Review King Arms 68R Mags M4/M16
So today I FINALLY bought some Low-Cap * Correction no more maracas...
Box of 5
The Magazines are a metal body with 5.56mmx45 Markings with HK markings as well. overall very solid body some factory niks on the magazine but no big deal
In my KA M4 Ultra there some wopple when fiddling with the magazine when its loaded but no big deal you wont hear any movement while moving .. I dont mind the wopple looseness because when you hit that magazine release the magazine will instantly drop with may be a pro or con to you ..
Overall great magazines
Check them out definitely some to keep your eye out for King Arms hasnt disappointed yet
So one day of field test .. I found in KA M4.. that the magazines would not properly feed shot about one or two and the rest would be blanks .. I placed 3 strips of tape on the sides and problem solved .. You may have this problem or you may not so just a heads up after the modification they fed fine
Last edited by MatthewRyan; December 16th, 2012 at 22:59..