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Help Needed: Comtac Comms setup


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Old February 19th, 2013, 10:21   #1
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Help Needed: Comtac Comms setup

Hey there. I'm am considering getting an replica Comtac ii (Yes knock-off I know) headset to go with my Fast Helmet. Im not an techy audio Gandalf so is it possible for one of you seasoned veterans to assist me in setting up a comm system? I just need to know the things I need without killing my credit card. (Yes I'm budgety)

Things I already have:
-Cobra 30km Walkie talkies with 2.5mm headset plug.
-a rechargable battery.
-Granola bar

Yeah thats all I have.. I dont wanna go over $100 but I might have to.

Things I think I need but not sure of

-Comtac II (Ebairsoft)
-Some other alien probe device.
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Old February 19th, 2013, 14:55   #2
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Those Cobra walkie talkies really, REALLY suck. Honestly it's not worth building a fancy comms set up around one of them.

But those just work like any other headset. Plug into PTT, plug PTT into radio, start talking.
I change primaries like other people change socks.
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Old February 19th, 2013, 15:29   #3
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You may also want to consider an Arc rail adaptor if you want the comms to be on the helmet as opposed to on your head under the Fast Helmet. I have a big head and know it won't fit under my helmet so you may want to consider looking into that as well. Save an extra hunny and grab yourself a Puxxing or something similar as a radio. Complex to set up but worth it in the long run.
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Old February 19th, 2013, 15:34   #4
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I purchased one of the comtac 2 replicas from ebairsoft and it was a dud. the mic sound system worked, but the radio function didn't. you get what you pay for with those, I'm now looking intp a new headset but don't know what I want yet.
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
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Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.
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Old February 19th, 2013, 22:54   #5
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I've had 2 replica headsets and they both sucked and died in short order. Same thing with replica PTT's. Had to repair mine and my friends a bunch until we got rid of them all. I spent 8 years having shitty comms until I bought quality and haven't looked back.

Do yourself a favour and save up for a real set of sordins. They can be found for less than 200 bucks on ebay. Swap the mic element out with a $1 high impedance mic and you can use it with any commercial radio.

There are really good radio's out of china that can be had for between $65-$120. The wouxun or puxing radios are good value for the money and will cover all the frequencies you'll ever need and are reasonably well built.

If I was on a budget, I would stay away from any replica headset or PTT and just use an inexpensive frs/gmrs radio and shoulder mic until I could afford something better. IMO you'll honestly have way less headaches going that route.
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Old February 19th, 2013, 23:40   #6
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Kimbo speaks the truth!

I tried out the z-tactical sordin replica's a couple yrs ago. And while they looked the part, and worked ok around the house. As soon as I gamed them, pffffft they shit the bed once they got some sweat in them and I was pissed.

I went to some MSA Sordins, twice now... lol. They work awesome.

I don't think you need a crazy radio for our purposes. I've been using a motorola single pin ever since I started playing and really, I don't see a need in spending the money on anything else. The PTT is the important part, although I have also had good fortune with my clone, but I did re-solder every connection in it :P I do however understand that for the most part clone PTT's suck the big one.

Save up for some real MSA Sordins. You will never consider clone coms again.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 08:38   #7
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Yeah all my friends have been encouraging me to get real Sordins (No of them have real ones) . Its quite the investment but im sure its worth it. I But my purpose of the Comtacs is just for something nice to cover my ears when wearing the FAST helmet. But why not. Thanks guys. I probably eventually get real one after all my post secondary education debt is paid..
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 12:25   #8
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Originally Posted by Kimbo View Post

Do yourself a favour and save up for a real set of sordins. They can be found for less than 200 bucks on ebay. Swap the mic element out with a $1 high impedance mic and you can use it with any commercial radio.

There are really good radio's out of china that can be had for between $65-$120. The wouxun or puxing radios are good value for the money and will cover all the frequencies you'll ever need and are reasonably well built.
This right here.

I paid $180 shipped for my real sordins, Swapped the mic, switched to a TP120 connector, and got a real avenger singlecom PTT. I also got some Arc rail adapters so they are attached to my FAST helmet.

Well worth the investment.
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