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how serious?



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Old February 1st, 2013, 22:45   #31
LOVES helmets!

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if you have a helmet with a go pro on it, its nothing but respect... this past sunday I played at ultimate and a gun had a nvg monocular on his helmet.. I said have you been using that he replied this is my first game with it, I replied I don't think you need it.
in a down talking manor... next game no monocular and I was team killed with 7 bb's in the back the next game lol.... guess he got a little mad.
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Old February 1st, 2013, 22:47   #32
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Your appearance and what you wear has not thing to do with how "serious" you are.

Calling out the other guys over what they wear is always a minefield in my books; it just makes you look a bit too queer eye for the airsoft guy.

The main advantage of a helmet is that it will stop BBs. Trust me anywhere you have a thin layer of skin over bone is not a good place to be shot.

Wearing camo? Maybe a good idea in the woods unless you like being the first guy shot all the time. Wearing a vest etc. great way to carry water and magazines and the rest. Helmets, boots, and gloves, all great ways to make sure you don't get a bleeder in the scalp, twist an ankle or fill your hand with thorns.

Stuff like fake GPS or CAT tourniquets is a bit much but I've never seen anyone around here with one so I"m not worried that I'll see one and go all over to the other side.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old February 1st, 2013, 23:09   #33
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I wear/use whatever gives me a competitive advantage. Competition being getting kills and avoiding them. I use items for comfort (good shoes, bug spray) or protection (eye wear). I am fine with some pain and blood and rather prefer it. I'd rather run lean and mean than kit up 30-60kgs of gear most of which I won't use.

I just do it for the competition and to win.
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Old February 1st, 2013, 23:15   #34
LOVES helmets!

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not to say airsoft doesn't hurt it slightly stings... I personally came from competitive speedball where if you get hit, where talking 12-15 paintballs..... I played indoor at ultimate and for the first time I felt ALIVE! lol I as running into the hurt locker and trying to get into a close quarters battle where in paintball I would avoid.. much like a pussy I guess lmao just never liked getting 10+ paintballs from 5 ft away!
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Old February 1st, 2013, 23:30   #35
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I used to only wear a helmet to MILSIM events and just wear softcovers (boonie, ballcap) during skirmishes. Now that i have been doing more CQB play at UA i have started wearing my helmet again, especially after taking a cpl rounds to the side of the head under 10 feet (shaved head = ouch). Its not that i am afraid of a lil pain and discomfort but id rather have the extra protection in close encounter environments where trigger fingers may be a lil twitchy:P

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Old February 2nd, 2013, 00:20   #36
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I also like boonies, I have one in AOR2 and want to get one in Multicam, I find them very comfortable and useful. Ball caps are also good.

Sure, helmets can be very useful, dont own one at the moment but I used to. Especially indoors at CQB games, getting hit in the head hurts a lot more then just a sting to you arms, legs, chest ect. They can also be used to attach a light, comms and a red v light or strobe for indicating you've been hit.
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 00:33   #37
Cobalt Caliber
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I always wear my helmet. I don't wear fake NVG. I don't feel silly. I feel like an airsoft player..... Should I feel feel any different. Do I enjoy playing at soldier? Yup. Is that silly? I do far more silly things.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 00:57   #38
LOVES helmets!

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I lol'ed hard! ''I do far more silly things''
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 01:15   #39
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Never ever ever ever judge anyone for doing something, there is no sense. What you do, or I do, or they do at the end of the day does not affect you or I unless they are hurting someone, then you step in.

Don't like the way people are dressing up or playing? You should then question your logic or feelings because it's just dressing up and does not affect you in any shape or form.

As for the seriousness of the game, it is just like was mentioned. In every sport, soccer and hockey for example, there are casual players who just wanna get some exercise and there are competitive players who strive to be better and COMPETE. Same rules applies to airsoft, it is NO different.

Again if you are questioning others, I would question your insecurity because it doesn't matter what they are doing, only matters what you are doing, and if you are happy with yourself, you will never worry about what others are doing.
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 01:20   #40
LOVES helmets!

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I wrote like 10 times that I don't judge people just that I personally wouldint use said devices.... if you would read... instead of skipping through posts you would have know this and not have made yourself look ignorant.
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 01:36   #41
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Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING View Post
I wrote like 10 times that I don't judge people just that I personally wouldint use said devices.... if you would read... instead of skipping through posts you would have know this and not have made yourself look ignorant.
Mr.QUATTROISKING I didn't direct my comments to anyone specifically otherwise I would have included their name in my post like I have now. I have directed them to the entire Airsoft Canada community.

As a member of the community since 2008 and actually playing throughout the last 3 years, I have seen numerous times people doing what I have written. This is why I wrote what I did.

Secondly, I have read every single post in this topic, do not assume. The only one who is looking ignorant is you right now.
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 01:42   #42
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I would wear a helmet no big deal, Ive been shot point blank in the head so at 350 fps so far no big deal, but in the forest I'd like to have one hand running around and branches whipping back and hitting you in the face , head area
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 11:41   #43
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
well if you are buying a helmet as part of a costume.. then yes I agree.

I wear a real( non ballistic) helmet to protect my noggin from falls and bumps. I can't afford to have another concussion, I've had too many.
it's quite wise actually. At nightfall at about 2 in the morning, some poor guy got so scared and panic ran right into a post or low overhang... knocked himself out.

I don't wear a helmet because I find them way too warm and uncomfortable, and it's airsoft... I don't run if I don't need to, and I don't get scared of being shot with a pew pew. Now slipping on the other hand... craig complex is some slipper shit when wet. I'll take a hit rather than break a hip. Always ensure sure footing :P
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 11:54   #44
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Been playing Airsoft for like 20 some odd years now. I own an Airsoft helmet, worn it about 3 times total in the last 10 some odd years. Bonked my head a few times over the years, but more from not ducking enough versus slipping. And I've played in slick and icy conditions several times, including the partially frozen over ferry out in BC, to wet floor indoor wood and concrete indoor fields elsewhere. Good footwear and a sense of balance always seems to protect my noggin more then a helmet ever did.

Personally it more about a completion to a kit for looks then anything. And really half of the cheap helmets out there for Airsoft, have warnings all over their boxes that they are for low impact Airsoft use only as in a serious fall they offer no protection. So unless people stop buying the $50 clones and start spending more on their tactical,helmets your only protecting against minor bumps and falls.

Ultimately it's up to each and their own, wear it if you want. Complete your gear load out for the looks. Wear iqt to protect against that head bump on a window or door frame if you trip (your still taking impact to your neck and spine anyways). Bit do not rely on it as your sole protection, learn safe falling techniques, practice balance and slip recovery foot reacting and placement. It will cut down the times you need to rely on a helmet a lot.

That and I find a helmet fogs my goggles up to all hell lol
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 14:14   #45
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Originally Posted by M.Garcia View Post
Again if you are questioning others, I would question your insecurity because it doesn't matter what they are doing, only matters what you are doing, and if you are happy with yourself, you will never worry about what others are doing.
Is that not in and of itself a judgement?

One of the great freedoms we have as Canadians is choice and I choose to judge/question everyone. I also choose to judge myself more harshly. Also, as a Canadian I choose to keep these judgements largely to myself. Reasonably, if someone asks for my opinion I am also free to share.

The greatest thing about the above is now you may judge me. Whether you share it and how you choose to do so, well that is up to you.

Let's not kid ourselves. We make judgements every day (look up the definition). To not make a stand or you internalize everything seems rather disingenuous. To not question people and what drives them, their motives deprives you of an essential tool to maneuver through society and deal with individuals.
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