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Plug in MOSFET for ARES?


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Old December 31st, 2012, 04:32   #1
Join Date: Sep 2012
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Plug in MOSFET for ARES?

I have an Ares LMG.
Here is whats inside
Guarder Torque up motor
modify piston head
modify cylinder head
modify m90 spring

I just want to know if there is any plug and play mosfets available that would be significantly beneficial to me.

as mainly a gas guy, I'm used to the almost instantaneous trigger response, now I know that there is no way to 100% replicate this. Is there anything an AEG elistist can tell me to improve this thing?

Im a noob with these things :P
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Old December 31st, 2012, 10:41   #2
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As far as I know the Ares LMG uses a proprietary gearbox so you are out of luck if you want to install something like a Raptor or Chimera, so unfortunately the product you're looking for simply doesn't exist.

Your best option is to learn how to disassemble and reassemble the LMG and its gearbox so that you can assess whether you would be able to install a real FET like this one: . That's realistically the only way you're going to deliver more power to your motor/gear system.

Also, before anyone tries to confuse you, "plug-in" trigger computer units like the Burst Avocado and Burst Wizard, etc, do not and cannot function as MOSFETs. They physically cannot increase power delivery or trigger response due to being in-line with the battery.
"Mah check"

Now you know

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Old December 31st, 2012, 11:24   #3
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
As far as I know the Ares LMG uses a proprietary gearbox so you are out of luck if you want to install something like a Raptor or Chimera, so unfortunately the product you're looking for simply doesn't exist.

Your best option is to learn how to disassemble and reassemble the LMG and its gearbox so that you can assess whether you would be able to install a real FET like this one: . That's realistically the only way you're going to deliver more power to your motor/gear system.

Also, before anyone tries to confuse you, "plug-in" trigger computer units like the Burst Avocado and Burst Wizard, etc, do not and cannot function as MOSFETs. They physically cannot increase power delivery or trigger response due to being in-line with the battery.
thanks for letting me know. I believe the LMG gearbox is not only used in the LMG. I believe its also used in the M14 as well. when my teammates m14 arrives I will see " also ares" perhaps if it is the m14 gearbox, i can maybe dump a relugar m14 gb inside? i got absolutly no idea. :P

I pretty much knew the BW and the avocado thing is garbage, thanks for confirming it tho

I guess im SOL?
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Old December 31st, 2012, 11:26   #4
Mr. Silencer
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You should probably read this:

I think if you got a good switch you can theoretically hook up a MOSFET to it, but the limiting thing is your microswitch at this point. Welcome to ARES.
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Old December 31st, 2012, 11:32   #5
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Like I stated before. Im a mainly gas person. Ive owned aegs before but they where like "ohh this is cool" buy it and play with it a few times and sell it.

Ive never actaully commited my time into an AEG but for some odd reason I love this one.

Thanks for your link

Im really SOL :P
Guess I'll just suck it up
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Old December 31st, 2012, 11:51   #6
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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You can put an external mosfet on any AEG, but you do need to take the mechbox apart to wire them.
As stated, the problem you'll likely encounter is a poor quality microswitch trigger that might not maintain a closed loop trigger signal, making it seem like the mosfet doesn't work, or only works intermittently
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