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Rifle (2 point) and pistol carrying


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Old December 10th, 2012, 22:36   #1
L473ncy's Avatar
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Rifle (2 point) and pistol carrying

I'm just wondering if anyone carries their rifle with a 2 point sling and how they do it, whether they sling it on their back and use American Carry (barrel up on strong side) or African Carry (barrel down on weak side) or whatever else.

As for pistols... Does anyone do a "cavalry draw" and is it still that effective these days or is it more effective to have a pistol holstered to your strong side (or cross draw with your strong arm if you like that)? ie. Like in this reference picture from Walking dead:
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Old December 10th, 2012, 22:56   #2
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I do african carry.
To get a good support you need the sling to be a little tight, so when aiming it's easier if you pass the weak-side elbow inside/under the sling...
In the woods i remove the sling.
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Old December 10th, 2012, 23:09   #3
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I use 2 point slings.

I hook them up like you see most folks carrying a carbine these days; under my strong arm, around my back and over my weak side shoulder. I have a hand on the pistol grip and the other on the foregrip and ready to engage. Having a quick adjust on the sling makes this a very easy to deal with style and you get good support.

For a pistol I find the very best place to carry is on the center of my chest like you see a lot of the SAS doing in Iraq photos. Not all my rigs support that though so the second choice is on my strong side on my belt. It's all woods out here so a drop leg is not my thing.
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Old December 10th, 2012, 23:16   #4
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More like this maybe?

Though with something like a MS3 with 2 point/1 point, with it being in 2 point its going to be primarily just carrying, fighting with it I would actually just have it hang around the neck instead of have my arm through the loop. 1 point mode would be the primary mode...

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Old December 11th, 2012, 01:11   #5
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I run a VTAC 2 point with the sling over my strong side. It took a bit to get used to but I like it better than a one point.
Here is a video of how I run it Viking Tactics Sling - Instructional Video - YouTube

As for my pistol I usually run it in a belt mounted holster on my strong side, and for the times I don't it's on my chest at a 45 degree angle. Now personally I see no advantage to "cavalry draw" from the weak side, it just seems pointless to me. As for cross drawing from the back you get added concealment but in any combative situation I wouldn't use it.

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Old December 11th, 2012, 08:16   #6
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I do american carry and keep my sling very tight so the gun doesn't move. I really only sling my primary when it's out of ammo or out of order. A tight sling is also much less likely to hang in branches, debris, or whatever else could catch it in your game environment. If for some reason I have to draw my pistol while my primary is not out of order, if I have to move, I keep my primary in my left hand. If I'm in a secure position, say in a bunker, and know I will not be moving for a while, I keep my primary in an easy to reach place. That being said, I usually play with long guns (SVD, M16, VSR), so carrying them with a loose sling like on RacingManiac's photo is not feasible.

As for the pistol, I like to have it close in front of me, alternate position is on my strong side's hip.
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Old December 13th, 2012, 13:58   #7
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Some like Kyle Defoor run a 2-point and and lets it hang around the neck like a necklace. Transitioning to the support side is practically seamless. However, when transitioning to pistol the rifle has trouble staying put as I like to sweep it off to my support side.

There's no definitive answer and it depends on your operating environment, personal preference, and where you are willing to compromise etc.
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Old December 13th, 2012, 14:36   #8
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The description of the African carry had me really confused, because I thought the sling went over the head. This picture helped sort thing out:

When I sling my gun, I put my head and left arm (reaction side) through the sling, so that the sling rests on my right shoulder, and my gun would hang on the left side. If I'm going to be carrying it, I'll try get it snug against my back, but that doesn't happen very often.

As for the pistol holster, I keep it on my strong side hip at the belt, or just below my hip with a drop leg, depending on which vest I'm wearing. I'm imagining that trying to cross draw from your reaction side hip would be a pain in the ass, and would slow you down. If you add to it that you're trying to find a place to swing your primary to, it's even worse. If the pistol is on your strong side, you can toss your primary to your reaction side, to get it out of the way. If you do that with a cross draw to your other hip, you have to toss your gun really hard so that it swings behind you. Otherwise you have to drop the gun straight down (or to your primary side), and reach your arm OVER your gun (in the sense that your strong hand has to cross your chest, and move away from your body OVER the gun) to get to your pistol.

