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Old July 3rd, 2012, 12:19   #31
Mr. Silencer
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Originally Posted by Rush View Post
Ah, so I looked up the tacos and they look fairly good, as well as the eagle. Any experience with the ESSTAC M4 KYWI Wedge pouches?
Also, do you guys run Lanyards for your side arms?

@White_knight, I went for the APC because of budget restraints. The PIG was just a bit too much for me to spend right before going back to school and a wedding.
The KYWI's are next on my list of pouches to try. From what I can see they're less-silent versions of the Eagle FBs. The only thing I'm iffy on is that they don't come with MALICE clips and the "click" may not work for airsoft mags.

Waiting patiently for SKD's July 4th sale. . .
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Old July 3rd, 2012, 12:45   #32
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Haha same here
I wish they had the Triple Mag pouches in stock but unfortunately if they don't by tomorrow, its the ATS Triple for me :/
My only worry about death is that my fiancé will sell my gear for what I SAID I paid for it.....
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Old July 3rd, 2012, 13:14   #33
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I've been running a battle belt fairly often recently. On my off-hand side I have 2 double Tacos (the ones with a pistol mag stacked on a rifle mag). I've got bunches of tacos on other rigs as well. Some observations...
- they've been fine on the belt...good height position, quick to get to, doesn't get cluttered with rig
- rifle mag retention has been positive...even when hitting the dirt, crawling around etc...
- I've dropped a pistol mag once...I run a TM 5.1 hicapa...and the mags will hold, but there's a lot of weight not held by the taco pistol pouch. Not so keen on it now.
- two rifle mag tacos stacked on each other is ridiculous...sticks out a lot. As a one/first mag quick grab sort of thing, they're great. On most of my rigs I have 1-2 tacos and then regular double pouches.

I'm debating swapping the rearmost double taco to be a plain double M4 pouch (I figure by the time you need a 3-4th mag the sound of a velcro flap won't mean much)....and I'll leave the forward one as a double for now (and just snug up the retention). If I drop another pistol mag I'll switch that double to a single rifle mag.
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Old July 3rd, 2012, 17:16   #34
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I've come to like my Ghetto-fab (7.5/10 on the IKYT Scale) "H-ish" harness. I'll get to that in a sec.

I normally run a WE M4 with Co2 Cartridges and a TM 4.3 hicappa.

I run a belt but I have a double stack of the triple open M4 pouches. I have them set up on my hip and I find that reloading from the hip is a lot more efficient and less cumbersome than on my chest rig. I end up feeding my belt from my rig most of the time. The M4 pouches are condor but they've been used for a couple years now and are fairly pliant but they hold the mags very well. A couple weeks ago I managed to trip while running, catch about 4 feet of air and then belly flop onto a concrete floor. None of the mags poped out, my TM 4.3 hicappa surprisingly did. I personally wouldn't worry about mags poping out. I'm using low end gear and it's still fine.

On to my Belt! I'll post pics later to

It's a 7 Year old black leather belt with two strands of OD shock cord for suspenders.
From right to left
Condor Tornado holster
CF issue bayonette holder with Bokker Faribairn Training knife
Radio pouch with a Puxing-888 and headset
A pouch for Misc items, Boo-boo kit, cliff bar, Co2 caplets and screwdriver maybe a small bag of bastards and a speed loaderif allowable.
Condor Double Pistol pouch
Pantec Dump pouch
Double stack M4 Pouch.

I really only have a chest rig to haul mags or other kit on longer Sims. If an OP is set up I just dump my chest rig all together. The more and more I play the less and less kit I feel I need. I'm very Low-speed, High-drag even before I start to add kit.
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Old October 6th, 2012, 10:49   #35
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Bringing this thread back to life to ask a question.

I have a CPGEAR cobra riggers belt and run my holster,double mag pouch,dump pouch and multitool on it. What do you guys use to keep your pouches from slideing around?
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Old October 20th, 2012, 11:03   #36
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HSGI SureGrip Belt
3x HSGI pistol/rifle tacos
FullClip Misc Pouch
Blackhawk! G17 Serpa with MOLLE attachment

Just replaced my Condor battlebelt with the HSGI. Wow, so nice!
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 20:58   #37
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Originally Posted by Off_kilter View Post
Bringing this thread back to life to ask a question.

I have a CPGEAR cobra riggers belt and run my holster,double mag pouch,dump pouch and multitool on it. What do you guys use to keep your pouches from slideing around?
I have the same question.

Also a 2nd one.
I have seen some guys using their belt to keep their pants up as first line.
While others wear a belt on their pants and an 2nd belt for their first line.
Is there any reason and what is the best way to carry a first line?
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 21:03   #38
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I use my belt loops to keep my pouches seperated, not always the most ideal when working with some pairs of pants, but some pants made for mil or LEO use have many, many loops.

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Old December 26th, 2012, 14:01   #39
a.k.a. Egria
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Yay for Christmas
Got a new belt rig and I love it.

- HSGI suregrip patted belt
- HSGI cobra belt
- HSGI pistol taco x3
- HSGI rifle taco x2
- Blackhawk SOLAG gloves w/ Nomex
- Surefire E2D LED flashlight
- Dump pouch
- Yaesu VX-6R radio
- Blackhawk Serpa Holster
- TM 1911

(*- indicates replica)


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Old June 29th, 2014, 01:36   #40
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Gonna revive this thread from over two years ago lol.

My current belt rig for real steel shooting:

Left to right:

- HSGI Suregrip padded belt in coyote brown
- Nice stiff duty belt I get free from work - really high quality
- HSGI suspenders
- HSGI tacos x3 in coyote brown
- Maxpedition Rolly Polly dump pouch
- Blue Force Gear Helium Whisper gp pouch in coyote brown
- HSGI Bleeder Blowout kit - has 6" Israeli bandage, gauze rolls x2 and latex gloves and shears
- Not sure what brand double AR mag pouches
- TT strobe pouch - I have an MS2000 Strobe, but that stays in my hiking pack, this mainly holds my tourniquet.

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Old June 30th, 2014, 10:11   #41
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BallCancer is it just me or are your three tacos different colors?
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Old July 1st, 2014, 03:37   #42
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Hmmm yea it looks that way eh.. They aren't, but there is a little bit of dusted spray paint on them. Camera flash on my iphone doesn't help.
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Old July 1st, 2014, 11:44   #43
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Ok, cool, setup looks cool. I was wondering because I am thinking of getting sone tacos to go along with my cadpat arid vest and trying to picture it.
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Old July 1st, 2014, 12:44   #44
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Yea I know they are coyote brown and it goes well with any desert camy. I use this setup for real steal though when I'm at the range doing courses of fire.
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Old July 13th, 2014, 10:27   #45
hot_shot under fire
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