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Old November 19th, 2012, 19:18   #16
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The FAC role isn't one you just jump into on game day, you have train for it. That would up the cost but for the lucky bugger who gets to buzz around in an airplane all day it would be a blast.
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Old November 20th, 2012, 00:35   #17
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You'd need a bit of training or rehearsal. Otherwise the FAC will wander off, get shot, not be on the net when the plane is orbiting, and generally have it all go awry.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 09:22   #18
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i donno exactly what the regs are, but i heard that you can drop stuff from aircraft under certain conditions, mainly if the owner of the field approves. I think it would be cool to release .12s from an aircraft as "napalm".

Also for those who are unaware, you cannot strap guns to the side of your aircraft as it counts as "modifying the aerodynamic properties of the aircraft" and is therefore pretty much illegal.

If your dirty rich though, a helicopter with a sniper would be pretty cool.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 09:37   #19
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Originally Posted by scnitzelmahn View Post
If your dirty rich though, a helicopter with a sniper would be pretty cool.
Rotor wash would probably be disastrous on the BBs trajectory.

I wonder if stalker tried that...

Vérificateur d'age Mauricie
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 09:48   #20
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Wash or not, this guy looks like he scored at least a few kills:

Helicopter Airsoft Door Gunner - M249 SAW - YouTube

Check out at 1:35, can see some poor guy try to run from the fire on the upper floor of an open-roofed building. He didn't make it. Likely affects trajectory but not enough to prevent you from putting down effective fire.

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Old February 22nd, 2013, 09:54   #21
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With a MG ok. But I don't think a sniper in a helo would be very effective. From the accounts, It's seems to be hard enough with RS, I can't imagine an airsoft sniper doing a good job.

Vérificateur d'age Mauricie
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 11:38   #22
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i think its just a matter of leading your shots onto your target.

maybe just get a m14 so you look like a sniper....but your actually firing from the hip spraying rounds all over the field. (considering the height, you probably could literally do that...)
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 12:21   #23
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Originally Posted by scnitzelmahn View Post
i donno exactly what the regs are, but i heard that you can drop stuff from aircraft under certain conditions, mainly if the owner of the field approves. I think it would be cool to release .12s from an aircraft as "napalm".
The TC CARs state you can drop objects from an aircraft, but I cannot create harm to persons or property. CARs 602.23

I've never dropped anything while flying, so I'd assume one would have to call up Transport Canada to clarify the legality of dropping BBs as "hazardous".

The sheer volume and cost of BBs you'd require for an effective "napalm" run would be enormous. The absolute cheapest bio BBs for volume are $17.99 for 5000, and you'd need at least 20,000 to somewhat blanket a small area. With that each napalm run costs $80, and the costs of having air support would start ballooning out of control. Not to mention you'd have to find space in the airplane for 10's of thousands of BBs.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 12:28   #24
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Sniper no machine gunner yes. A sniper even with an m14 would be prety useless from a chopper. Youd need at leas c mag or box mag itll be alot of rounds fired per target hit even a hi cap mag wouldnt quite cut it me thinks.
To the OP your idea is awesome would be cool to have the advantage of over head recon and add a new depth to the game securing control centre and the missile launch sites, heck houd hardly need any other side objectives just a main one to go along with those things as most folks would be crazy busy tryin to secure missile launch sites befor securing the command centre. Once you had all those under controll youd prety much have a cake walk to the final objective
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 14:07   #25
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Only issue I would have is about dropping things from the 500' line. Having something the weight of a smoke grenade dropped from from a few meters is already painful, from 150 it's simply dangerous.

I know it depends on the waight of the thing but I wouldn't be really confident about having a plane throwing things at me.

For the plane itself I hope you get a version with windows because I remember the DR420 I learned how to fly it was just not possible to open the cockpit in flight.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 14:19   #26
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Costs aren't that bad. Lots of new pilots want flight time; if you pay even just half of the cost of their flight time, they'll be happy to log low-priced hours. (Hell, if I had flown in the last year -which I didn't as I don't have the money needed to burn 200$/month just to keep my 172 check active at the flight school), I'd be happy to do that.

The issue is more how to do that in a way that it adds plus value to the game...
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 14:35   #27
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as for dropping BBs, i was thinking of dropping the cheap crossman rounds...15000 for 20 bucks. although they arnt bio (destroys the environment..just like the real thing!) I think it might be just a matter of what the terminal velocity of a 6mm BB is. I doubt the terminal velocity of a BB is higher than the muzzle velocity of a airsoft gun. if you used .12, then the amount of energy transferred to whatever they hit is going to be pretty low.

i think if you could prove that a BB dropped from an aircraft is weaker than a bb shot from a gun, i think you could possibly get approval from transport Canada saying that it cannot cause damage.

I cant remember exactly, but my ground school instructor said something about it being perfectly legal to drop a flour bomb from an aircraft onto a house. Again, cant remember what exactly he said.

If you ask me, i don't think is a good idea, even if it is legal...but it would be epic.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 15:14   #28
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My question is how big of a field you need to really use an aircraft? I doubt pilots want to fly in tiny circles for 3 hours..
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 15:35   #29
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Originally Posted by ViR View Post
My question is how big of a field you need to really use an aircraft? I doubt pilots want to fly in tiny circles for 3 hours..
Lol, when you need hours 3 hrs of flying in tiny circles works.

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Old February 22nd, 2013, 15:43   #30
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how many BBs do you think it will take to effectively "napalm" an area? You dump a bag or box, it's either going to be a very narrow strip or one giant blob of BBs.

There's other video of that game with the helo door gunner.. one of which was from the ground... it was extremely effective fire from the air.

Also one of the videos had a comment from the gunner himself... rotor wash seemed to be nonexistant, or at least consistent enough that you could compensate for it... but that was with his 400+fps support gun. Also, the other side of the helo had a sniper, the machine gunner said he wasn't as effective, probably because his low rate of fire and lack of training with shooting from a moving vehicle. The MGer could trace the path of his rounds while the sniper could not.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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