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TM g18c weird issue


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Old February 20th, 2013, 23:53   #1
viking9934's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Longueuil
TM g18c weird issue


So i have two glock 18c from tokyo marui.
The first one have a guns modify hammer and a pgc slide set(aluminium)
the second one have a stock hammer.
both are in guarder frame.
so the issue is : the one with the stock hammer have a snappier recoil that the one with the gun modify hammer?!
And i have tried with both slide on the stock and both slide on the gun modify and the result a similar.....sloppy recoil with the guns modify hammer even with the stock plastic slide.
do i get light valve strike?

Semper Fidelis
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Old February 21st, 2013, 02:33   #2
e-luder's Avatar
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Originally Posted by viking9934 View Post

So i have two glock 18c from tokyo marui.
The first one have a guns modify hammer and a pgc slide set(aluminium)
the second one have a stock hammer.
both are in guarder frame.
so the issue is : the one with the stock hammer have a snappier recoil that the one with the gun modify hammer?!
And i have tried with both slide on the stock and both slide on the gun modify and the result a similar.....sloppy recoil with the guns modify hammer even with the stock plastic slide.
do i get light valve strike?

It's the design of the Zero Hammer itself. The reason why this happens is because GunsModify have changed the physical layout of the hammer and valve knocker contact point because the Zero hammer no longer touches the BBU. Even after the hammer drops. The Zero Hammer kinda looks like it's in half cock when the hammer is uncocked. That's how it creates a smooth slide cycle.

I don't think that its is light striking. Have you chrono'ed the gun prior to the installation of the zero hammer and compared to post-installation?

There is, i think, a 10FPS difference from before to after the Zero Hammer. At least in some Glocks that Ive tested.
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Old February 21st, 2013, 08:00   #3
viking9934's Avatar
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Location: Longueuil
I dont have a chrono so.... But i compare easily as I have one frame with modify hammer and the other with the stock one. With the modifiy one I have the same feeling that when you fire and the mag is almost empty.
Semper Fidelis
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