a muzzle cap. He did not directly respond to that question, but instead said he'd try to get me a permit, because he sees airsoft/paintball as a legitimate sport, and sees that students are generally limited to using public transit.
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Old March 31st, 2013, 16:47   #2
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Well that sucks. I hope they change this around. If everyone does it safe and concealed, it should be ok.

I ride the public transportation very often, I've never had an issue. I usually leave bdus and gear in the bag and guns in a Non scarey looking soft case. When I go to Flag raiders, I've never had a problem but man pestobanana this is going suck.

Last edited by cooney; March 31st, 2013 at 22:01..
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Old March 31st, 2013, 17:03   #3
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That's what he said too, but the reason the problem came up is on the way home after a game at Flag Raiders, a semi aggressive bus driver questioned us regarding the contents of our gun bags. I explained to her that it is perfectly legal to transport, and nothing relevant was on the GRT website; the closest thing being no large sporting goods unless they are in a case.

The next day I called the GRT and spoke with the security manager, because I wanted to make sure we weren't doing anything illegal. He said what I already posted, and we agreed that if these are the rules, the website should state them for safety reasons.
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Old March 31st, 2013, 17:05   #4
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post

I asked if it would be reasonable to interpret it as unlikely to do any of the above as I transport them unloaded, safety on, and with a muzzle cap.
Go a step further and put a trigger lock on and a lock on your case.
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Old March 31st, 2013, 21:37   #5
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I've seen paintballers hauling their gearbags (likely with markers in their bag) and wearing their pants and jerseys on public transit in Vancouver maybe once or twice before (not sitting down of course, that's nasty). I'm thinking it's because airsofters look like terrorist militia baby killing scary boogeymen that the driver questioned you guys. The letter of the law does prohibit these things but I'm pretty sure the spirit of the law isn't really targeting airsofters/paintballers in general (I'm thinking they're trying to target punk kids shooting their PB markers in public and not people who are going back and forth to/from the field).
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Old March 31st, 2013, 21:55   #6
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Practice safe and clandestine For public transport. What you have is an opinion of an employee. Not a court ruling. If you chose to press the issue you could end up with an expensive verdict. If you're riding the bus there is a good chance you can't afford to win that decision. So don't ride the bus in all your gear and rifle bags.
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Old March 31st, 2013, 22:16   #7
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If you are taking public transport, get a guitar case off of kijiji for your airsoft gun, they go for ~ $20 on there. Don't wear your camo or gear on the bus. Store it in a normal everyday backpack.
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Old March 31st, 2013, 22:22   #8
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Guitar case ftw...
Seriously tho the way the bylaw is worded means that no you cant "dangerous" and "likely to cause harm" covers airsoft im sure. (of course that would be in the hands of a dumbass but still it could be argued to be such)
I think the best course of action would be to get the local area airsofters to sign a patition (even go to local collage and universaties and such) baisically you will have to get local people to sign or itll be useless but if you can drum up enough signatures to get an exception to airsoft (and paintball i guess lol ) guns to be permited on public transit provided they are unloaded and in a case or bag (as they should be anyway) then you may be aboe to get the bylaw amemded. Yes it will take forever but it can be done. Talk to your local mp's and local player base. Im sure every player in the area could get at least 20 or more signatures from their local family and friends and they will add up quickly and you can fight "the man".
Or put yer bdu and tac gear in a bac pac and buy one of those cordura rectangular bass/guitar cases (looks just like alot of gun bags anyways)
and dont talk gun talk or load mags while riding the bus and you can likely get away with it. Not ideal but it would likely work.
Im wondering how did this come up to begin with was someone acting a fool on public transit with airsoft or did someone be like hey driver can i bring this on yer bus and flashed him a rifle?
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Old March 31st, 2013, 22:29   #9
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Only brought up the guitar case because it's been done before for FR Indoor. Back when Harbinger of Darkness ran games there on Monday nights back in 2008 - 2009 there were a couple of U of W (?) guys that took the bus there and used guitar cases for their guns.

If people see a gun bag they think gun, if they see a lunchbox they think lunch, if they see a guitar case...well you get the picture.
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Old March 31st, 2013, 22:35   #10
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
Only brought up the guitar case because it's been done before for FR Indoor. Back when Harbinger of Darkness ran games there on Monday nights back in 2008 - 2009 there were a couple of U of W (?) guys that took the bus there and used guitar cases for their guns.
I wasnt drecting the guitar case comment at your comment i didnt even see that i was typing slow watchin talking dead lol
I personaly think its the easyest way to be discrete untill a change in the bylaw comes cause let be serious. No one is going to get searched or arrested so long as they are responsible and not obviously caryin a gun case. Those cordura guitar/bass cases are still tacticool looking enough that on the field noone will notice its not a gun case and on the bus noone will notice its not a guitar or bass
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old March 31st, 2013, 22:47   #11
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The applicable Region of Waterloo Bylaw 05-055 Schedule A 2 (t) states:

(Prohibited Activity) – carrying any goods which are offensive, dangerous, toxic, corrosive, flammable or explosive in nature that are likely to alarm, inconvenience, cause discomfort or injure any person, or cause damage to property, whether or not such goods are contained in an approved container, without authorization.
Sooo...If a whiney soccer mom is on the bus and find that Slayer t-shirt offensive...You get kicked off the bus?

Vérificateur d'age Mauricie
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old March 31st, 2013, 23:00   #12
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Very few if any Soccer Mom's on the GRT in Waterloo Region. They are generally found shuttling around in Toyota Sienna's.
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Old March 31st, 2013, 23:02   #13
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little old lady then

Vérificateur d'age Mauricie
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old March 31st, 2013, 23:06   #14
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None of us were wearing full gear. Guns were concealed properly, we all had our loadouts put away. I kept my camo pants and combat boots on, because lots of people do that. We were questioned by the driver, she asked if we were allowed to carry them. I explained to her the relevant laws regarding airsoft guns. I did not know about the bylaw, because it did not explicitly state firearm. In the end she was okay with it, and just said she'd never seen people do that before.

The next day I called to see if there actually were rulings, and that's why the new section was added on their website, not that some bus driver reported idiots with guns.

I'm not going to petition this because I'm either goong to have myself written authorization or a 4km walk.

Last edited by pestobanana; April 1st, 2013 at 00:07..
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Old April 1st, 2013, 08:36   #15
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Bus driver asks whats in the bag boys.... well sir its none of your business. if you feel i have stated something offensive imagine how i feel sir, do you ask everyone. its an easel case i paint nudes in public ect. you have done nothing that requires them to inquire then have a nice day
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