If you're going to be in a position that makes it difficult to draw from your hip (ie a sitting position in a vehicle), I think it would make more sense to have your crossdraw holster placed on the front of your vest, and not all the way on the opposite side.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 13:23   #9
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my p90 is a necktie... it doesn't go anywhere when I drop it.

I generally have my serpa on my right side somewhere, either on the vest as low as I can get it or on my drop leg.

If I'm carrying my g36 the pistol setup stays the same, but I run an ms2 or convertible 2-1. If I'm ready to shoot, the sling is in 1pt over my right shoulder and under my left arm.. If I need to go hands free, I reclip to the front to change it to 2 point and pull the rilfe up under my arm so it's diagonal across my back, barrel up.

My m14 had a 3-2-1 convertible sling, I'd run it in 3 point most of the time and used the tensioner to zip it to more of a 1 point if I needed to shoot weak side.. which was extremely rare. The strap was the same, over strong shoulder, under weak arm.

generally I don't sling to my back unless I'm walking back to respawn, it's a pretty clear indicator that you're non combative at that point, or if I have to go hands free for any extended length of time. I'm not terribly concerned with speed of retrieving my rifle in that configuration, I have a pistol I can easily get to if I have to shoot. But if jumped if I don't get shot immediately, my first priority is get to cover.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old December 27th, 2012, 00:02   #10
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Personally I an running a 1pt on most of my rifles.

The one I use the most being the SCAR. 1pt over left shoulder and under right arm. I can aim with my strong (right) arm and if need be transition to me weak side without moving the sling as it fits tighter and under the stock. Main drawback is that I really can't run without holding my rifle, and if I need to crouch to grab something, the muzzle will sometimes hit the ground.

M14 is on a 2-pt but never slung unless it's to carry it. When it is, it's american carry across my back and over my left shoulder. Mind you, it's a SOCOM, so not that bulky.

My MG36 is 1pt also, exactly like the SCAR, but because of the drum mag it stays in place in my back if I need to move fast. Still barrel hitting ground issue.
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Old December 28th, 2012, 22:25   #11
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3-point Sling, less gun movement. I prefer it for CQB.

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Old December 28th, 2012, 23:21   #12
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How so?
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Old December 29th, 2012, 00:36   #13
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Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
How so?
Do all the straps up as tight as you can and then just turn your body to aim & fire. You become a human turret.
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Old December 30th, 2012, 11:46   #14
Brian McIlmoyle
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I have a wide selection of slings, and a wide selection of guns.

L85- I use a 3point.. this weapon operates on the right side, cocking, and ejection( NA) for airsoft.. so the three point does not get in the way. and it supports the gun perfectly due to it's bullpup configuration. You can't fire this gun left handed.. so transition to weak side are not an issue

With any other gun I have found the three point to have too many liabilities.

For CQB.. single point is king, in my opinion. I run a Magpul sling.. so I can go to 2 point if I want to securely stow the weapon on week side back.

For field, a conventional 2 point.. the only time I sling is for out of contact carry .. or if I am out of ammo on the primary.

I typically carry my secondary in a M4 mag pouch.. on the strong side .. I run chest rigs .. so the pistol is high on the body under the right arm.. but not so high that I can't get it out.

alternatively.. if running a belt rig. the pistol goes on right flank on the belt.

When carrying 2 point.. I run muzzle up.. to deploy Reach back grab the neck of the stock.. pull the gun back and away to free the sling from your shoulder and let it's weight pull the muzzle down.. then pull your strong hand forward .. the gun will flip, and end up with the pistol grip in your hand .. pointing forward. with some practice you can go from slung to 2 rounds down range in less than 2 seconds.
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Old December 30th, 2012, 12:39   #15
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Whenever possible, I go without a sling. I'll keep a one point on my body for times when I am dead, or need to use both my hands for something, but that doesn't occur very often. If I'm going to pistol, I tend to be in the shit in the woods, so I can always just carry it in my left hand, or toss it and come back for it in a minute or two when I die or have some admin time. Not the most ideal system, but I find sling gets in the way, especially in the woods. Plus, it keeps you flexible in your stance, and you can get into all sorts of weird positions if needed.

CQB, single point, as Brian said, seems to work very well, especially where transitioning is a much higher possibility. Plus, if you need your hands for operating objectives, people, etc, you can just drop the gun, so they make more sense. Going to weak side is a little weird, but if you just push past it, no worries, typically. Admittedly, I don't have any two point slings, but I can't imagine using them for more than stowing the weapon away for transit to and from the playing field.
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